Home » FDA Expands Novavax COVID-19 Eligibility

FDA Expands Novavax COVID-19 Eligibility


Federal regulators expanded eligibility Friday for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, making it available to children ages 12-17.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended its Emergency Use Authorization for the two-dose vaccine, which has been available to adults since last month.

The vaccine’s two doses are administered three weeks apart. It is the first vaccine available in the U.S. with a traditional vaccine composition using non-infectious pieces of coronavirus particles.

Commonly reported side effects of the Novavax vaccine are similar to those of the other three vaccines available in the U.S., including muscle and joint aches, fatigue, fever, headaches and pain, tenderness redness and swelling at the injection site.


Statewide, 71.9 percent of California residents have completed their initial vaccine series. The COVID-19 vaccine is available to everyone age 6 months and up.

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No one wants your poison. Stay away from our kids.

What about myocarditis? Why not mention that to parents as possible side effect? I’ll tell you why…$$$

“…age 6 months and up.”

They can out their experimental “vaccine” up somewhere, that’s for sure.

That’s child abuse.

I meant to say “put,” not “out.” I can’t type worth a damn. 🙁

This is a traditional vaccine. Might be worth a try as a booster.

Are we still in a state of emergency after 30 months? This therapeutic is being peddled under the EUA and to prevent Covid-19…what a farce!

“Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted contains the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and Matrix-M adjuvant. Adjuvants are incorporated into some vaccines to enhance the immune response of the vaccinated individual. The spike protein in this vaccine is produced in insect cells; the Matrix M-adjuvant contains saponin extracts from the bark of the Soapbark tree that is native to Chile.”

Vou vust vealize zat zee expeviments vust continue until zee prefect creatvure ist createzed. 🤪 🤖



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