Home » Concord High School Issues Heat & Water Advisory Due To On-Campus Problems

Concord High School Issues Heat & Water Advisory Due To On-Campus Problems


Concord High School sent the message shown above to students and parents, making them aware of air conditioning and water problems on campus.

They advised students to bring their own water this week due to issues with some of the water stations on-campus.

The temperature in Concord on Thursday is expected to be around 111-degrees.


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For Pete’s sake, cancel classes for one day.

But the heat isn’t just one day. They would be out for a full week. That coupled with the teacher union blocking school for 2 years just does not seem wise. These kids need all the school they can get. Meanwhile, our private school had no problems.

@Oh please. PLEASE! Teacher union didn’t block anything. Ask any teacher and they’d rather have been in-class teaching. Get real!

” Ask any teacher and they’d rather have been in-class teaching.”
They would have had to defy their union to do so. And didn’t.

Jazz, you are sadly misinformed! The union does what the teachers want and the union blocked the timely return to school. This is o e of many reasons we left public. Most of the teachers cared more about staying home than teaching.

I’m thinking that Commiefornia should be providing “free” bottled water to all students in the state. They can distribute it at the “free” breakfast and lunches that are already provided.

I am sure they would manage to mess it up like they have everything else.

So many grammar errors in a formal notice from a high school. SMH. We’ve lost all hope for the future of our children.

Concord High is working with staff? How does that work, is Concord High a paid employee? How about “the principal at Concord High is working…”

Why does P.E. have periods? Do you usually write it out as ‘physical. education.”? AC doesn’t have periods.

A controlled temperature environment WHICH is conducive.

“more than appreciated”. What does that even mean?

Written in first person, but signed by Concord High School. Who is speaking here?

Keep THEMSELVES hydrated. Dummies.

The District should not be capitalized. “The district is aware…” Or even better, “The district leadership is aware…”

“working on issues as best possible” Missing a word much?

“Thank you in advance”? in advance of what? Why not just “Thank you”?

My grammer and spelling skills are the worst.

Even I noticed most of errors in this notice.

I am astounded that the school would let something like this notice be sent to parents.

This is a sad epitaph for the school system.

An incredible tour de force demonstration of passive voice language! I guess writing is a tough job.

How about: It’s really hot this week. Exercise is cancelled for now. Bring water cause we’re broke.

Learning to write and spell properly IS part of life. At least it used to be.

Cancel classes for the rest of this week or modify the schedule so students can leave at lunch. Cancel P.E. 2 days off won’t hurt anyone. The district should provide water for all students and staff. This notice is absolutely ridiculos not only the grammar but stating “Concord High” is working with staff! What a stupid comment. Why should these kids suffer? And why aren’t all rooms equipped with AC? NOT to smart CHS!

And Mary, your grammar and spelling are not great either. Check yourself.

Concord HS doesn’t have a/c I assume?

Well now, . . . . . ‘How To Motivate’ the bureaucracy.

EMBARRASS those in charge of district maintenance and management all the way to up the superintendent.

IF district is short staffed, given this heatwave, who didn’t have the stones to call in outside licensed professionals to FIX the problems.

An why not take a district vehicle to Costco and load up on bottled water ? ? ?

Either fix stuff or get new capable management.

My grammar and spelling skills are the worst.

I noticed most of the errors in this notice.

I am astounded that the school would let something like this notice be published.

This shows the quality of the school system.


Thati is inhumane.

it wasnt in the 80’s,nothing stopped classes from marching on.
Everyone so delicate now.

Water stations? I thought they were called drinking fountains.

There are still water fountains but now they have also installed water stations which are intended to refill water bottles.

Why not temporarily relocate instruction to Northgate until temperatures drop?

It’s an exclusively indoor campus in the same district where the HVAC, insulation and plumbing are up to modern standards. Crowding into air conditioned classrooms beats sweltering in a substandard sweat lodge.

Plus it would be a great way to promote DEI by allowing the the kids at both schools to network with peers from other walks of life.

So much would not work about this:

1. It is not exclusively inside- while most are inside, there are a few portable buildings now
2. That would be a logistical nightmare: parking for teachers and students, class sizes, bathrooms, food for lunches
3. That would violate fire code- many classes are already crowded. There would be nowhere for anyone to sit or stand in many rooms- Instruction would not happen
4. Several classrooms at Northgate have AC that does not consistently work. The units are old and having trouble keeping up with the heat this week.

5. I do like your idea of students from these different schools bonding, but not under these circumstances.

I’m sorry, but if you are from Campo… are you not aware of the rival that has been on going with that school since the early 2000’s? Combining schools is a great thought, but there are exact reasons why they won’t do that.

Bring your own water?
Schools are unable to provide a basic necessity like drinking water? How can students effectively learn if they are uncomfortably hot in their classrooms?
What exactly are school district administrators and teachers spending our tax dollars on?


In my day if you didnt get a good drink from the fountain before you came into class,tough.Some teachers would allow you to go in the hallway for a drink if it was hot.
Back then kids were ready for class,or they just didn’t go at all.
Even at Olympic,a school a full of stoners doing their own thing,all schools had the same rules.

Gotta love MDUSD

Minutemen could of handled it. Crocodiles not so much 🐊🔫

Oh Larry- so happy to have come across your comment. I thought I was the only one that would bring that to attention. Hmmmmm…maybe instead of spending all the money they did to change the mascot- they should’ve updated school first🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Priorities- we change the name to make the snowflakes happy and now those same people are complaining about the heat and water. MDUSD really needs to figure it out. Sad to see what our district has become. Even worse- their lack of giving a f*** has put us in a very bad situation with staff. No one wants to work for our school district and I don’t blame them.

As much as we pay in taxes this is uncalled for.If it was a raise for teachers no problem give them the money.Send the kids home till the weather cools off.The school district should be ashamed of themselves.

What happened to all the Covid money they received?🤔

When i went to high school,if the class was hot,too bad,and they didn;t dare let anyone have any type of drink,no matter the temp.There was rules,and we followed them,nobody complained or had meetings or filed lawsuits over it.
Funnily enough though they let us smoke on campus between bells,and nobody was 18 yet.Very few were anyway.
I bet every student now has a drink in class now and feel it’s a god given right when realy schools gave in to the particiation award crowd because it sounded good to lawyers as anything can offend or harm you unjustly nowadays.

What we need is another “2010” School Board Cabal to raise funds for “infrastructure” like AC in every classroom, SOLAR to power them…, new roof systems and totally modern water fountains and cooler stations…… Hmmmm…. as I recall, that particular $358,000,000.00 TAX Bond brought our single school district’s bond debt to just at ONE BILLION DOLLARS for the 20 year period from 1989 to 2010…. Students from back then still paying for Mom&Dad’s largess… for the comfort systems they never got to enjoy. Do you wonder where all that billion $$$ went? Well, how’s the solar doing now? Enjoying those new gyms? But hey look! The “quad” is so… so… hot…concrete!

😉 I was absent the day they taught speeling! I was out enjoying the stink of China’s plastic grass and rubber dust wafting off of the bouncy new football turf.

This is ridiculous, we are not living in a third world country Common sense would be to cancel classes the rest of the week if the district is unable to provide adequate water and keep the classrooms at a comfortable temperature.

Yes we are now living in a third world country take a look around you around the whole USA look what’s going on things are not the same as they used to be and it is going to get worse much worse with no end in sight the way things are going. Better get a grip and hold on it’s going to be a rough ride from here on out.

Looking back to the 60s thru mid 70s for my schooling I NEVER drank from a water fountain (they are gross, unclean and disgusting) or had an air conditioned classroom here in the east bay having very hot temps at times just as this.
What am I missing, kinda nowdays can’t bring their own water bottles to school? Are they also unable to function without air conditioning in a classroom?
All I see nowdays is a bunch of thin skinned kids that for whatever reasons are brought up differently than my age group was. It’s ridiculous people complaining so much about the heat (parents as well as kids).

So listen up parents and kids, get over it already and quit being so whiney.

I am so tired of hearing the excuses about staff an employee of the district, I am hearing about “sorry we can’t get our crap together, so please be patient ” This district is falling apart quickly. Maybe if they paid employee’s better or treated their employees better, we wouldn’t have this situation. We do all the work and the upper mgmt get the credit. I love my job but it is hard to hear escuse after excuse. Would I even have a job if I gave them nothing but excuses? JMHO….



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