The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Today is National Dog Day. Tell us, what’s your favorite breed of dog, and do you prefer dogs or cats?
Talk about it….
I love hot dogs.
But my favorite dog is a corgi.
Hot dogs are good….People love to tell you, “Oh they’re so bad for you”…..Whatever! I like to eat them when I feel like having one and I don’t give a rip what anybody thinks about it.
We had an English bulldog and she was the best! I put in an application to rescue a beagle from this beagle rescue foundation called Beagle Freedom. They recently rescued thousands of beagles from Envigo, a lab that tested on them.😢 Beagles are really good dogs too so I’m hoping my application will be excepted as I really do not want to buy from a breeder but I would really like a beagle to be part of my family. We also have 3 cats!
I like all the working dogs. My top three are: German Shepard, Doberman and Rottweiler. I prefer dogs because cats are lazy.
I’m sure plenty of people will have negative things to say, but I’ve owned four Pitbulls in my lifetime and they were absolutely the sweetest, most loving dogs I’ve ever seen. Not one of them would have ever hurt a fly.
Totally agree Have had 2
I have not met one bad Pitbull yet and I really like them too.
I have been bitten, twice, by other breeds which were ‘not’ an aggregative type.
I never owned one but bulldogs just crack me up. They’re not particularly handsome, athletic, graceful, or clever. They flatulate a lot, make rude noises, lazy, and seems oblivious to what’s going on around them. Also the most gentle dogs I’ve ever seen. Don’t know why they always portray them in TV/films are fierce dogs.
My neighbor had one and I love just watching his bulldog. One time ran into a him taking his dog for a walk. We stopped for just a couple of minutes to chat and the dog was already fast asleep.
Favorite Dog Breeds: Australian Shepherds, Border Collies, and medium-sized Golden Doodles
Super smart!!!
Favorite Cat Breeds: Maine Coon, Egyptian Maus, and any tabby. My ultimate would be a female ginger (orange) Maine Coon… better if female because full ginger tabbies (no white patches) would be exceedingly rare.
We have a Pitbull.
I prefer cats to dogs, but my wife likes dogs better so we have a dog.
To a dog, you’re their best friend,
to a cat, you’re staff.
Rottweiler. Friendly, playful, with a strong protective streak. All dogs are great (prefer the larger sized dogs), such great pets, really.
I love all dogs. My favorite would probably be a lab.
Yep. Without a doubt.
When we had young children at home, Boston Terrors were awesome pets. They were very protective of the kids and were very forgiving of children learning to behave around animals. And they were a great size to be around little ones. Our hounds are just a loving as any dog we’ve ever had, but they are big enough to accidentally steamroll smaller beings.
1/2 Basset Hound & 1/2 Beagle
Cockapoo. We have had 3 and they were fabulous.
Beagles hand down the best dogs around
I have had many amazing breeds of dogs over the past 45 years, but a healthy, affectionate, well trained German Shepherd is hard to beat (as long as you don’t mind the shedding….they aren’t called german shedders for nothing.) Such loyal, attentive and intelligent creatures.
Allergic to animal dander so can’t have either. I do like both dogs and cats though. I just make sure to take allergy meds before I go to where I know there will be either or both. But best dog is a mutt.
don’t like cats, but if I have to…..T.C.
AH…. nyte….
the Classics
We always adopt/rescue. In fact today is the day we brought our last one home 6 years ago. We do smaller ones now and more seniors like 6-7year olds
I am a huge animal lover, especially that of wild life. As for dogs, during my lifetime I’ve had three German Shepherds, two Irish Setters, and a couple of mutts. My favorite is the German Shepherd, obedient, loyal, and extremely intelligent. In the last twenty-five years or so, I’ve had cats, so now, I would say I prefer cats. They’re wonderful creatures, and unlike dogs, they won’t sniff your butt, hump your leg, or drool all over. There’s never a need to potty-train them because they instinctively will use a litter box, and having a scratching post keeps them away from the drapes and furniture. The only problem I had with the cat I have now was finding a litter box large enough for her, She’s a Savannah Cat, and they are large, beautiful animals.
Dobermans and Yorkshire Terriers are my favorite breeds. Yorkies are the best hunters if you have a rodent problem, from voles, moles and mice. Yorkies are also humane when eraticating their prey. Dobermans are smart and protective and look the part of an assassin.
So many good ones, hard to pick one, but the last two I had were pretty special.
I love most animal. In some cases better than humans. I have had Labs all my life.
Like many here I love almost all animals, snakes not so much. I have always had cats, I like their independence, and they don’t have to be walked. Growing up my family did have a dog. At age 7 or so I had gotten a kitten from a nearby farm. One of the dogs on the farm, a little terrier, had taken a liking to the kitten, and acted like it’s mother, she had never had puppies. When we got the kitten, somehow the dog found out where the kitten was, and she kept runnung away from the farm (less than 5 minutes on a dirt road) and coming to our house to be with the kitten. The owners of the dog would come and get her and bring her “home”, however whenever she could sneak out she would come back. Eventually the owners gave up, and she became our dog, she got very attached to my mother.
Although I haven’t had dogs there are several breeds I like, pugs, french bulldogs, any dog furry and cuddly, maltese etc. A friend of mine have Australian sheppards, they are wonderful dogs. Also the japanese dog Akita, on utube there are video’s of a family that have several Akita’s and 2 puppies, they are very cute, I usual watch a few minutes each day, to get my fill of cuteness overload.
If I was to get a dog again, it would be a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Smallish, discriminate barkers, very loyal and obedient. Great dogs.
A quote from my father…..”Havin a dog is like havin a kid”……I’m more of a cat person, yes he uses me just for food but I’m ok with that.
I agree, I just really like the attitudes of cats, Some dogs reminds me of an old boyfriend that keeps hanging around that you can’t get rid of.
I had an Irish Terrier. She was so loyal and guarded the house all the time. She also played with the cats and never had a fight with them. Also she didn’t shed.
Personally I prefer “BBQed Beagle on a Stick”….cats are a bit too stringy.
Considering most posters here are animal lovers l think that comment was totally uncalled for. I happen to believe that you would never hurt an animal, but l still find your comment in bad taste.
@Hanne Jeppesen…..So sorry, I don’t know what came over me.
I love both cats and dogs and have had both…..They both have some great qualities. It’s been a minute since I owned a dog but I do adore them
One thing I will say about cats is that they are extremely affectionate animals. It is a myth that they are only tolerating their owners, etc. They are very loving, they love attention, they are quite smart and really like to be around you. They are very good friends to have around. I have only had indoor cats and I cannot say if outdoor cats behave the same.
@nytemuvr, You are forgiven.
German Shorthair Pointers, of course, like my girl Dakota!
For me it is the Thai Ridgeback hands down … dark grey phase … amazing animal …plan to get one next year when I relocate from Vietnam back to ISHIGAKI in beautiful Okinawa … unless stupid team Biden and China go at it … then … prolly Ecuador or Mexico (Baja Norte) Mountains.
I had a few mutts: a yellow terrier/lab mix, we had him for 15 years; a basset/collie mix, he had basset pattern in collie colors – the white tip on his tail would blur into a whole body halo when he wagged his tail in a big circle; and a Doberman/German Shepherd/Chow/Lab mix, she looked like a poorly bred Rottweiler and was super sweet and incredibly gentle. I “inherited” a beagle from my brother who was allergic to her, she would sneak under the blankets on a cold night – I’d wake up sweating and a dog panting under the blanket. And we’ve had four Golden Retrievers over the last 34 years all were sweet colorful characters, incredibly loving, and gentle with the rescue kittens we have fostered for the county shelter over the years.