Home » The Water Cooler: The Scariest Movie You’ve Ever Seen

The Water Cooler: The Scariest Movie You’ve Ever Seen


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?


Talk about it….

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How about dumb? THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE 1960s The line “lets split up” going through a haunted house. Now that line is in many movies.

Don’t you think that of the Department of Homeland Defense was really serious about the “War on Terror” … the first place they would start is our nation’s haunted houses?


1963: The Haunting, I was 13 yrs old.
2002: The Ring

Definitely the paranormal activity movies, I could watch any scary movie but those.. yeah no.

The exorcist from 1973

When I was a little kid, some scary movies scared me so much, I couldn’t sleep that night. I remember keeping my legs up on the seat so a monster hiding under my seat couldn’t grab them and pull me under. But did that stop me from seeing scary movies? Nope. I saw most of the Frankenstein, Dracula, and Mummie movies, and I remember The Curse of Frankenstein scared the hell out of me, I kept seeing the monster’s face while I was trying to go to sleep.
King Kong, and the Godzilla movies didn’t scare me, and The Blob was stupid, and so was The Thing. My favorite was The House of Wax with Vincent Price, and a young Charles Bronson as Igor. It wasn’t too scary, but it was in 3-D, and we had to wear colored glasses to see everything pop out of the screen and come straight towards us.

I would have to say, The Hitcher with C Thomas Howell and Rutger Hauer. It wasn’t a horror film, but I remember it was really frightening to me.

As a child, it was Planet of the Apes.

The Sentinel; 1977

I’m not a fan of scary movies, so not a good judge. Don’t think I ever so the Exorcist in full. I do remember seeing “The Birds” when I was a teen ager in Denmark, and since I lived in the country there was always birds around and after that movie I always got scared if I saw 3-4 crows trying to follow me when I was on my bike, which was not that unusual. Also a guy I dated, who I considered kind of cynical said after he saw the movie, in the same small town movie theater I saw it in, when he was walking home, he was constantly looking for birds, and if he saw any he would walk close to the houses.

A couple of years before the movie, thousands of seabirds lost their sense of direction and flew into the city of Capitola. The birds had eaten a bad batch of tiny fish that made them sick and weighed them down. A thick, heavy fog added to their confusion, and caused the birds to fly into houses and other buildings, with many of them crashing onto the streets. This was the inspiration for a short story, and the short story inspired Alfred Hitchcock to make “The Birds.”

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)

I did see Psycho, and Jaws, both were scary, as for which is best I have to go with Psycho, it is in the same catagory as “The Birds”, but the Birds have more gory and scary scenes.

The Hills have eyes!!!!!

Godzilla. I was young enough to be so terrorized I still can recall imagining his big eye staring at me through the bedroom window.

He picks up a bus and he throws it back down
As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town

Oh no, they say, he’s got to go
Go go Godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes Tokyo
Go go Godzilla, yeah

The Shining!

Clearly nobody here has seen 2000 Mules.

That wasn’t scary it was funny🤣

I’ve seen it and it truly is frightening to think this was a proven documentary. Lord help this nation.

Huh, I thought that was a comedy

Ah…. Yes…… A terrific laundry additive……

A proven documentary 🤣🤣🤣
The only thing frightening is that people believe that bs.

Jaws: The Revenge. Perfect storm so-to-speak. Night time, loud singing so no one could hear victim’s screams. Awful. Then the Shark attack/arm gone and a mother’s youngest son gone who had taken over the job as Chief of Police for the same town his father fought the same terror.

I hated it when they took off their faces!

Alien or Pet Semetary…. not sure which was scarier…
Alien… definitely, Alien was scariest.

I’ve been enjoying the “Evil” series on Paramount Plus.

@Dr. Jellyfinger….Thanks for the recommendation, first season-episode 1 was pretty scary….I’m hooked.

Buzz Lightyear

So many to choose from.

Saw/Hostel- Not really scary. More like horrifying. Graphic violence and gore that I’d never seen before.
The Thing (1982)- Which person is now the monster? The blood testing scene still makes me jump.
The Strangers- When Liv Tyler is drinking water in the kitchen, the camera pans and Scarecrow dude is silently lurking in the background….
Paranormal Activity: A well done original. Slowly builds the tension.
Alien- Face huggers and chest bursting. Unexpected jump scares mesh with a tense plot. Will anyone make it out alive?
Descent- Friends go spelunking and find hungry humanoids around every corner.
Sinister- The tension keeps building until the end. When Ethan Hawke views the full snuff movie… OMG!
Night Of The Living Dead. The Original zombie flick. Survivors try to survive the night from the zombie apocalypse. This movie literally gave me nightmares for a year.

Home Alone and Home Alone 2.

All MArv and Harry wanted to do was protect Kevin and he terrorized them. I feared for their lives.

I’ve been a horror fan for decades so I’ve watched so many horror films it’s hard for me to say which was the scariest.

I think it was easiest to scare audiences back in the day but the standard shticks don’t work anymore. Scariest I think would be something that actually happened as a horror movie.

But these days a lot of our filmmakers seem to lack the talent to make a scary movie. The seem to be unable to set up a feeling of dread to keep you on edge through the film. Maybe they’re burned out from covid. For many it may be the pandemic was the scariest movie they’ve ever seen except it wasn’t a movie.

The conjuring

Horror: Exorcist III
Drama: In Cold Bold
Comedy: Idiocracy

In cold blood was scary because it really happened, a great movie though.

The Shining
The Death Ship

Motel Hell….Maybe not the scariest but entertaining with Rory Calhoun, John Ratzenberger and a few people you’ll recognize. Best line from the movie…”It takes all kinds of critters to make Ma Vincent’s fritters”…..

Poltergeist. I was 4 when it came out and I can still remember that feeling of terror when the clown doll grabbed the little brother. I am still traumatized by clowns and dolls til this day. Of course , Tim Curry’s turn as Pennywise the clown in IT didn’t help the matter

I hear that they are making a new Winnie the Pooh movie … Blood and Honey.

Anyone remember “The Blop” with Steve McQueen? It was kind of scary I did see it, it was ok, not a great movie though. There is a Danish movie from 1961 “Repetilicus” it has been shown on American TV. It is about scientist that find a frozen tail of some kind of prehistoric animal, they thaw it so they can study it, however when they do that, the tail slowly turns into what it use to be a huge monster, that might have been the first scary movie I saw, it wasn’t really very good, but had some good and well known Danish actors in it.

@Hanne Jeppesen….I don’t remember “The Blop”, but I do remember “The Blob”…. you’re right, pretty weak movie.
Repetilicus trailer…..

13 ghosts from 2001.

Thanks for the trailer, there are some good shots from Copenhagen, even one of the entrance to Tivoli Gardens, even the trailer gives you and idea of how bad the movie is thus. Sorry about misspelling “The Blob”.

Blair witch project

I put John Carpenters The Thing at the top of my list as scariest monster movie.

Amityville Horror for paranormal theme. I still struggle with haunted house issues!

And Jacobs Ladder gave me fits as a young adult in the thriller genre…

Bean Burner, I forgot about Jacob’s ladder. That was a great movie.

Jacob’s Ladder. Still gives me the heebies.

Scariest movie for me was “The Exorcist,” saw it as a 18 year old (while alone), scared the living heck outta me. No other movie had ever caused such a visceral reaction.

I saw both of these movies in large, mostly empty theaters during the day.

The original Alien movie. I knew nothing about it. The “opening” scene was an eye and chest opener!

1984. It’s almost as scary as what we are experiencing today.

Just thought of one more, because I saw it mentioned on the net. “Misery” with James Caan and Kathy Bates.


Seriously though, go see Nope. So well done! More thriller than slasher/horror. Jordan Peele is brilliant!



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