Home » Two Charged In Attempted Rolex Robbery In Walnut Creek

Two Charged In Attempted Rolex Robbery In Walnut Creek


The Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office files multiple felony charges against two men for an attempted armed robbery in Walnut Creek.

34-year-old Shaune Walter Rogers, Jr., and 33-year-old David Lopez were allegedly involved in the attempted robbery at the Ygnacio Plaza Shopping Center in Walnut Creek around 4:00 pm on August 11, 2022.

The victims are a married couple who were returning to their vehicle after eating at a local restaurant in the Plaza.

Authorities say Rogers, Jr. and Lopez approached the couple with handguns drawn and demanded a silver and gold Rolex watch from the male victim. After a struggle, both Rogers, Jr, and Lopez repeatedly struck the victim on the head with their weapons, according to the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office.


He was treated for his injuries at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek.

While the suspects were attempting to flee in a stolen car, the female victim used her SUV to block them from leaving. Her vehicle was rammed several times before Rogers, Jr and Lopez drove off. Walnut Creek Police — with assistance from a Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office helicopter — were able to find and arrest the suspects about a mile from the scene of the crime.

Both suspects have been booked in the Martinez Detention Facility and await arraignment.

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Vicious little savages.

Yeah and one of them was arrested in June for some serious crimes, they’ll be out soon. Thank Gavin Newsome and his liberal judges.


Those watches are responsible for the increased crime. They need to illegal. No one needs a watch that expensive to tell time!

Punks like this will always be broke punks lol. Thats the hustle you came up with??

I am not condoning this type or behavior but who wears a watch now days. We are covered in time. Phones. home, buildings, indoors, out doors. Clocks everywhere. I have not worn one since high school.

Often times a watch is a piece of jewelry.

So the thieves are the victim here, they just couldn’t resist a Rolex. My thought is if you wear a Rolex also wear a barretta.

@Ricardoh Simonpure LITERALLY started their statement with the fact that they don’t condone the behavior. Then, they proceeded to ask a tangentially related question. But way to go straight for victim blaming.

What exactly are you saying because it sounds like you are blaming the victim for having warn a time piece in public.

Thanks Jessica…reading at it’s best. I didn’t really think about the jewellery aspect of it all though. I guess it does make sense to some. I do not wear any what so ever do to my type of work.

Have an alternate question….should Nancy Pelosi’s palatial Pacific Heights mansion be used to house the homeless?

After all, they’re empty nesters and she spends at least half her. time in DC.

Clean up on aisle 6, er, I guess we just need a clean up really bad. And then some remodeling. Think Cat In The Hat without the happy ending. Which would serve Nancy right.

I guess the Rolex owners are still comfortable with flashing their bling, since only one local Rolex owner has been killed while being robbed, so far.

A Rolex is not a watch, it’s a timepiece. Frequently you have to look successful to be successful. Which leads me to my point:

What’s perhaps more relevant is the crime occurred in an aging strip mall without an anchor tenant, and featuring only budget oriented eating establishments.

This is a place where families and park visitors eat. These guys were looking for a victim and if they hadn’t found the Rolex guy they would have hit the Timex guy. That’s something to be concerned about.

@The Fearless Spectator
I think it’s very unlikely that this was a random robbery. Somehow, the robbers must have known where the Rolex owner was located, followed him there, and robbed him.
Criminals have increasingly been using Apple Air Tags to track women they’re stalking, cars they want to steal and other criminal activities. Maybe the guy at some valet parking lot hid an Air Tag in the wheel well of the car. I sure don’t know exactly how the robbers have been finding the Rolex owners, but it sure doesn’t seem like it’s something random.

That was a bad a$$ couple of victims! I can’t say I’d resist or try to block their escape. The husband and wife are lucky they weren’t shot!

That’s what I thought!

Animals, hopefully our joke DA puts them away for actual time. The victims are lucky they weren’t shot.

Since this is California, a better kinder approach would be to issue some bonds to fund the purchase of Rolex watches for the disadvantaged, keeping in mind not to exclude those who are undocumented.

How ya likin’ california run by DEMs ? ? ?

Emptying state Prisons because skin colors aren’t balanced and being soft on crime.

Wanna be these two criminals already have records ? ?

If all this is true, just use them both for target practice.

Why weren’t they shot? They both should have been executed right on the spot.

Apprehend and sentencing to death immediately.

If I owned a Rolex I would hesitate wearing it right now in this lawless era. However if you want to wear your jewelry I have no objections I just wish you also carried a weapon. Not sure how this is ever going to be brought under control. The only thing I can see is making prison sentences long enough so it isn’t worth the risk. I hope we find out what happens to this pair.

… Becton have them out for dinner? wouldn’t want to inconvenience them now would we….

This really irritates the hell out of me. I work a full-time job and a side job if I want to have a little extra. Why do people think they can get anything for free and to use violence at that. Aggravates the hell out of me. Stop being lazy and go out and get a job.

The last few months make it clear Walnut Creek has become a hunting ground. The fact the DA is doing her job and the bail is set high in this case illustrates they’ve been getting pressure from the public.

Next is to set up a “to catch a predator” style sting with a decoy wearing a nice watch. Once they nail another dozen or so of these guys and it becomes known they’ll actually be prosecuted things should cool off.

I wonder if any of the victims voted to keep Newscum (or even Sleepy Joe) in office … inquiring minds want to know.

You see?
This is why we can’t have nice things!

A quote from your mother I bet.

Effin scumbags!

Qhy were the police photographing a small pink scoote at the scene?
Unfortunately I ran over all the debris in the street from the crash, Thanks a lot creeps!

Anyone want to loan out their Rolex to some CCW holders?

…..+1 … ah, a LE Rolex sting operation!

Funny I had that thought briefly.

Good for the victims. They as well as many of us are tired of being victims. To bad the female did not accidently pin those two losers against a wall until the police arrived. Ooops so worried about my life my foot slipped off the brake and hit the gas pedal-in fear of my life and that of the person I was with.

Becton backed by Soros-you best step up and do your dam job, Becton. Sad to say but us common folk can take care of business as LE’s hands are tied and when they do their job they are not supported by the justice system.

I by no means like a lot of what Trump did but dam we did not have these issued before we were drenched in leftist media-green-wokie-socialist crap. Wake up voters and do what is right. Vote and do not just vote with the crowd and be lazy. Read and use your common sense. Your wallets and gas tanks are not as full as before what else has to happen to get your attention.

Vote Mary Knox.

I heard Mary will keeps these 2 behind bars when Becton retires next year.

The criminals were obviously racially profiling. This is clearly a hate crime.



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