Home » UPDATE: Concord Police Responding To Sunvalley Mall Due To Suspected Armed Individual

UPDATE: Concord Police Responding To Sunvalley Mall Due To Suspected Armed Individual


Concord police said Wednesday afternoon that officers are responding to the Sunvalley Shopping Center and they are asking people to avoid the area.

Police did not elaborate, and only said it was an “incident,” but unconfirmed reports say they’re looking for a suspected armed individual.

UPDATE: The mall is being evacuated.

The suspect is a Hispanic male who was allegedly armed with a gun. He was near BJ’s Brewhouse at the north end of the mall when police arrived.


UPDATE: The suspect has been spotted with the police drone in the middle of the mall.

UPDATE: There was never an “active shooter.” Other news outlets reported an “active shooter,” but that is not true.

UPDATE: The man has been taken into custody. The mall will reopen shortly.

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Looks like 3 helicopters flying over the mall. Can see them from college park area

I still have no idea what was going on, but I was inside the mall when they locked it down. There were a lot of police on the upper level by JC Penny. All the doors and store fronts were locked. I was hastily escorted out of the building on the lower level of JC Penny by a heavily armed police officer. Very scary.

Listening to my police scanner,

They have the suspect visible on the drone.

Attempting verbal contact.

Couldn’t establish verbal communication with the drone

It is highly unlikely that employed people are committing crimes.

You are being extremely naive.

The unemployed are more likely to steal,is safe to say.
It is less likely that gainfully employed people are committing theft,maybe.Theft at work is a different story.Temptation effects alot of people.

Concord Police has made verbal conctact

This should not come as any surprise to anyone. Look at the crime rate in the area where we live.

“…to be occupied by people from bay point, Antioch so …
. More crimes if that happen?”
Your statement above is that of an elitist.

People in bp commit more crime on average than people from PH who commit more than people from Japan.

It’s just facts.

Even if it is an elitist comment,it is a very true comment.
Your emotions CAN’T change facts,sonny,and freedom of speech seems to be a sin to to the lower rent people.
Face reality,do something about it,but nothing can be done,it’s too far gone.

Very sad!
It made me remember what a beautiful Mall it was back in the 1970s. They often had displays of new Cadillacs, Lincoln’s and Mercedes cars lining the inside promenade.
ZsaZsa Gabor and other luminaries would visit to do promotions.
While I do appreciate Macy’s and Penneys, basically, the Mall is nothing more now than purveyors of ghetto type basketball shoes and ball caps, favored by the low-end.

The low end that never spends a dime there… just the five finger discount and smash and grab.

I was there today and noticed there are a lot of jewelry stores there, too many.

Badge 1104 +1

Suspected of what?

From what I heard, he had some sort of gun.

In CA, not matter what SCOTUS says,

1. it’s impossible to get a permit to carry a gun.
2. carrying a gun is illegal.
3. if you happen to be walking around with a gun, your in big trouble.
even if you did nothing else wrong.

In the majority of California counties, it’s actually relatively easy to get a CCW permit, which is valid in the entire state. It’s mostly in the Bay Area where it’s difficult, and that’s changing.

… there are scumbags everywhere.
You’re a POS.

At Exit

Not elitist, but realist.

Since they shut down the problem housing projects in West County and moved most to Antioch (right about the time Antioch really went into the gutter – correlation?) violent crime has spiked in central county. Shootings in Walnut Creek, robberies in Concord, Danville, and Lafayette, it all started after the move Many of those responsible have turned out to come from east county, primarily Antioch.

This isn’t brain surgery! This has to do with problem people who will never change. They’ve simply been moved, which is bring down the quality of life in different area. No! Not elitist at all. All you need to do is open your eyes and get your head out of the sand.

Love how you people act like these won’t be low-income housing for people who choose not to work. Statistically speaking, those people from those areas commit more crimes. And they usually come to this area to do it.

Exit- but WAY more in those areas. And they come here to loot and commit crimes.

I work at the mall, but was off today. I work with several people that live in Bay Point, Antioch and Pittsburgh, some have been with the company for years, one 11 another 22. We also have many customers from those areas, how do I know, because often customers need us to look up their card, or they pay their bill, looking up the card is done with a drivers license, and often when paying a bill people will bring in the bill. Certainly some that live in that area commit crimes, but many and probably most are just ordinary people who go to work everyday, and shop for clothes and household items, and pay their bills on time, I would venture to say that is most, however that does not make the news.

People just need a scapegoat to make them feel better. Someone in another comment mentioned something about soaring crime rates and all statistics available show the early 2000s as much higher than now. It’s bonkers what people will make up about others just because they can’t explain something or don’t understand how statistics work.

We have more crime, less is prosecuted. We have activist district attorneys who refuse to charge violent criminals because of concepts like equity. Look at the homeless plague in Oakland for instance; endless, constant crime, yet noon of them are arrested for trespassing, loitering, theft, sexual harassment of women, and constant littering and arson.

Da becton literally said during the blm riots that she would not charge looters if it was determined the thief “needed” what they were stealing.

It’s called Anarcho tyranny, and we’re living it.

and no one knew Hanne worked at the Mall 😉

@aunt Barbara
Be nice – Hanna seems like a very nice person with a good heart

Paul’s comment is that of a, ‘realist’…

That Mall’s been going down hill ever since Sears quit selling popcorn.
It’s really too bad.
Over a year ago I went into Sears for a couple of tools and took a walk through the upstairs and downstairs corridors. The clientele has really changed. Would a young family have dinner at The Red Robin or BJ’s? Perhaps, but the Dad, unless brain dead, would be on high alert and with good reason.
I feel sorry for the employees and the business owners as they suffer most for California’s pro-crime stance. Years ago I heard the phrase “teach tolerance”. I didn’t realize they were talking about tolerating crime.


Lawyers steal from clients. bean counters cook the book. Wage theft. Those are just a few examples of white collar crimes .
On the low end, the biggest thief in retail is employee steal merchandise.
Even the government employee steal. I know a guy who was an benefit analysis for SSA stole benefit checks from SSI recipients and deposited in his personal account.

So don’t be surprised

I grew up in Concord. Took the bus to the mall back in the 70’s. Rode my bike to McDonald’s on Monument (and the Dome but don’t get me started). It was safe back then. Now I avoid both areas for good reason.

I like Concord. Hate as you may and No I’m not invalidating SOME points, we have as a community a rich and diverse ethnic background for the betterment of us all. No I’m not a fan of the homeless crisis or the obvious BS that we see. But this is a good community at heart.

Im stil waitng for someone to explain how diversity is for’ the betterment of us all”?
It only helps the diverse placed into a non diverse crowd,by them gaining things they didnt really earn but they got it thru “equity”
Helping few n lowering standards for many
Diversity is not a homeless thing.Almost all homeless are whites.The others let their kids live at home with multi generation households and 12 cars out front.Its better experience for those electing to create diversity,,but not for those that have diversity forced upon them.
And that is diversity .When you have an area thats an 8 and you bring in 2’s everyone become’s a 5.It’s only good for the 2’s.Screw the guy that paid a million dollars for his home because he earned it.

– because the government told you it’s better.

Nobody has an answer.They coddle and cater to the %5 while the %95 is robbed blind by lower property values,high crime,no benefits at all,but if you speak up you are a racist.I saw a U-tube video with 2 black ladies showing a map of the US and all the areas where families that made $300 k+;lived.
Then then said that %90 of all residents in these areas were white,and that this was blatantly racist.No mention that it is that way because these people have a good income and worked for what they have.These ladies were literally acting all confused as if there are the same amount of their people making the same money but not allowed to live there,etc.\
They were manufacturing racism and becoming victims right in front of my eyes.

I actually like Concord, and am wondering why my previous post isn’t up for why I like Concord.

.. reinforces why I don’t go yo SV Mall anymore … sad what it’s become

Diana Becton and her Marxist DA cohorts around the nation literally commanded the black community to go out and steal in her manifesto. She wrote that she would not prosecute theft if there was “ need” a highly subjective word. When you go out to Sunvalley or Broadway Plaza take a look around you. Look for the overstuffed bags from luxury stores, look for groups of loud, disrespectful people, look for the ones arguing with the cashier during a return. You will be shocked when you realize that they are everywhere, swarming around you.

100% accurate!

Nothing illustrates the decline of this once great nation better than a visit to Sunvalley Mall.
Blame squarely falls on the left. They destroyed the country to remake it into a third-world ghetto.
And the worst is yet to come.

Very accurate comment. I’ve been posting on Claycord for years regarding the decline of this area, and how it’s turning into LA. I’ve been labeled be the left as a racist, blah, blah….

Haven’t been to that ghetto mall in years. No reason to go there.

They are jealous and angry at success and prosperity,it makes them look like idiots,so dumb down and bring down the country so they arent so butt hurt.
All because they feel its racist that their people cant graduate high school and they are the subject of most violent crime arrests.
The ghetto has been voicing how butt hurt they are ever since Obama entitlied them into thinking it’s OK to do what you want and anyone not liking it simply a racist..They are trying to make the country fit their low life agenda.
Everything they are doing lately is to make a criminals life easier,and to talk the public into accepting it.

I wish our Concord City Council gave a crap about making Sun Valley Mall safer. Feels like they have just decided it is not worth saving. Maybe they need to go have a tour of the remains of Delta Fair mall in Antioch? That is what is in store for Sun Valley if they don’t make an effort.

The concord city council doesn’t give a $hit. They just care about the CNWS development and the increased income from property taxes.

Sun Valley Mall is a no fly zone for our family now.



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