Home » Police Warn Of Increase In Strong Arm Rolex Watch Thefts

Police Warn Of Increase In Strong Arm Rolex Watch Thefts


The Bay Area has seen a series of Rolex watch thefts, and police are sending a warning to the public.

Oakland Police said they have investigated more than 20 such robberies this year and are urging the community to be aware.

Most of the cases involve an armed person attempting to forcibly remove the watch from a victim’s wrist.

Two men were taken into custody on Aug. 16 in connection with one of the robberies. Police said they recovered a Rolex along with two firearms and extended magazines after serving search warrants in multiple cities around the Bay Area.


The department advises residents to prioritize personal safety if approached in such a manner. Do not resist and try to get an accurate description of the suspect.

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Wear a Rolex and pack heat. Practice fast draw. Unload the gun first. Don’t forget to reload when you are done practicing. Shoot straight my friend.

Well, it’s OAKLAND from where that data is sourced and the trend emanating.
Maybe if these Dem-led counties were supporting law and order, we in the bay area wouldn’t be experiencing Oakland’s social cancer.
Libby Schaaf is an idiot.

I do not think Claycord readers have anything to worry about as this is for the .0001 percent who would own such a watch.
No one is coming after me for my Casio pocket watch.

I could buy a couple hundred $10k Rolexes. I own zero.

There’s a good reason smart money eschews ostentatious displays of wealth:

Flashy artifacts attract the attention from tax collectors, conmen, ambulance chasers, your alma matter’s “development” office and other professional beggars, thieves and bandits, deadbeat relatives and aspiring suitors of low character.

I got to be a millionaire by living first in minimalist apartments and then an understated house on an obscure hillside, driving 3-10 year old mass market cars (and never fixing minor scuffs and dents),vacationing at 2-3 star hotels in California instead of jet setting overseas, wearing unremarkable but classically stylish clothing and generally blending in with the middle class while saving and investing every spare penny. (Along the way it can help to carry a .22 semi-auto and keep a 12-gage under the bed, depending where you live along your journey.)

These habits and values also increase the odds that stay rich, get richer and remain invisible to hustlers and criminal predators.

@Lamorinda Larry…A .22 is just going to piss them off, a .380+ load minimum, IMO. BTW, I learned decades ago about 99% of people that espoused their financial information publicly are full of BS…just sayin’.

If you have the means but have denied yourself international travel in five star hotels, at least once for goodness sake, you have really missed out. Life is too short to lead a spartan existence. I’ve traveled the world and stayed on fantastic resorts and hotels, and I don’t regret a dime of it. Other than my kids, travel provided the best experiences of my life.

@ Lamorinda Larry wow that sounds like a horrible life hahaha!

Department advices do not resist if approached. Give them your watch, your money, your phone, your car, and your shoes. Then give an accurate discription, without pronouns, that does not racially profile, and is non binary

How about put vanity aside and put your rolex in a safe deposit box until this crime spree is over.. Use your phone for the time to avoid injury or death. Otherwise cover yourself in diamonds and walk down a dark alley fools!

@Aunt Barbara:
“… until this crime spree is over..”
Such optimism. You’re adorable.

@aunt Barbara- I do believe that individuals should be cautious of the jewelry they wear so they don’t draw attention to themselves depending on the area they are visiting. However, the Rolex victims are just minding their own business and not in crime ridden neighborhoods. The most recent victim was at the Sports Basement shopping center in Walnut Creek – a nice, safe area. In my opinion, we need to stop running scared and these criminals need to be arrested, convicted, and sent to jail. Yes, jails will reach capacity very quickly- but a message needs to be sent that CA will not tolerate this uptick in crimes. Once the word gets out that CA is tough on crime (probably will take many years) then we should see the crime rate go down.

We all know what they look like. Not worth risking your life over some dead beat person who will never be anything positive in their life. But then again, let’s not forget the guys who tried to rob the retired Oakland Pd captain. Captain defended himself as he had the right to do so. My hats off to you. But this is where the story gets comical. The mother of one of these robbers that were shot dead by this retired captain, went on newspapers to claim the captain wasn’t justified using deadly force, even though, her dirtbag son and his cronies were legitimately trying to rob him. Some parents just shouldn’t have children. Can’t even raise them right.

Ward and June Cleaver would roll over in their graves hearing about the youth of today. 😉

Aunt B,
Do you think Ward was too rough on the Beaver?

At least I know my Swatch watch is safe!

I won’t tell you how because I don’t want the idiot bad guys to know, but every Rolex Watch has a unique traceable identifier. Better be able to prove it’s really yours, dumb a$$.

… how about a sting op? LE with a fake Rolex flashin’ it around …… whaddya think?

Shall we leave the Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and McLarens at home too?
…asking for many friends.

What in the hell is going on when we are being warned about about robber gangs and how to hide our stuff while our politicians are figuring out ways to let more crooks out of jails.
It seems to me that the primary job of government is to keep those who are known harm others away from the rest of us but they are failing miserably!

What if you wear it on your weak arm?

Wear whatever watch you like. And practice 2A.

Well ain’t this just friggin wonderful ?

So now we’re supposed to cower because empty the prisons soft on crime liberals controlling CA want to coddle criminals, thinking they’ll be good as a result.

In prison there are two types predators and prey, emptying prisons means YOU are now their prey.

IF there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence of crime.

Are you tired of being lab rats for liberal knee jerk
brain fart “ideas” ? ?

Isn’t equality wonderful ? ? ?

How about a specific description of the robbers?
How about releasing robbery camera footage which obviously exists?
How about processing these as hate crimes as they are targeting a certain gene pool?

The WCPD has sting operations to catch people turning illegally during turn restrictions from Walnut and Homestead onto Ygnacio during commute hours. How about a sting operation to catch the always armed Rolex thieves?

They can’t tell a description or show photos because most or all will be blacks as perpetrators,and they don’t want you seeing that,or hear the uproar from their own community.Truth be damned….
I’ve never once heard of white dudes strong arming people for Rolexs,and that’s not fair in the eyes of the perps community or”hood’.

….and if you live in Concord and get robbed at GUN POINT, just remember to *smile* to keep Concord the happiest place on Earth!


Remember when our venerable leader Gavin Newsom emptied over half the prisoners from San Quentin state prison a few years back which might have something to do with the major increase in our current criminal activity in the Bay Area and beyond. Another factor that’s not helping, is our current liberal DA’s that also have an issue with putting our new criminals behind bars….

What? Here in Concord – the Happiest City – surely could not have crime, garbage, potholes, homeless drug addicts, overgrown weeds in every city street and traffic! Lets get happy, okay?

You mean those weekly marches against crime in Oakland are not working?
And, several murders and shootings over last weekend.

Best advice is to hand everything over when faced with multiple gunmen, which has often been the case here in CoCo. 2A people, sure give it a try if it’s the perfect situation, but you’re not better trained then I am and I will use great caution.

Firestone 11R

carry a stun gun or stop wearing the damn watches.



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