Home » Contra Costa Health Department Gets Federal Money To Battle Community Violence

Contra Costa Health Department Gets Federal Money To Battle Community Violence


The U.S. Department of Justice sent a $1.5 million grant to Contra Costa Health Services to help develop public health strategies to reduce community violence, county officials announced.

The money will go to a program focusing on evidence-based application of social services in populations disproportionately affected by violent crime to improve outcomes, particularly in East and West County.

“Contra Costa Health has been working to prevent community violence since 1983,” said Karen Mitchoff, chairperson of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, in a statement. “This grant will inform the strategic vision of the violence prevention program going forward.”

A team including community stakeholders will assess the causes of violent crime in county communities disproportionately affected by violence. It will work with cities and law enforcement and community-based organizations to develop a plan to reduce violence-related injury and death, and improve physical and behavioral health, health equity, safety perceptions, and community partnerships.


“This funding will be used to save lives across our county,” Gilbert Salinas, CCHS chief equity officer, said in a statement.

Contra Costa’s multi-year plan will focus on developing social-emotional learning programs for at-risk youth, building workforce development opportunities and career paths, and working with communities to improve the physical environment, neighborhood appearance and community engagement.

CCHS will partner with the nonprofit National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform during the grant’s first year for research and planning help, including an analysis of the county’s existing violence prevention efforts.

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If you want violence prevention, use it to pay Becton to prosecute and jail criminals for a change.

Health Department???????
The lunacy continues
What a waste of money. Evidence based is manipulation of numbers to benefit who is seeking money. This approach has been tried for decades under different names. It’s just a business model. Follow this experiment and see what happens, NOTHING! Except some people claiming to help this population will get paid.


No personal accountability in the Democrats world. It’s always some one else’s fault.

“Contra Costa Health has been working to prevent community violence since 1983,” said Karen Mitchoff, chairperson of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, in a statement.

Yes, indeed. And it has failed miserably.

Another bucket of money will go into a few select pockets.

Nothing else will change.


Well there’s a waste of money, it hasn’t worked in Oakland………….just had murder number 101 for the year yesterday.

Firestone 11R

Bulldoze Monument corridor, you’re welcome.

Enforce existing laws, hold people accountable and responsible for their actions and see how that works!!!
Health Services?

They will not discuss Gangsta Rap or the destruction of black family values by the Marxist media and entertainment industry. TV and movies and overall laziness and bad attitudes are prime factors that cannot simply be mitigated by social services task force LoL. CCHealth is part of the problem, not the solution. Under no scenario are white people and Christian culture to have any blame for this cultural phenomenon.

The biggest problem the Dems have with their fight against violence is that they are in denial. They deny that it’s mostly their fault. They have liberal-woke prosecutors that refuse to prosecute, they promote no cash bail, and defund the police. They allow vagrancy, and let the homeless wander anywhere they choose. When a mob is committing a crime, the wussy police chiefs will order their officers to stand down. Another thing the Dems are in denial of is that there are certain ethnic groups that are more prone to violence than other ethnic groups. That’s not to say all ethnic groups don’t have the potential to commit violence, only to say that some are more violent than others. But they don’t believe it, they believe all people are created equal, except Republicans, and anybody that doesn’t agree with them.


Once again, Dawg is absolutely correct.

@Dawg….Spot on, nicely put.

Battling windmills as usual.

I wonder if people who take illegal drugs know how many people died a violent death to bring them their high. I think if they knew they wouldn’t care.

Notice they don’t say how long that $1.5 million will last?
Its all money for salaries for people to hire people to run this.
Sounds like it will last a month or 2,then what?
If they didn’t do this though,liberals would say nothing is being done,when nothing can be done,people just need to behave.No amoiunt of billions can solve that.
Lock em up is where the money needs to go.
I know,I know,make llaws making violence and domestic violence illegal..
There.Problem solved.For free,

A “chief equity officer?”

Throwing more money down a rathole. The politicians keep doing the same $hit and expect it to work “this time.”

And those morons keep getting elected….tells you a lot about the level of “intelligence” of the average democrat voter.

Just more wasted tax dollars and money grab for useless reasons.Cure eye for an eye steal and loose a hand murder and death penalty no appeal.Same old bull never going to stop.

Like Alice in Wonderland’s Cheshire Cat, the Democrats just redefine words to fit their agenda. The Health Department should not be focusing on violent crime, the justice system should. Ironically, the Biden administration redefined the Justice Department so that justice includes equity and created within it a new Office of Environmental Justice to buy air filters and work on lead paint projects for underserved communities. Buying an air filter is now justice. And their Inflation Reduction Act had nothing to do with reducing inflation and was money thrown at global warming and other projects with some twisted excuses about how it would reduce prices. The Cheshire Cat’s smile is fading away, but we are still stuck with these dishonestly named programs.

Use the money for these four items:
1. Build/expand jail and prison facilities. If your jail isn’t full these days then the crime rate is probably high.
2. Increase the number of court facilities to remove backlogs which hold up trial dates.
3. Increase police pay so as to demand that those who serve are the best. High pay/high expectations..
4. Guilty means going to jail or prison, not loose on parole. Make it so !!


The Health Department is going to battle violent crime?!? I’m sorry but shouldn’t that be the domain of the justice system?!? Policing and prosecuting violent criminals to the fullest extent of the law would be an enormous step in the right direction.

None of this thinly veiled garbage about “equity”. That was just some #$%^@! the liberals made up. Most of us do understand that don’t we? Arrest violent criminals and come down HARD on them….all of them equally….no mitigating factors, no justification, no more B.S.

The Health Dept can’t even monitor restaurants or Nursing Homes.

“Community Violence “? Lol & SMH

“Evidence Based” = “Agenda Based”

all government is theft.
fix the potholes.

Here’s an idea: Keep violent people in jail and prison.

If “Black Lives Matter”, shouldn’t they stop killing each other?
The issue of black-on-black homicides is not a gun problem. Rather, the problem is their social and cultural values.

They don’t just kill each other at a very high rate.
Without them.America would be the nicest cleanest country in the western hemisphere and maybe the world.
But it it wasn’t fpr that,we would be crowded like Canada is with Asians.
The Asians go where they feel safe which means they avoid the USA if possible.You can look at demographics of any city in the world and it will tell you right away if it’s safe to be there or not.



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