Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Announces House Passage of Mental Health Matters Act

Congressman DeSaulnier Announces House Passage of Mental Health Matters Act


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier announced House passage of the Mental Health Matters Act (H.R. 7780), legislation he authored to help confront the mental health crisis by increasing access to support, services, and resources for children, students, workers, and families.

The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 220-to-205.

The Mental Health Matters Act takes comprehensive steps to address our nation’s mental health and substance abuse crises by strengthening school-based behavioral health care, bolstering mental health parity protections, and ensuring access to mental health and substance use disorder benefits for workers and families.

Specifically, this bill would:


  • Increase the number of mental health professionals serving in high-need schools and help to build a pipeline of school-based mental health services providers;
  • Help state educational agencies recruit and retain school-based mental health services providers at high-need public schools;
  • Require institutions of higher education to increase transparency around the accommodations process and allow incoming students with existing documentation of a disability to access disability accommodations;
  • Increase students’ access to evidence-based trauma support and mental health services through innovation by linking schools and districts with local trauma-informed support and mental health systems;
  • Require the Department of Health and Human Services to identify evidence-based interventions to improve the health of children and staff in Head Start programs, and help Head Start agencies implement these interventions;
  • Strengthen the capacity of the Department of Labor to ensure that private, employer-sponsored group health plans provide mental health and substance use disorder benefits under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA); and
  • Strengthen the ability of people with private, employer-sponsored health and retirement plans to hold plan sponsors accountable when they are improperly denied mental health and substance use disorder benefits.
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205 voted against it. 🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♀️

“ Jackie, where’s Jackie?” Jackie are you here?” – dementia patient Biden
Mental health does matter. Time for 25th amendment.

ssousa: Which is of more concern for you, an ex-president arguing over National Archives boxes of paper, or the increasingly out of touch with reality comments by a current president who is threatening Russia with nuclear war (remember his “don’t don’t don’t” comments to them)? His friendly press has done a great job spinning his declining mental health into just some “gaffes.” Please, if I am making “gaffes” like that, get power of attorney over my money so I don’t buy 50,000 bags of cheddar and sour cream Ruffles.

To Do List -The very real threat to our democracy is the many attempts at being president-for-life Trump. The traitor tried to over throw congress on Jan.6. Roger Stone’s video shows it was all planed in advance.

Doh: Biden’s first run for the presidency was in 1987 and he has been trying ever since. That’s the year Reagan made his Berlin Wall speech, “Married with Children” premiered, and the movie Dirty Dancing was in the theaters. What a nut.

@To Do List….And the next year in ’88 Slo Joe had two, not one but TWO, brain aneurysms.

They should start checking people in the White House and Congress,


So you can be screwed up mentally and get instant help especially if you are here illegally.Try and see a doctor if you test positive for Covid and they won’t even let you in the door.This country is beyond hope for its law abiding tax paying citizens born in this country.Shame on this place.

7 bullets, not sure what the implementation plan would be, maybe post some signs, create a website, send some letters. Not much here except that someone can spout off later about all the bills they wrote to help with mental health.

Its school based.
Any mental health support that helps prevent teen suicides or prevent school shootings is great – although stricter gun controls might help more

What makes you think that “mental health support” (whatever that is) prevents teen suicide or school shootings? I couldn’t find a single study to prove that adding more so-called “mental health professionals” to schools has any effect on teen suicides or school violence or bullying.
The only real difference is in the number of suicide reattempts with and without psychiatric treatment. Nothing else is borne out by the statistics.

Parental guidance would help more than anything. You can’t give your kids phones and let them use social media without consequences.
I saw an infant with a phone in hand looking at the screen the other day..What ever happened to books and educating toys?

Funny, upon reading article, the first person that I thought could use this new program was Mark Desaulnier, Nancy Pelosi , Joe Biden and most all the other Democrats.

Why do I get the feeling “Mental health Matters” has nothing to do with mental health?

As Igor said in Young Frankenstein, “Call it a hunch”……..

Twelve years of public school and never knew a kid with a mental health problem. A few had bad attitudes but the school nurse couldn’t fix that. So why do we have all of these mental health problems now? Somewhere society went off the track for many. Drugs is the answer. Either the kid is on them or their parent in some cases parents.

First of all, Mental Health has historically been ridiculed by stigma and perpetual misinformation. If there is help available, then it can be of great relief for families and loved ones. Do not judge others lest ye be judged.

Mental health victim that needs our help to remove him from office
Here is Joe Biden saying he would stop Norstream 2 but wouldn’t say how. The same Norstream 2 we are now blaming the Russians for blowing up. Why would the Russians blow up something they built and were making money off of?

If I have to hear one more thing about mental Health I’m gonna go mental as well. Just stop already geez!



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