Home » California’s Unemployment Rate Drops To Historically Low Levels

California’s Unemployment Rate Drops To Historically Low Levels


The state of California saw a record-low unemployment rate in July, as well as the largest job gain since February, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office announced.

According to state numbers, California’s unemployment rate dropped 3.9 percent, a rate that hasn’t been seen since the data series began in 1976. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, California’s unemployment rate was at 4.1 percent.

July also marks the seventh consecutive month that California has seen an employment gain, with the number of employed people increasing by 23,000.

“Californians are getting back to work with record low unemployment,” Newsom said in a statement. “We have historic reserves and we’re putting money back in peoples’ pockets as we continue to lead the nation’s economic recovery.”


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Does this account for all of the illegal immigrants Newson let in our state?

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The immigrants are not unemployed as they are full time suckers off the system that Biden on down allows to happen with Newsom right next to him in so many bad decisions. IMHO. Sarcasm.

These guys are a little hard to understand. There are not as many people working in California now as there was before Covid hit but the unemployment rate is the lowest since 1976. They should make this into a riddle.

I wonder if the definition/inclusion of “unemployed” for CA requires currently looking for work. There may be so many not looking for work, bringing that rate down. The number provided is as trustworthy as the guv. I hold zero faith that number is a) accurate, b) meaningful.

Yes, that is why the data is always skewed. It only takes into account the number of people who say they are looking for work. When they top looking to live off the government, they are no longer unemployed…

Taco Bell has been hiring.

Yep, they are expecting a surge after they bring back the mexican pizza for good on Sept 15.

Well …. when the unemployment check(s), some people had been getting because of Covid, runs out, you would guess they would have to go back to work. So, unemployment down and job market up.
Isn’t that the way it works?

Hmmm my friend’s company in Silicon Valley just laid off 2,000 employees. My husband’s company has a hiring freeze.

Your not putting money in my packet you jerk.And I sure don’t believe your statement.I’m convinced you are a liar.

I too can make numbers lie by cherry-picking the data.

That’s the liberal way. And they count on the population to not understand how math and statistics work, so they can continue to pull the wool over their eyes. It is also likely why CA doesn’t actually teach math anymore in their public schools.

Anybody care to offer up what the Labor Force Participation Rate is in California?

Looks like Biden’s agenda is working. No excuse to not have a job right now unless you’re a total POS.

You’re confused sonny

This has to be sarcasm, right?

I’m workin’ 10’s during the week and 8 on Saturday!….woot woot!!

This is an example of the new math.

Leave it to Newsom: Starring Nancy Pelosi, Rob Bonta, Scott Wiener and Hunter Biden as the Newsom.

Well golllllee whooda thunk that thousands of people fleeing the state would help lower the unemployment numbers. Add those the number of former workers who have given up and retired early, or are now homeless.
Democrat math!

Smoke n mirrors ? ? ?

‘Is California’s ‘Lowest Monthly Unemployment Rate since 1970’s’ Legitimate?’

“Experts warn that low rate is propped up by by underemployment, low-paying jobs not replacing higher-paying jobs lost during pandemic”
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/2t6f8fuz

What about all those illegal aliens Joe invited in?
What are they doing?
Who is paying for their dinner?

Why would they need a job when all the taxpayers pay for them to just be there? And do nothing, Also, they all work under the table so they can continue to get everything paid for by the government.

Yeah, but are they included in the count?

That’s because they only count who is still coillecting benefits and call that a low unempolyment rate and liberals eat it up.It really means that the benefits have now run out for millions,they are still unemployed and wil be,but are no longer counted.A fraudulant count system,but hey will say there is no other way.Yes there is,have a database of everyone thats unermployed and reports it to the data base.Now a historiaclly high nuber of people are still out of work and no longer qualify for benefits.AND they will get a notice of overpayment,if they didn’t already.The govt pulls that crao everytime.

If they were honest they would show employment numbers,not unemployment numbers.Show how many people are working compared to 3 years ago.
They don’t want you to see those numbers.
How can you show an absence of something?
Show it’s presence..they don’t dare.
As a teen my brother and I would laugh at the way they “counted ” the unemployed,when we got EDD.
It’s deliberate lies labeled as a “mistake’.
And EVERYTIME,they would say they overpaid us,and then reduce the rest of our payments to pay it back.They would punish you for their bad math.
It’s psychological.They make you feel like you’re almost getting compensated,then they pull the rug out a month later and you can’t afford anything now.



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