Home » Downtown Walnut Creek Library Closed Friday, Saturday Due To Staffing Shortages

Downtown Walnut Creek Library Closed Friday, Saturday Due To Staffing Shortages


The Walnut Creek library will be closed Friday and Saturday due to staffing shortages, Contra Costa County Library officials announced.

The cause of the staffing shortages was not immediately explained by library officials, who encouraged people wishing to go to a library either day to visit the newly opened Pleasant Hill Library or other nearby branches such as Ygnacio Valley, Concord, Clayton or Lafayette.

The Walnut Creek branch, located at 1644 N. Broadway, will next reopen at 10 a.m. Monday, according to the library system.

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Because Contra Costa County and Walnut Creek are “employers of choice”.

Not to worry . They’ll raise taxes to address it.

Maybe if they didn’t have to hire security guards at this location due to bums coming in, thanks Trinity Center and other soft headed dopes who give handouts, they would be able to staff more library personnel.

Pay them a living wage, Walnut Creek can afford it .

Guess you know nothing about county public servant salaries.
They make good money.

Walnut Creek pays the county for the extra hours at the library.

I don’t like the design of the new WC library and have commented on this before. The issue is that there are too many doors and the collection is split onto two levels. This means minimum staffing requirements are much higher than with how the county libraries have traditionally been laid out.

The county in general, and many school districts nationwide, are also having problems finding people.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Resignation makes it seem to be a worldwide trend.

They should sell wine, make some money get more help.

You can always borrow and download books and books on tape for free via the Contra Costa Library website – and access newspapers and magazines too

Maybe nobody wanted to wear a deadly mask all day at work to deal with 10 people not wearing one.
IE everyone called in sick.

Exactly how tall do the workers have to be?

How does the new Pleasant Hill library get staffed?

And the city of Walnut Creek pays the staff for extra hours, so is this a savings for the city? Probably not.

The county pays for 35 open hours per week at each of the system’s 26 branches. The cities for 10 of the of the branches chipped in extra money to keep their local library open for more than 35 hours.

With the old library the city of Pleasant Hill paid for 13 extra hours which allowed the library to be open on Monday through Saturday. Pleasant Hill cut back the hours from 13 to 5 which allows their new library to be open from Tuesday to Saturday but is closed on Mondays.

Let City Council staff it. They have nothing else to do but knit sweaters for trees and approve lousy housing as they work from home.

Maybe the “friends of Library” could set up a volunteer support team of “on call” librarians? Many of us have references / (and decades of work experience). Another idea might be to team up with our local Community Colleges – and invite Students to Volunteer as librarians (for College Credit). There are all kinds of solutions (that are outside the control of Governmental funding). These are solutions to an unmet needs. Grant writers might be able to recruit Corporate support to set up a stipend for “staff.” We have to work together and not just throw up our hands and give up.

Is there a union? If so, they would flip out over volunteer librarians.


Check out the HEATED DISCUSSION about the library on the city of Walnut Creek Facebook page.

If you don’t know the truth about this, someone is speaking out.

And he is making the old timers mad. 😱

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana

So is the other Walnut Creek library short staffed?

Poor management and completely inexcusable for a community resource.



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