Home » UPDATE: Contra Costa County District Attorney Files Drunk Driving Charges Against Concord Vice-Mayor Laura Hoffmeister

UPDATE: Contra Costa County District Attorney Files Drunk Driving Charges Against Concord Vice-Mayor Laura Hoffmeister


Concord Vice-Mayor Laura Hoffmeister is facing two misdemeanors and two enhancements for her May DUI arrest in Clayton, according to the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office.

Hoffmeister is due in court in September, where she’ll face misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, and driving under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol content of at least .08.

She’s also being charged with allegedly violating vehicle code 23578, which, according to the Shouse California Law Group, is described as the California statute that allows a court to impose enhanced penalties in DUI cases involving an excessive blood alcohol content or a chemical test refusal.


Both the District Attorney’s Office and the Clayton Police say they will not release information on what Hoffmeister’s blood alcohol content was at the time of her arrest.

Hoffmeister, who just resigned from her day job as the Assistant to the City Manager in Clayton, was arrested on May 26 for DUI after being pulled over by Clayton Police for driving on the wrong side of the road on Pine Hollow Road.


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As they should. Jail is the next stop for this menace to the roadways.

IF this was her first DUI. The only jail time she will do, is the time she spent in county jail sobering up, assuming she was booked into the custody of the Sheriff and not released to a responsible adult after the arrest process by Clayton PD (which unfortunately is a common practice to avoid booking fees and is not preferential treatment to her).

How is it that she has two opponents in the upcoming election? Did the third person enter just split the vote? How do we vote her out?

Get her out. SHE COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE. You can’t have a sot running a city.

And she has plans to run for re-election. What a loser!!!!!

Politicians think of that as a resume enhancement.

A responsible and accountable public figure would resign.

I hope she get’s the help she needs.

Read whole article. then voice opinions/, If you followed the story you would know she is getting help and she did resign and is ashamed of herself. Happy now?.

Aunt Barbara

She needs more help than just alcohol abuse. Anger management for one.

She resigned from Clayton, but not Concord.

In my humble opinion, having been present in meetings with her, she has no place in public office and she needs to resign.

To reiterate, a responsible person would resign.

I seriously doubt she is a responsible person.

Aunt Barbara,

No, I’m not happy with your comment!!! If Vice M
ayor Laure Hoffmeister wants to remain on the Concord City Council then she has a duty and responsibility to be honest with the citizens of Concord, which she’s failed to do. In her written statement released to the public she claimed to just be “having dinner and wine with friends.” It was Vice Mayor Laura Hoffmeister’s decision to mislead the citizens of Concord by implying this was a one time incident. On her behalf you’ve decided to tell the citizens of Concord that “she is getting help,” so, which is it, was this a one time incident or does she have a drinking problem? Is she a drunk or not? Is she an alcoholic or not? Furthermore, she has a duty and responsibility to be honest with the citizens of Concord to be honest and tell what her blood alcohol content level was!!! The first step is for Vice Mayor Laura Hoffmeister to be honest and accept responsibility, so far she’s failed to do so. I hope the citizens of Concord show up to the Concord City Council candidate forums with signs demanding to know what her blood alcohol content level was. Vice Mayor Hoffmeister the time has come for you to be honest with the citizens of Concord or step aside and resign!!!

@aunt Barbara
She did resign from her Clayton City job but not from her Concord City job – which she should. She is no longer fit to be a Concord City Council member. Your response does not seem like your typical opinion.

as millions of people drive high everyday and night on meds, weed and alcoho and are never caught. they make this woman suffer above and beyond what’s necessary to make her an example for their money making scheme.

What money making scheme would that be?

She’s a public figure.

She wants to be your leader.

Should we not expect better from those who are placed upon pedestals by much of the public?

Well Auntie, not to beat you like a dead horse but how exactly has Hoffmeister been made to suffered above and beyond what is “necessary” to make her an example?!?

As far as I can tell she has been treated exactly like Jane Q. Citizen would have been treated. She got stopped. She performed poorly on the Field Sobriety Tests. She was arrested. She is now being prosecuted. Unless her attorney can throw out the car stop for lack of probable cause on a Motion to Suppress she is going to be convicted just like everyone else including Paul Pelosi and the other 149,908 drivers arrested annually for DUI in California.

No one forced her to resign from her job at the City of Clayton. That was her choice to avoid the embarrassment of running into the arresting officer(s) in the hallway AND having everyone in the building know what she did and how she acted during her arrest.

Hoffmeister is not the martyr you are desperately trying to make her out to be. She resigned to save her ego.

Why is her BAC a secret? Isn’t that public record? Taxpayers have a right to know.

Is it a public record now that it has been filed. Feel free to put in a Public Records Request with the DA’s Office.

That said for the enhancement of 23578 CVC to be used, Hoffmeister’s BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) has to be ≥ 0.15% or she refused a chemical test to determine her BAC. Pursuant to 23152(b) CVC the presumptive under the influence level is ≥ .08% BAC so suffice it to say she had a very high BAC or she refused a chemical test in which case the PD would have written a search warrant for her blood and she will faced additional DMV administrative actions against her driver license above and beyond what the Court does.

23587 CVC: “In addition to any other provision of this code, if a person is convicted of a violation of Section 23152 or 23153, the court shall consider a concentration of alcohol in the person’s blood of 0.15 percent or more, by weight, or the refusal of the person to take a breath or urine test, as a special factor that may justify enhancing the penalties in sentencing, in determining whether to grant probation, and, if probation is granted, in determining additional or enhanced terms and conditions of probation.”

Sounds like it would have to be at least .15…per the manual “Drivers whose blood alcohol is measured at . 15 percent or higher could potentially face enhanced penalties as a result of California Vehicle Code §23578.”

Somebody forgot their campaign donation methinks.

“Resigned from her day job”? So she has a “night job”?

Concord City Council member


Time for this one to step down from politics.She does not no the difference from right and wrong.Don’t make excuses for her.She could have killed an innocent person.Until there are no second chances it will continue.

Lock her up !

Laura Hoffmeister, save yourself the embarrassment, resign from your present seat on the City Council and withdraw you bid for another term. It’s time for you to leave politics.

Don’t listen to ’em Laura…..
Flip them the bird & run for POTUS !

But the Antioch Mayor remains in office because he is a person of color.


Firestone 11R

Is it too late to make a huge donation to the Princess Nancy Pelosi campaign?
Her nephew Gavin may help with a pardon.

A sad ending for someone who gave so much over the years. Between the DUI and the Seeno CNWS Master Developer decision, it’s probably over.

If convicted, part of her sentence should be no less than one year of travel solely by public transportation or bicycle. No exceptions for weather. Then she could see what a terrible job the elected officials and state agencies have done in creating convenient and logical public transportation while still planning as if everyone can’t wait to ditch their cars.

@ Hope Johnson ~
What a good Idea!

Where does it say she’s getting help?
80 days? Not really a test of time, assuming she’s been sober since her arrest. I say vote for her, watch her tumble and fall. Sadly entertaining…

Why is everyone so concerned, I personally do not know her. But don’t you think she is going through enough hurt and humiliation! No one in this world is perfect. We all make mistakes. What I have to say is, how did the Antioch Mayor get off? He did the same. Talk about discrimination right before our eyes.

What you should be concerned about is why was she holding two city jobs? Isn’t that outright a conflict of interest!

I ask that you put your energy in cleaning up our corruption down at City Hall. Focus on that!

Sure – and let’s let all other law violators slide because they might be going through enough “hurt and humiliation.”

Discrimination? Then hold all of those individuals accountable.
Don’t just whine about it here.

Making a statement is not whining. Everyone should be accountable for their actions.



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