I wasn’t even worried about the COVID pandemic. What bothers me, is all the seemingly intelligent people that were duped by our government and health officials. I still see them on a daily basis wearing their silly little mask.
August 10, 2022 - 12:19 PM 12:19 PM
NO – NO – NO !!! Not even Covid.
It was not worth shutting down the the U.S.
Nope! The government will protect us because if they don’t we all will die!
August 10, 2022 - 12:40 PM 12:40 PM
YES! There are diseases in the world that we haven’t even seen yet. But sadly as well, we’re powerless. People can say NO – NO – NO all they want and deny it. Stupid is part of politics these days unfortunately.
The question asked if we were worried about another pandemic and someone said no. Then, in a roundabout way, you called that someone a “stupid denier”. My response to that: SHAME ON YOU. I am also not afraid of another pandemic, but that doesn’t mean I deny another one will show up. It means I’m not cowering in place. As far as I’m concerned, you owe someone an apology.
@Cyn: no apology coming. People like Tod don’t have it in them. I guess it’s just as well that they hide under their beds and stay away from the rest of us.
Jeff (the other one)
August 10, 2022 - 12:47 PM 12:47 PM
I am more worried about our government trying to use another disease pandemic in order to gain even further control over our every day lives. We currently have an inflation pandemic over the last year, due to a Congressional/Presidential spending pandemic over the last couple years (trillions of dollars we do not have).
August 10, 2022 - 12:49 PM 12:49 PM
The pandemic of financially ignorant politicians is a danger to us all. California leads the pack on this front. Vote for a positive change and stop the downward spiral.
August 10, 2022 - 12:59 PM 12:59 PM
It’s already here it’s called Donkeypox.
The Democratic symbol the Donkey is the new virus ruining America.
The only pandemic I am worried about is the blatant lack of leadership and concern for the peopel that plagues our political and health department leaders.
This includes ‘leaders’ in both the Democrat and Republican parties.
Our current governor is more concerned with running ads in Texas and Florida, then addressing the TWO current states of emergencies he has declared in THIS state .. the one is supposed to be concerned with.
Our last president was more concerned with his antics and our current president, well not sure he konws actually is the president. And I so hope he makes it to 24, cause Harris would be worse …
Other leaders (local, state, federal) allow for crime to run rampant with no concern for the law-abiding tax payer. Remind me again why I should be a law abiding, tax paying citizen? What are the benefits? If I do the crime, I will NOT do the time. If I take our the loan, the government will pay for it. I can drive my car without insurance and regisration, have an accident and still not be in any real trouble. I will also not have to pay for the damages as the other person’s uninsured motorist will take care of it for me …
No in reality I am not worried about another pandemic….I do however worry about our political leaders and their partners in the media of course using another so called “health emergency” to seize more and more control over the population. It worked once and it could certainly work again, and again, and again.
Captain Bebops
August 10, 2022 - 2:49 PM 2:49 PM
I wasn’t worried the first time… I was annoyed at the easily recognizable coercive psychology being applied and doing the math of the stats showed it wasn’t really a pandemic. They just changed the definition of the pandemic instead to fool the public. Why the general public couldn’t see through it is a wonder in itself.
August 10, 2022 - 3:07 PM 3:07 PM
94 million cases and a million dead, yea what’s to worry about?
You really believe those numbers Fred? I have a nice affordable bridge for sale and you seem just like the customer that would be interested
August 10, 2022 - 3:53 PM 3:53 PM
I’m more afraid what our government will do. They about killed the economy, schools, and our mental state. People are still suffering. I hope we never see that again. I don’t trust our government to decide what is best for me.
August 10, 2022 - 3:53 PM 3:53 PM
An actual pandemic? Noooooooope.
Worried that the term “pandemic” will be used for each and every disease outbreak? Yup.
August 10, 2022 - 3:55 PM 3:55 PM
Here is what we know from history. Vast numbers of civilizations just disappeared from the earth. They were doing good one day and gone the next. We have better medicine now, but I have no doubt medicine will be tested in the future.
I’m just worried about how DemoRats are destroying this country.
August 11, 2022 - 7:35 AM 7:35 AM
I’m more worried about that cxxp Nesom, Biden, Bonta, Peolsi, & Harris are trying to cram down our throats.
American Citizen
August 11, 2022 - 10:39 AM 10:39 AM
What pandemic? The fake one cooked up by the liberals to control the population? I am more afraid of Biden, Pelosi, Harris and the rest of the liars.
August 11, 2022 - 10:55 AM 10:55 AM
Yes I am worried. We should be over COVID by now but its deniers refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated, This allowed variations to grow and people are still getting sick from it. I am wearing a mask again.
Now we have monkeypox. Some people think it is a gay only disease. Remember when aids became a concern for everyone?
Doh The president has been vaxed and vaxed. To me it is the vax and boosters that keep spreading covid. As far as monkeypox and aids. Aids spread a little from blood transfusion. Hopefully all gays are barred from giving blood right now. Doubt if the powers to be are smart enough for that.
@Doh: please support your statements with whatever evidence you have. Claiming that someone was less affected because of the vaccine assumes you know the viral load ingested. Have there been published reports of Brandon’s viral load each time? It’s been proven that the virus spreads among the vaccinated. How again does the vaccine slow the spread? Support, please.
That Guy
August 11, 2022 - 4:42 PM 4:42 PM
I’m worried about people jumping to conclusions, social division, horrible decisions, shutting down the economy and crooked politicians. Everything else is fine.!!!
I wasn’t even worried about the COVID pandemic. What bothers me, is all the seemingly intelligent people that were duped by our government and health officials. I still see them on a daily basis wearing their silly little mask.
NO – NO – NO !!! Not even Covid.
It was not worth shutting down the the U.S.
No, I’m not worried about another pandemic either. But I am worried what our democrat-controlled government might push down on us next.
@ Badge1104 ~ Yes!
Nope! The government will protect us because if they don’t we all will die!
YES! There are diseases in the world that we haven’t even seen yet. But sadly as well, we’re powerless. People can say NO – NO – NO all they want and deny it. Stupid is part of politics these days unfortunately.
The question asked if we were worried about another pandemic and someone said no. Then, in a roundabout way, you called that someone a “stupid denier”. My response to that: SHAME ON YOU. I am also not afraid of another pandemic, but that doesn’t mean I deny another one will show up. It means I’m not cowering in place. As far as I’m concerned, you owe someone an apology.
@ Cyn ~ Yes, not a ‘denier’ and like you, will not cower in place.
Thank You for clarifying my thoughts on the posted question above 🙂
@Cyn: no apology coming. People like Tod don’t have it in them. I guess it’s just as well that they hide under their beds and stay away from the rest of us.
I am more worried about our government trying to use another disease pandemic in order to gain even further control over our every day lives. We currently have an inflation pandemic over the last year, due to a Congressional/Presidential spending pandemic over the last couple years (trillions of dollars we do not have).
The pandemic of financially ignorant politicians is a danger to us all. California leads the pack on this front. Vote for a positive change and stop the downward spiral.
It’s already here it’s called Donkeypox.
The Democratic symbol the Donkey is the new virus ruining America.
That is definitely the most frightening virus of all.
More worried about government reaction and restriction than I am about another pandemic.
I’m not nearly as worried about another pandemic as I am about another “pandemic”.
Did you mean PLANDEMIC?
Of course, we’ll have pandemics – we always have and always will for the foreseeable future.
And as always, those that have the money and resources will get by much better than those that don’t.
Almost like life itself . . .
The only pandemic I am worried about is the blatant lack of leadership and concern for the peopel that plagues our political and health department leaders.
This includes ‘leaders’ in both the Democrat and Republican parties.
Our current governor is more concerned with running ads in Texas and Florida, then addressing the TWO current states of emergencies he has declared in THIS state .. the one is supposed to be concerned with.
Our last president was more concerned with his antics and our current president, well not sure he konws actually is the president. And I so hope he makes it to 24, cause Harris would be worse …
Other leaders (local, state, federal) allow for crime to run rampant with no concern for the law-abiding tax payer. Remind me again why I should be a law abiding, tax paying citizen? What are the benefits? If I do the crime, I will NOT do the time. If I take our the loan, the government will pay for it. I can drive my car without insurance and regisration, have an accident and still not be in any real trouble. I will also not have to pay for the damages as the other person’s uninsured motorist will take care of it for me …
The word is..
Over 1 million Americans died from COVID yet you claim it to be a scam. Why?
Over 1 million Americans did NOT die of COVID. They died WITH COVID.
No in reality I am not worried about another pandemic….I do however worry about our political leaders and their partners in the media of course using another so called “health emergency” to seize more and more control over the population. It worked once and it could certainly work again, and again, and again.
I wasn’t worried the first time… I was annoyed at the easily recognizable coercive psychology being applied and doing the math of the stats showed it wasn’t really a pandemic. They just changed the definition of the pandemic instead to fool the public. Why the general public couldn’t see through it is a wonder in itself.
94 million cases and a million dead, yea what’s to worry about?
You really believe those numbers Fred? I have a nice affordable bridge for sale and you seem just like the customer that would be interested
I’m more afraid what our government will do. They about killed the economy, schools, and our mental state. People are still suffering. I hope we never see that again. I don’t trust our government to decide what is best for me.
An actual pandemic? Noooooooope.
Worried that the term “pandemic” will be used for each and every disease outbreak? Yup.
Here is what we know from history. Vast numbers of civilizations just disappeared from the earth. They were doing good one day and gone the next. We have better medicine now, but I have no doubt medicine will be tested in the future.
I was never concerned about this & 3 years later I am proven right. No I am not concerned about another lie
I’m just worried about how DemoRats are destroying this country.
I’m more worried about that cxxp Nesom, Biden, Bonta, Peolsi, & Harris are trying to cram down our throats.
What pandemic? The fake one cooked up by the liberals to control the population? I am more afraid of Biden, Pelosi, Harris and the rest of the liars.
Yes I am worried. We should be over COVID by now but its deniers refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated, This allowed variations to grow and people are still getting sick from it. I am wearing a mask again.
Now we have monkeypox. Some people think it is a gay only disease. Remember when aids became a concern for everyone?
Please explain to me how getting vaccinated prevents the spread of COVID.
COVID is never going away. Time to get used to it and move on.
Doh The president has been vaxed and vaxed. To me it is the vax and boosters that keep spreading covid. As far as monkeypox and aids. Aids spread a little from blood transfusion. Hopefully all gays are barred from giving blood right now. Doubt if the powers to be are smart enough for that.
Vacs help. That’s why Joe was sick just a short time. I caught before Trump announced its existence. I was sick for 5 weeks. Vac slow the spread.
@Doh: please support your statements with whatever evidence you have. Claiming that someone was less affected because of the vaccine assumes you know the viral load ingested. Have there been published reports of Brandon’s viral load each time? It’s been proven that the virus spreads among the vaccinated. How again does the vaccine slow the spread? Support, please.
I’m worried about people jumping to conclusions, social division, horrible decisions, shutting down the economy and crooked politicians. Everything else is fine.!!!