Home » The Water Cooler – Who Should Develop The Concord Naval Weapons Station Land?

The Water Cooler – Who Should Develop The Concord Naval Weapons Station Land?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Currently, Concord First team, a development group comprised of Discovery Builders, Lewis Concord Member, LLC and California Capital and Investment Group has been selected as the master developer for the Concord Naval Weapons Station reuse project.

QUESTION: Are you happy with this team of developers, or do you have someone else in mind who you think would be a better choice?

Talk about it.

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not Seeno anybody will be okay

Build a prison.

Leave it as is. The infrastructure (power, water, roads, sewer, schools, etc) does not exist to support it.

Discovery Builders is just Seeno under another name – pure crap developments.

Unfortunately the politicians see development as a tool to increase the tax base – thereby pulling more property tax dollars in for their favorite feel-good “projects.”

Did the citizens of Concord ever get a chance to vote on any development ? i kinda liked it when the elk were running around at the NWS . I ain’t much happy about destroying any open space.

i’m afraid the big money people won this one , again .

Definitely NOT Seeno (Discovery Builders). Their homes are poorly built and barely pass building codes.
That company renegs on agreements/requirements and also runs roughshod over elected officials (just ask Pittsburg and Fairfield city staff!).

Discovery builders is owned by the Seeno family. They have had numerous problems over the years with shoddy worksmanship, as well as federal charges for intimidation. Go with a larger company like Pulte or Lennar

Leave it sit until Gavin does something about the water shortage. We need zero houses in the entire state until that’s fixed.

I agree with WC.
I just let my lawn die to meet water reduction requests
Why are we building new homes when we don’t have enough water for the existing homes.

Give it back to the elk.


NOBODY should develop it. Leave it as is.


Why don’t you ask the residents in EAST county how they enjoy their new glitz glamour, and ill-gotten PAINS.

Ask Trump to develop it. Watch heads explode

Leave it as open space.


If the county and state were smart they would turn the whole thing into a redwood park. What they will do is make a mess out of the area instead.

I’m beginning to think that no matter who is selected that nothing will ever get built. Oh yeah, if you include the [ low-income ] sorry, the ( financially challenged ) you’ll be looking at a rising crime problem with section 8 free loaders. 😉

Not Seeno for sure! As a long-time resident of Concord, it breaks my heart to envision the Naval Weapons Station land polluted with everything that more housing, businesses and people will bring. Oh, to have it remain open space with its unobstructed view of Mt. Diablo. If only.

Considering the City Council sold out to the Unions and there is a PLAN agreement in place. Nothing will ever be built because the developer (whoever it is) will not be able to pay “Prevailing Wage” and produce homes at an affordable price.

Fed Up you are 100% spot on.

The Project Labor Agreement is a convenient way for corrupt politicians to buy votes at someone else’s expense. In this case the union kick back gets passed on to the home buyer.

Dems love those PLA’s.

You know Fed Up and JRocks. The facts remain crystalized and clear. WE are fed up with excessive projects, gross polluters, and dreamers on this panel of County supervisors wash out. SCHEMES. Don’t install excessive traffic control lights everywhere and expect normal citizens to behave compliant.
The average mean temperatures are causing us to die. We want to live. We want to live in peace, we want to live normal lives. We want and need reality.

How about it’s left for our wildlife! Nothing more irritating then more building so there’s more traffic, more trash, more annoyance and all the city wants to do is cause more drought issues and ruin the land ALL DUE TO MONEY! We really do not need anything else in Contra Costa County. We pretty much have everything.

Maybe Wick Buildings…they build horse stables. With the elimination of gas run cars, and inability to provide sufficient electricity for even a percentage of electric vehicles, we’ll probably have to go back to riding horseback. Might need a place to keep them.

I do like the idea of leaving a substantial portion of the area as open space, or plant native trees that can tolerate the drier climate of the area, while building some housing, not future tenement style, though.

Nobody!!! If is,for sure not See No Homes

Sorry folks its Government Mandated Project Labor Agreements (PLA)not PLAN. Google: Government Mandated Project Labor Agreements it will explain how PLA works for Commercial Development but fails for Residential Development which needs more flexibility.

@Fed Up
Why would a PLA forcing a builder to use union labor work for a commercial project? The end result is the same. Union kick backs at the expense of the end consumer.

They should build a reservoir like the Lafayette reservoir and have a walking trail around it with lots of trees.

And fill the reservoir with what? How bout homeless..yea or politicians.

Great idea.
I agree!

Delta water Local

For Real we need air circulation around here. Stay out of our lives Corporate Greed America !!!!!

Leave it open space.

Donate it to Save Mt Diablo or some other similar group.


A lot of silver has already crossed a lot of palms.

This incredibly costly fiasco is going to happen whether to people want it or not.

And most won’t when they see that will happen to their property and sales tax rates.

Of course Seeno will get it! $$$$$$
Build 100,000 low income apartments. Section 8.

Recreational area with a reservoir and trails. Huge dog parks. A solar farm on the hills to help power the facilities. Otherwise leave it as is. Bring the wildlife back.

The Nation Park Service.
No more houses, apartment buildings, condos, strip malls, office buildings, fast food joints, motels, hotels, airports, movie theaters, Starbucks, McDonalds, Chucky Cheeses, Chicken Delights, 7 11s…..

No one. The end.

Leave the land alone.

I think it should be sold back to the family from which it was seized by Eminent Domain, for the same price they received, plus interest, but not based on the land value today.


Not Seeno = leave it open space

Or will it be put back into service when the US’s escalating proxy war with Russia ends with a nuclear bang? Or will the Army side delay development if something happens to its ongoing nuclear shipments?

If that happens there will be no need for anything. It would all be over in a day.

I say we leave it at open space forever.
Can you even imagine what this area would look like today if the Gubment never came in and took over all this property?

From the very first meeting after the base closure was announced 15 years ago almost 100% of the speakers wanted the land declared open space and/or developed as city parks. The disposition of this property should’ve been put on the ballot for Concord voters to decide what they wanted to happen with this property, but both the past and current incarnations of the Concord City Council are COWARDS that fear the will of voters and believe only they know what’s best for Concord citizens and resident, but THEY DON’T!!!

If the Seeno’s are or aren’t the Master Developer, they will still develop part of this property. A Master Developer that doesn’t include the Seeno’s will sell a portion of this land to the Seeno’s for development.

No one should build there turn it into a park. Traffic would be horrible This city would be in permanent gridlock. Also there is this important item it’s called water

Rolling Wheels,

The Concord City Council has said “we know that traffic will be a problem and existing residents are just going to have to deal with it!”

The Contra Costa Water District has informed the City of Concord that they will have more than enough water available for the estimated 28,000 population (Concord estimate), 33,000 population (Navy population), 40,000 population (Lennar estimate), 27,000 workforce population, and the 10,000 – 40,000 population at the college/university. At the California Water Conference our Contra Costa County Supervisor, Karen Mitchoff, told the Conference that Contra Costa County residents (within the Contra Costa Water District) wanted to share our water with other water districts in the state that are in need of water because we have a water surplus. We have one of only four reservoirs in California that can be expanded and the Contra Costa Water District wants to expand our reservoir with other water districts to make it a “shared water resource.”

You people certainly don’t know what was required by the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Act.

@Exit 12A….Until it’s cleaned up to the EPA’s standards and approval it won’t be closed under the BRAC Act, it’s still being determined at this time. Is that what “you people” don’t understand? Educate us people.

DEFINITELY exclude Seeno!!!

There are about 4-5 sub developers that are part of the Seeno empire! Discovery is one of them, North State is another, so on.

Nobody should build there. Absolutely nothing. That is the home to many wild creatures. Animals that have lived in this area long before people ever showed up. Sadly, with the greed of developers and the urban sprawl, nature always bats last.

Nature should develop it with the State Park system overseeing a trail network.

Use it as a large park with baseball, softball, and soccer fields. Also could use it as a 1/4 mile race track, to keep the racers off the streets.



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