Home » Police Say Stepped Up Gun Crime Enforcement Campaign Was A Bullseye

Police Say Stepped Up Gun Crime Enforcement Campaign Was A Bullseye


By Tony Hicks –

Pittsburg police say their recent stepped-up 90-day enforcement campaign, meant to deter violent crime and get guns off the street, was a big success.

“This was both an educational and enforcement operation that netted 103 total firearms including nine assault rifles,” the department said Thursday in a Facebook post, adding there’s been some positive trends when it comes to violent crime. “The good news is that the district attorney’s office has filed charges on 90 percent of cases from this campaign.”

The increased enforcement took place from June 1 to Sept. 1, during which “there was a significant decrease in firearm-related crimes in Pittsburg,” police said.


The number of shootings during the three months went down 40 percent from the same period in 2021. The number of aggravated assaults, robberies, and homicides involving firearms went down 50 percent for the same period.

The total number of violent crimes committed during the period went down 36 percent.

There was a 58 percent increase in confiscated firearms compared to the same period in 2021. There was also a 98 percent increase when compared to the three-month moving average the past five years.

Sixty percent of the guns confiscated were ghost guns (without serial numbers). Fifty-three percent of the guns were found during traffic stops.


Approximately 54 percent of those arrested for weapons violations were not Pittsburg residents, police said. About 35 percent of the people arrested were priorly convicted felons.

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“”enforcement campaign”” What is that? Stop and search? Sounds like it. If it is more power to them.

Since everything nowadays seems to be race-based, where are the statistics based on race?

Of those arrested, what proportion were Black, White, Asian, Latino, etc?
Would those stats reveal that certain races are more likely to possess an illegal firearm?
Is there a concentration of illegal firearm possession in certain areas of Pittsburg? Why?
Would the statistics indicate any particular cohorts of socioeconomic status of the individuals?
Is there a culture of violence associated with certain races? What contributing factors likely contribute to that culture?

Exit 12a ,they dont want you to know those things,as the facts are considered racist when people know about them.If they addressed it they could at least pretend to be dealing with it in those communities,but they know it’s pointless so hide the truth about race/crime,as they flood the country with criminals that other countries released from prison to be sent here,and they just saved a ton of money not feeding crackheads that are here now.These are not good people flooding the borders,and there is to contribution to society.They are here to take,and if murder is part of the process,it’s all they know.They watch violent American movies from their countries ,then come here and emulate the violence.

Typo-“No contribution to society”

All I want to know is what they are doing differently.

The “enforcement campaign” means they are primarily cracking down on traffic violators…the ones who go 60mph down W Leland. The number of traffic stops that have yielded illegal weapons is remarkable. You’d think someone with an AR-15 on the seat wouldn’t want to attract attention by breaking traffic laws…but criminals are pretty stupid about that.

I assume they’re also staking out places where drug dealers hang out, then going after the buyers . Those folks are usually carrying…

Lol, be sure you don’t give any dirty looks to Anyone…..they can report you to “Authorities”…… and BOOM, they’ll show up to confiscate your LEGAL firearms.

Just look at what is happening to podcasters with ‘swatting’.

I’m confused. What did they do differently? Were they confiscating guns before without filing charges?

@Chicken Little
We have a George Soros sponsored DA in Becton. Which means she is soft on all crime. She has been getting push back to file on cases. It’s been catch and release under her watch and Contra Costa County voters re-elected her.
Becton was forced to file on some of the WC looters. Look up her quote in the paper.

“This was both an educational and enforcement operation that netted 103 total firearms including nine assault rifles,” the department said Thursday in a Facebook post, adding there’s been some positive trends when it comes to violent crime. “The good news is that the district attorney’s office has filed charges on 90 percent of cases from this campaign.”

$10 none of the guns were purchased legally. Criminals are not going to pass a test, pass a background check, and wait 10 days for their gat. They’re not going to pass another background check for ammunition.

See “The War on Drugs” for more government success stories.

If this is true and not just a political move why did it take such a long time to do this?

By definition “Assault Rifles” are selectable Semi-Auto to Fully-Auto

So 9 machine guns.

A semi-automatic is not a machine gun.

So now the PD doesn’t know the definition of an “assault rifle.” Obviously nobody in the PD has been in the military. They ought not to be enforcing laws when they can’t even provide a correct definition.

Machine guns are not the same as submachine guns are not the same as assault rifles are not the same as assault “weapons” (the last being a cooked-up definition by the politicians as a scare tactic).

Gun control => all 5X. Everything else is BS control.

The percenages look pretty good.

I think everyone would like to see those stats move closer to zero.

he good news is that the district attorney’s office has filed charges on 90 percent of cases from this campaign.”

Ok, 90% of what? 2, 10 or 100? That number makes a difference.

The police should be capable of this sort of police work as part of their regular duty.

Wow, you mean having police be pro active actually works?? Who would’ve thought. Thank you police officers for what you do!! Liberals maybe this will make you vote different? I doubt it, but one day maybe you’ll get it. One day…..

In my 55 years on this planet, I learned you can’t fix stupid. And the new woke democrat is brainwashed. They will never get it.

What is wrong with you people???
I personally think this is GREAT NEWS!
I am someone who lost my wonderful sister by a gunshot to her head. This was her on again off again boyfriend who should have been locked up because he held her at gunpoint a year earlier but since there were no bullets in the gun at the time, he got off with just an anger management class.
I’ll take ANYTHING to get these guns off the streets, I don’t understand why you all are criticizing this…..it’s unbelievable!
I’m guessing if your loved one was murdered by a gun, you’d change your criticizing this to being thankful that something is being done. They’ll never be able to get every last gun off the streets, but this is a pretty good start, at least in my eyes.
Shame on all of you….Nobody is talking about legal guns here, unless they were being used illegally; this was the case with my sister. I can only wonder how you’d think if someone were to point a gun at you or your loved one.
R.I.P. Linda💖 1952-2004

The gun didnt do it,the gun isnt to blame,and no gun control could have stppped that.Wake up maybe,and place the blame on the person,not the object.
Guns are banned in Chicago and 50 people get shot every weekend.You are confused.,Gun control never has and never wiil stop illegal gun possesion and use,or murder.Its like trying to ban the sun rising.

What a terrible tragedy. I’m so sorry about your sister.

I think this is great news, too. Police should keep doing whatever it was they were doing in these months. Imagine what could be accomplished in a year’s time.

James is correct.

It’s no different than those being killed by cars . You don’t see cars being banned. You don’t NEED a 250hp engine. You don’t NEED to go 100 mph.


“… About 35 percent of the people arrested were priorly convicted felons.”
CA’s already restrictive gun ownership laws don’t work.
Criminals dont follow laws…. That’s why they’re criminals.

“Wouldn’t it been easier to have a “Gun buy back” event. I am sure all these guns plus more would have been turned in by those arrested”…..From the mind of a liberal!!!

Sounds like they are saying %46 of all people arrested for weapons violations were Pittsburg residents,but they word saladed it.

In California, any semiautomatic rifle that looks “scary” is an “Assault Rifle”….
even if you only use it for self defense.

I’ve always found it interesting that the left claims the AR-15 has no legitimate defensive use and is designed for one purpose, to kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Yet almost every police department uses them. How do they explain that?

Chicken Little, What? What are you trying to say? If the police have assault rifles it’s a good thing. Certain people not so much.

Yes, that’s exactly my point. An AR-15 clearly has a legitimate defensive use. The gun isn’t “evil”. It just depends on who’s holding it.

A handgun that holds 16 bullets is just as deadly and you can conceal it,and it will never be outlawed.
You cant hide a rifle,yet theyare worried about rifles,and they don’t even know why.
The “NRA” has them confused

Over 50% of the guns were found during a traffic stop. Yes! Continue to pull over cars with ‘petty’ offenses like expired tags and burnt our tail lights. Who knows what treasures you’ll find.



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