Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Approve $2.2M Settlement In Discrimination Suit Against District Attorney’s Office

Contra Costa Supervisors Approve $2.2M Settlement In Discrimination Suit Against District Attorney’s Office


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors has approved a $2.2 million settlement in the lawsuit brought by multiple prosecutors against the county and its District Attorney’s Office.

Filed by Mary Blumberg, Alison Chandler, Jill Henderson, Mary Knox, and Rachel Piersig in District Attorney Diana Becton’s office, the plaintiffs alleged that under Becton’s leadership, not enough was done to promote women in the office, women were discriminated against because of their age, and more female representation was needed.

Blumberg, Henderson, Knox, and Piersig are still employed by the District Attorney’s Office, according to DA’s office spokesperson Ted Asregadoo. Chandler left county employment in February.

The settlement includes costs and attorneys’ fees. Asregadoo said in a statement Thursday that the settlement resolves all claims and includes a dismissal of the lawsuit.


“The county felt this was the best approach to allow the district attorney’s office to move forward,” the statement said.

Knox ran against Becton for her district attorney post and lost in June’s election.

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Good. Becton needs a clue. Too bad it’s not her personal money paying.

Do the taxpayers, who are having to foot the 2.2 Million bill, feel that that was the best approach?

Maybe George Soros can cover it, since Becton is his little darling.

Plagiarizing another post, this is go away and leave me alone money.
It does not admit guilt but shows there is proof that the country does not want to go public.

The tax payers lose again.

This is the same thing that has been going on for years, as in over 20 that I know of in the Assessors and yet Gus is still there. Millions in hush settlements have been paid out by the county in his dept and yet the PEOPLE keep re-electing him

That’s why I never vote for an incumbent.

The Board should withhold Bectons salary in the next budget.

How about holding Gus Kramer’s salary as well. Over the years millions in harassment settlements has been paid out in his dept and nothing is ever done. And yet people keep voting him back in

it’s just business

It’s only taxpayers money and I guess they think it’s an unlimited supply. Oh wait, it is because most California voters are ignorant.

When will taxes stop? And do you think we’ll still have a currency then?

Why directly blame the voters? There’s a lot of great points made in this thread and you just lamely blame the voters? Don’t you find it odd that Mary Knox and the other women who have been there for 5+ years are now filing this? I wonder what struck their nerve.

@DaTruth. They aren’t just filing this now. The lawsuit was filed a few years ago and is just now being settled.

This lawsuit was filed in 2020.

I blame the voters because the voters elect morons like Becton who created the issue. Then there are the voters who keep electing idiots (NewScum and many others) taking up space in Sacramento who have destroyed a once decent State.

The Trump haters are starting to get noticed and checked.
IE,Becton and her staff.
Too bad they don’t mention,and it’s provable that her office dissproportionately filed formal charges for minor offenses on thousands of causasians cited or arrested,and let serious charges against thousands of minorities go unfiled.
Including a murder in Walnut Creek because someone may have said something racial to the offender.At least they looked busy.
She needs to go…now!!!!
She needs to be recalled but voting in a liberal county will be fixed before it ever starts.

Absolutely right Trump supporters take advantage of us hardworking blue collar and white collar people. Y’all have caused this with your envy. – Moderate Conservative

#DontThreadOnMe #OGPatriot

Absolutely right about what?
Are you commenting on the right thread??
I made no mention of Trump supporters.Please have your mom read it to you
I mentioned Trump haters.
They need to be more specific in ES,esp concerning comprehension.
There is NOTHING conservative about your comment,It must be humiliating to be so liberal,to the point you’re lying to yourself too.

How convenient. They pushed off the lawsuit long enough for Becton to “win”. Now they immediately settle. And by the next election they will think we will have forgotten…

And our brain-dead electorate WILL forget! They’ve done it oh so many times!!

I don’t get these huge settlements. You know what, “not enough was done to promote women in the office” is not worth that much money. If I didn’t like the way I was treated on the job I found a better new one on the way home.

It’s a shame where people’s envy of another leads them. I’d like to know if these individuals next job, church, group, or ect has systemic gender inclusiveness. This is nothing more then political envy and greed at the cost of our tax payer money. Some of these people don’t even live in CoCo county… I.e. Piersig. I don’t agree with Beacon’s admin at all but if judges can get a slap on the wrist for profiting billions on sending kids to jail and y’all mad someone gets released as soon as they get in jail or 6 months then we’re all doomed. Shame on the BOS for approving this without any concrete evidence. Knox has been there for years and all of a sudden she wants to file this? Think about that.

You have mentioned “envy ” twice in 2 different comments.
Can you tell us what on earth anyone would possibly have to be envious of?
Revolving door policies?
Letting looters go if the stuff they smash and grabbed, they”needed’?
She is a menace,and anyone that supports her.
Please explain..I will wait.

If you’re looking for something ‘systematic” that’s where things are done out of envy and jealousy on the part of the “systematic” implementors.
You need something to be done in a special way or order just because of how a certain group of people wants to viewed as or “identify as”.
They are trying to poison kids in school with that attitude as they have done you.

And you voters just reelected her for four more years! Happy is billionaire George Soros and his new world order, and all the non- caucasian repeat crimenals in the county.

It is amazing! An electorate that is too lazy to learn about the candidates, or even simply watch the news, and just re-elects incumbents! Pretty pathetic! Horrible track record and they re-elect her anyway! Oh well.



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