Home » The Water Cooler – When Was The Last Time Your Power Went Out?

The Water Cooler – When Was The Last Time Your Power Went Out?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: When was the last time your power went out, and how long did you have to live without it?

Talk about it….

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I don’t want to say how long and jinx myself. It’s like saying “We’re making great time.” out loud then, BAM, you hit every light.

But it has been a while….

A long time ago. I can’t even remember.

Monday night (Labor Day). It went out around the early evening and stayed out until about 9:45am Tuesday morning. No A/C, no fans, no light, no internet. I had a working phone for a little while, so I could call PG&E to report the outage, then that went out, too. I had to take a cold shower in the morning because the hot water wasn’t working, either. That turned out to be refreshing in the end, cooled me down, but I would have preferred lukewarm. Everything is up and running now, thank the stars.

Same here. Ours wasn’t out as long but I live my elderly mother and I have a toddler so I was worried about them

Yesterday at 3:34 p.m. it went out for three hours, then at 10:33 p.m. it went out again for two hours. The longest it’s ever been out was Monday, when it went out at 3:34 p.m. and didn’t come back on until a little after 1 a.m. Nine and a half hours is ridiculous, I’m just thankful that my refrigerator stayed cold enough to keep my food from spoiling, especially since I just went grocery shopping the day before. I think a full refrigerator and freezer, stays cooler because all the cold food will help it stay cold. Even after the nine and a half hours, my cold drinks were still cold.
It’s my poor cat that I worry about, she doesn’t have a zipper on her fur coat, so she can’t take it off. She was meowing like crazy, so I put a cool damp towel on her, and that seemed to help a little, but she is still not happy about the heat, and as long as it’s hot, I will not leave her alone in the house.

..a couple weeks ago…. about 1.5 hrs

The past couple of days the power has been on but the breakers to the kitchen have been tripping, taking out the fridge and the portable AC unit. This morning when I opened the fridge it was reading 56 and the freezer was at 26. Time to cook up some meat. Inside of course…wouldn’t want to burn any outdoor fuel sources and risk being cited for living.

We’re in Outage Block 50 and largely immune from discretionary outages due to the Sheriff, Coroner, CHP, Juvenile Detention Center, and a fire station being on the same circuit.
On or about August 30, 2022, our neighborhood experienced a couple of very short outages or “resets” which lasted only a few seconds.
Otherwise, it was May or June when some clown took out a local power pole. That outage lasted about six hours.

Power went out about a week ago..at 10:40 pm & came back on @ 1:40 am…roughly 3 hours without power OR Internet service…

About a couple months back but briefly on a Friday evening. Apparently another one of these where a pole was knocked out, some equipment failure or a Darwinian squirrel (never heard the reason). I’m also on a Block 50 because of the nearby fire station.

Yesterday for 2 times in the afternoon. I’m part of an energy saving group they did an unplanned omhour 1/2 before we were out for 2 hours 6-8, then again 8:30 – 9:15. Supposed to have another today for 6-8, but not sure I can take it as it get too hot to sleep.

About 3 weeks ago. Just for a couple hours in the middle of the night. But the neighbors down the block were out through the next day.

Yesterday, not at my residence, but where I work Macy’s SunValley, a little after 3 p.m. we and the whole mall lost power. Macy’s have an emergency generator that keeps a few lights on so we can see, However, we cannot use the registers and no air conditioning. Customers was asked to leave the store and we didn’t let anyone in. Power was out for about 45 minutes, then came back on, then went out again for about 10 minutes and then on. It takes awhile for the registers to reboot, we probably lost about 2 hours of business.

I can’t recall … but just last week, some scum bag tried to rob me in downtown … his power went out … a well-placed left hook turned hi lights of for a few minutes.

Downtown where? It couldn’t anywhere in Nam…. everything is wonderful there!

“It couldn’t “be” anywhere in Nam” is how it should read.

I’m usually good about proof reading my posts before hitting that “submit” button.

I offer no excuses… just got careless and that’s the end of it… I can’t blame my age, failing eyesight or cognitive decline which is bound to begin affecting my life in these golden years, not yet, but it’s coming. I’m a realist….however, at this point I just screwed up, plain & simple.

I’ll try not to let it happen again but I’m only human, so please bear with me and accept my humble apology for this lapse of quality in my previous post.

I honestly hope nobody was confused by my careless post, it had nothing to do with your ability to comprehend.

It was my fault alone.

I’m going to try to put this unpleasantness behind me now & move on, forget it ever happened …. life goes on.

Thank you for your understanding.


My power goes out when I turn it off.
Not a concern for us..ever..

Saturday it went out from 820 untul 220, we survuved

When we have blackouts like this my apartments don’t get blacked out because we are on the same power grid or whatever as the rehab center



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