Home » Monkeypox Numbers “Growing Every Week,” Contra Costa Health Officials Say – No Deaths In U.S.

Monkeypox Numbers “Growing Every Week,” Contra Costa Health Officials Say – No Deaths In U.S.


There are 31 confirmed cases of Monkeypox in Contra Costa County, with another 13 suspected cases, health officials told the county board of supervisors.

“While the numbers are still small, they are growing every week. 16 of our 31 cases have been in West County and 10 in Central County,” county health officer Dr. Ori Tzvieli told the board.

Tzviel said there are more than 1,300 cases in California that are confirmed, with the majority in San Francisco and Los Angeles Counties.

“We are also really concerned about the scarcity of vaccine,” he said. “Our demand is far exceeding our supply, in Contra Costa and across California.”


Contra Costa Health Services has vaccinated more than 845 people in county clinics in recent weeks, said Tzvieli.

“And we have a waiting list of over 1,800 people that have expressed interest in the vaccine,” he said. “We have been allocated another 1,800 doses in the next big allocation, and those will come in stages throughout the month.”

No one has died from Monkeypox in the U.S., said Tzvieli, and only about three percent of those infected have required hospitalization.


LocalAntiLib August 10, 2022 - 2:08 PM - 2:08 PM

Quarantine in the closet you people spreading it.

You don’t need a vaccine, you need to avoid ANY/ALL gay activities! IF YOU’RE TOO STUPID TO REALIZE THIS THAT IT’S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT

SG August 13, 2022 - 11:03 PM - 11:03 PM


parent August 10, 2022 - 2:37 PM - 2:37 PM

O no! The sky is falling! 1300 cases .. 1300!!!!! The world is going to end! We are all going to die! 31 cases, maybe 44 cases in all of our county!! OMG!

LOL! sorry … does anyone take health department seriously anymore?

Doh August 11, 2022 - 10:46 AM - 10:46 AM

Intelligent people take the warnings seriously. Remember when aids became a concern for everyone?

Rollo Tomasi August 11, 2022 - 2:14 PM - 2:14 PM

Intelligent people know how to assess their own risk and act accordingly.

Ricardoh August 10, 2022 - 3:50 PM - 3:50 PM

Abstinence keeps the pox away. Are they that dull they can’t figure that out?

Sancho Panza August 10, 2022 - 4:13 PM - 4:13 PM

Follow the money, folks….TPoxx is a therapeutic contract awarded by U.S. Department of Defense to SIGA Technologies for $7.5 Million on May 12, 2022. On August 4, 2022, the U.S. government declared the monkeypox outbreak as a public health emergency.

“We continue to make progress in securing new customers for TPOXX,” Phil Gomez, CEO of SIGA said—no kidding…no deaths but the Monkeypox numbers are growing every day…the perfect therapeutic just like Paxlovid.


Rosebuds777 August 13, 2022 - 6:48 AM - 6:48 AM

So the county should rename this pox. It came from the DOD. How about Pentagonpox. There. People were actually calling it Moneypox. They both work.

bdmlpratt August 10, 2022 - 4:23 PM - 4:23 PM

This is a joke, I am not at all at risk, I won’t catch this and could care less about it.

Dr. Jellyfinger August 10, 2022 - 5:48 PM - 5:48 PM

Ah ah ah!
It’s “couldn’t care less”
To say you “could” care less implies that you DO care to some degree.

Sorry…. just one of those phrases that drives me crazier.

SAM August 10, 2022 - 6:24 PM - 6:24 PM

I agree. Spelling and whatever, no big deal. This phrase is probably the most mis used phrase at the moment.
I could care less means you do care but you could care less.

Martinezmike August 10, 2022 - 5:12 PM - 5:12 PM

Health officials Why believe them ? What proof is there that anything these people say is the truth? Credibility zero.

chuckie the troll August 10, 2022 - 5:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Mommy, where does Monkey Pox come from?

We know where it comes from and how it spreads. We don’t know how to get the spreaders to stop spreading it in the age of Woke.

SG August 13, 2022 - 11:21 PM - 11:21 PM

👍🏻 destroy Sodom and Gomorrah

HappyPappy August 10, 2022 - 5:33 PM - 5:33 PM

Must be a whole lotta buggerin” going among the democrats, ’cause they sure are making a BFD outta this 100% preventable scourge. If they’re too stupid to avoid the pox, we don’t them anyway. I say, carry on boyz.

Dr. Jellyfinger August 10, 2022 - 5:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Easier to spot the Monkey Pox carriers after the tail grows out.

WC August 10, 2022 - 6:06 PM - 6:06 PM

Look at the lines of people in SF getting the monkeypox vax and draw your own conclusion about what causes it to spread.

LocalAntiLib August 10, 2022 - 8:46 PM - 8:46 PM

I prefer not to look at those people in the lines…not my preference to look at them

The Fearless Spectator August 10, 2022 - 6:29 PM - 6:29 PM

It sounds cheekie, but quit spreading to stop the spreading.

Next will be a vaccine for K-6th, as suggested by Scott Weiner.

JG27AD August 10, 2022 - 6:31 PM - 6:31 PM

To “stop the spread” of Covid; wear a mask!
To “stop the spread” of Monkeypox; wear pants!


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