Home » “Excited Delirium” Removed From BART Police Department Policy Manual And Will No Longer Be Used In Written Reports

“Excited Delirium” Removed From BART Police Department Policy Manual And Will No Longer Be Used In Written Reports


The term “excited delirium” was removed from the BART Police Department (BPD) policy manual and BPD has issued a departmental bulletin informing employees of the change.

BPD employees will no longer use the term “excited delirium” in any written reports.

The change in policy was recommended by the BART Office of the Independent Police Auditor (OIPA) and revision was endorsed by the BART Police Citizen Review Board (BPCRB).


“This policy change affirms BPD’s commitment to continuous improvement through policy changes and ongoing training that exceeds industry standards,” said BART Police Chief Ed Alvarez.

BART says The American Medical Association (AMA) opposes the use of “excited delirium” as an official medical diagnosis. The AMA has referred to studies demonstrating that the term has been misapplied and diagnosed disproportionately in connection with law enforcement-related deaths of Black and Brown individuals, who are also more likely to experience excessive sedative intervention instead of behavioral de-escalation.

The term “excited delirium,” sometimes known as “agitated delirium,” has been in circulation since the mid-1980s.

It has been used, largely by law enforcement, to describe someone acting in an extreme state of agitation or delirium.


BART’s Independent Police Auditor, Russell Bloom, commented, “Removing this terminology from the BPD policy manual is a meaningful step toward racial equity in policing at BART. I and my team look forward to monitoring the implementation of this policy revision.”

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wtf? our woke world is ridiculous.

Why not just “wacked”.

BART Police Citizen Review Board (BPCRB). I think I spotted the problem.

What does this have to do with equity?
Removing this terminology from the BPD policy manual is a meaningful step toward racial equity in policing at BART. I and my team look forward to monitoring the implementation of this policy revision.”

What is the new term for that condition? Hoffmeister?

“…the term has been misapplied and diagnosed disproportionately in connection with law enforcement-related deaths of Black and Brown individuals, who are also more likely to experience excessive sedative intervention instead of behavioral de-escalation.”

Please tell me how you “behaviorally de-escalate” a drugged-out, unpredictable, possibly violent person? Maybe using logic and reasoning with them would work lol. I would love to see people like Russell Bloom be sent to all calls involving whatever PC term they will now coin people that are having disturbing public freak outs on BART.

It was never an officially recognized diagnosis. But, of course, as with any Police policy change, it must be for the “Black” and “Brown” communities… ED is actually Acute Cocaine Intoxication, and erupted with the invention and introduction of Crack Cocaine.

Why can’t they use the most descriptive phrase…”Effen nuts.”

If we just get rid of the word, it won’t exist anymore!

No more “agitated delirium,” no more racism. VOILA!

From rolling mental institution to utopia, overnight.

Thank you BART leadership and contractors.

Just like if we stop arresting people for crimes, we stop arresting minorities. Hurrah!

It’s been replaced with “crazy SOB”.
That should take care of any sissies out there complaining.

Describes too many local politicians.

I was taking BART to school for a while… absolute hellhole. They can call everything anything they want as long as they start actually cracking down on the psychos and criminals (Biden voters)

Guessing we also can’t use the term “cuckoo for coco puffs”.

Does PMS count?

Ah yes. Administrators and untrained Citizen Review Boards making policy changes on things they have never experienced and have no training about.

all government is theft

..more cancel culture… call it what it is…

Let’s just use the real definition – CRAZY
That will equally apply to all irregardless of race…

Racial equality in arrests will happen when minorities stop committing most of the crimes. Jeesh.

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This is actually so true! In our politically correct State we’re not allowed to say it but it’s so true. A segment of our population that 13% accounts for 47% of the crime. It’s a shame but that’s part of the problem excusing it away is not going to solve it.

Thank goodness. Black and brown people will be so much safer now that BART Police aren’t allowed to use those harmful words.

They’ll still experience the condition described, but it won’t be as dangerous if they call it something else.

At least you’re starting to realize that everything your party does is just for show and no real results.
it’s all”feel good” for 5 seconds.

Should only take you and yours a few more decades to wake up.

badge1104: It’s really only about 6% of the total population since it’s pretty much only the male segment of that 13% doing all the crime!

Liberal PC verbiage fixes EVERYTHING.

They are upset that the term wasn’t applied to caucasians enough ,so it;s their fault for not acting up as much,and the prison boards say they don’t commit as many crimes either and it’s making minorities look bad.
The whole thing is just plain unfair that caucasians for the most part behave themselves in a much larger percentage than a group that comprises only %17 of the population but commits the majority of all violent crimes.
i don’t make the rules or the stats.
Just sayin…

Is “actin’ tha fool” still ok?

The best way to get things “behaviorally deescalated” is a cold steel bracelet and a free ride to the pokey. Sometimes preceded by a few jolts from a taser.

Don’t do drugs.

Ornery. That’s the word that should be used. The same term you would use for an animal.

Meanwhile that lady on the Richmond line just survived an attempted rape. Sure the BART cameras where able to identify and have this guy arrested which is nice. However the poor lady still had to go through an awful life altering experience.

These BART people are incapable of prioritizing safety over semantics. When discussing a topic with people who are thick, it’s helpful to repeat things three times to better communicate with them:
Safety, Safety, Safety.

Gott in Himmel !

Why is it that every BART decision involves special dealing with minorities ( ie. fair beating ) Can’t they just run a safe transportation agency? And this Russel Bloom person, he needs to learn when to keep his moth shut.

You’re all wrong… they quit using that term because too often they were abbreviating “excited delirium” as E.D. and it was causing some embarrassing confusion.



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