Home » Former FBI Special Agent From Contra Costa County Facing Up To 45 Years In Prison For Bribes, Conspiracy

Former FBI Special Agent From Contra Costa County Facing Up To 45 Years In Prison For Bribes, Conspiracy


A former FBI special agent from Lafayette was convicted on Tuesday of conspiring to accept at least $150,000 in cash bribes and other items of value in exchange for providing sensitive law enforcement information, the Department of Justice has announced.

Babak Broumand, 56, was an FBI special agent from January of 1999 until shortly after search warrants were issued for his home and businesses in 2018, the DOJ said. Broumand was responsible for national security investigations and was assigned to the FBI field office in San Francisco.

From January of 2015 to December of 2018, Broumand accepted cash, checks, private jet flights, a Ducati motorcycle, hotel stays, escorts, meals and other items of value from an organized crime-linked lawyer. In return for the bribes, Broumand conducted law enforcement database inquiries to assist the lawyer and his associates avoid prosecution and monitoring. Specifically, the DOJ said that Broumand would tell the lawyer and his associates who to stay away from because they were under federal investigation.

In order to conceal his relationship with the lawyer, Broumand made it look like the attorney was a confidential informant or FBI source. He wrote reports after the fact to make it appear that he had conducted legitimate database inquiries.


Illegal payments to Broumand were deposited into he and his wife’s business accounts, known as Love Bugs LLC, a lice-removal hair salon business in Lafayette.

Soon after the bribery scheme began, the DOJ said Broumand was asked to look in the FBI database for Levon Termendzhyan, an Armenian organized crime figure for whom the lawyer had worked. Broumand accessed Termendzhyan’s information in the FBI database several times and revealed that he was being investigated in Los Angeles. Termendzhyan is currently awaiting sentencing related to a $1 billion tax fraud scheme.

Sentencing for Broumand is scheduled for Jan. 30 and he is facing up to 45 years in prison.

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Yeah, everything is just fine over at the FBI. Another story appeared just this morning about a raid of Americans simply expressing their opinions by the FBI goons. When Trump is back, there should be a complete overhaul of the Democrat Party muscle known as the FBI. We need perp walks, and much, much more.

Sounds like he’s not much above the level of what his wife’s business deals with. Seems like I read about “Love Bugs” in the last couple of months, was there a mention or comment on Claycord about it?….Where ever I read it, it struck me funny to have a business dedicated to lice removal, in Lafayette no less…. anyone?

I’d trust deputy Barney over the FBI any day.

Spot on! The FBI needs to be cleansed of the deep state criminals decisively.


The FBI could seriously use some lice removal.

Love Bugs was great when my kids contracted lice from a school friend. Happened around 15 yrs ago. At the time, there were several lice breakouts at their elementary school. The school actually gave out Love Bugs’ contact info to bring home to their parents. All of the parents were encouraged to get a free check up for themselves and their kids.

We took them in and they both had them. YUCK. My wife and I did not have them. The kids had to go for several treatments and were finally bug free. We also had to boil toys and hair brushes. Also had to bag up stuffed animals, pillows, etc. in sealed plastic bags for weeks so that any critters on them would starve and die.

It was a pain.

Trump won’t be back. He will be in jail. The DOJ believes Trump STILL has classified documents hidden somewhere,

“Trump won’t be back. He will be in jail.”
How long have you idiots been repeating that same wet dream?

Right on, Noj! Now let’s get Trump back in!

Greed and stupidity on display, you’d think he was a California politician.

…. +1 .. and how many more?

Crickey !!!!

The FBI has enough information to put Joe and Hunter away for good but they have joined the left. Trust for the FBI or CIA is zero. Joe Biden is on video saying we will stop Nord Stream two. Now he blames the Russians for blowing up their own pipeline. We have a very sick government. Can’t believe any of them.

What about the wife, did she get busted too?

Right, we don’t need to have any oversights on the FBI (or IRS)….they’re as “clean” as the Vatican!!

Probably the filthiest of all the filthy federal agencies. These goons harass citizens on behalf of their crooked political bosses.

Well there are without doubt some crooked FBI agents. Could any of the trump echoers please tell me an institution that is 100 % not corrupt ?Priesthood? Judges? Teachers?

As soon as Trump attacked the FBI his dim followers jumped on the band wagon. Their theory is if an institution is not perfect it’s run by tyrants and 100% corrupt.

The Dem party, judging by the lack of arrests and prosecution.

Frank: Of the three institutions you mention, the priesthood is the most relevant because being similar to the FBI it has a pyramid structure of power, organized goals and cloaked in secrecy and mystique. The abuse in the priesthood case has damaged huge numbers of individuals and cost the Church $4 billion dollars in penalties so far worldwide. The FBI also has a long history of abuse such as their attempts to blackmail MLK into suicide to avoid the FBI outing his extra-marital affairs. Lately, they have materially impacted the voting in each of the last two elections in favor of one party (Russia hoax and suppressing information about Hunter’s laptop). Are you arguing that the Catholic Church and FBI should just be able to continue in secrecy without any consequences? The consequences of the Catholic abuse scandal is emotionally much more horrendous, but the FBI scandal probably changed the outcome of who is running a 330 million person country, led to massive inflation, recession, millions of illegals in migration, and encouraged the acceptance of corruption as a tactic for one of the political parties.

It was James Comey’s testimony that convinced me the FBI cannot be trusted.

Professor, TDL & Dawg ….. Right on! Tell it like it is!

This should be Trump’s rally song for ’24


Here’s a thought: How about using the same amount of resources in this case…..THAT WERE USED IN GOING AFTER THE JANUARY 6TH SUSPECTS!!!

It’s RIDICULOUS that his Lake Tahoe vacation home is not going to be seized. You know absolutely that it was purchased with Dirty money.

FBI gotta protect Their Boy. A more thorough investigation might reveal more corrupt agents.

“Love Bugs LLC, a lice-removal hair salon business in Lafayette.” People in Lafayette have lice!!! Ewwww



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