The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday.
If you could go back in time to January of 2020 (right before COVID), and tell yourself one thing, what would you tell yourself?
Talk about it.
I’d be wondering…. hmmmm, what will they do next?
Invest $ in companies that profit from the vaccine; hoard up on mask and hand sanitizer to sell.
Biden and the Dems will screw up EVERYTHING.
…. ta-dah.
+1 …and Newsom will continue unfortunately
Biden wasn’t even the nominee at that point, I don’t even think he was running.
Trump was President on Jan. 4, 2020.
Go to the hospital on January 4. the first day I had the COVID-19 cough.
Invest in toilet paper manufacturers.
Invest FAR MORE in Tesla stock.
I made a very nice chunk of change, but more is better!
Move all qualified money to cash and dollar cost back in whenever below the 200 day moving average.
Buckle Up
Learn to ignore mean tweets from the orange man.
Seems like one mega lotto jackpot number would take care of investmsent strategies.
Be ready for the Friends & Family members who treat you like crap since you didn’t (and still won’t) take the jab of the Covid Vaccine.
That sucks.
I think there are a lot of Friends and Family members in the same situation. Sad to say I don’t see it getting any better and time soon.
Same here. We were no longer invited to any social or holiday gatherings because of our choice and status. Friends and family proudly boasted their immunization/booster records, during the months of mandates, and cheerfully celebrate they were able to resume back to “normal” and go into restaurants. Said relatives told us, “Serve you right, for not doing what you are supposed to do.” All of this changed recently, as many of our relatives ended up getting it anyway. When this occurred, it became PANIC. Said relatives would stock up on testing kits, excessively testing for negative results. Relatives would recover, indicating, good thing I got the immunization because it would have been worse. The family blame-game occurs on who “brought it in.” An interesting thing I’ve noticed is folks use this as a virtue signal, soliciting sympathy for their own troubles. When you point this stuff out, you are labelled as an anti-vaxxer, orange-man voter. It is insane. Can you live with these people?
@ this_that ~
Oh so True!
Roz I think this would be a great Claycord Water Cooler question. How many Friends and Family disagree on COVID Vaccines?
@Bill ~ Yes!
Just get ready for everything going south. The family is good though. They just keep on carrying on.
Gotten used to zoom meetings
Invest in Zoom.
Nothing new. The first time I saw and heard Dr Fauci on TV, I said to myself, “that guy is a lying quack, he’s scaring people, and he should shut up.” To this day, I have not changed my mind about that lying quack.
Go easy on the Doritos and Beer.
Buy TSLA stock. 10x to today’s price.
Get Mom out of New York nursing home!
What I tell myself?
You were right.
Go all-in on Pfizer stock
“Hey man … your decision to move Vietnam and get the heck out of Khalifyornya” was damn good one … just look at what they have done to a once great place to live, work and play”
Don’t buy the nice hybrid commute car and get a car payment for the first time in years, now currently sitting in my driveway.
@ Mother of Dragons ~
Well, that’s a Bummer!
Speak out more about the racist hypocritical Marxist movement based on a false ideology that the police are targeting the black male (BLM).
It’s about BEHAVIOR not RACE. There are no stats supporting BLM.
That I’d already adapted and overcome tough psychological stress for a long period of time, so “this” COVID being talked about on the news was possibly just another “beast” to fight.
@ Bella ~
+1, Amen … I hear you.
I did tell myself the right thing! I saw the start of the Covid outbreak after having spent several months arranging a trip to New Zealand. I began to worry about exposure to the virus and of getting stranded in New Zealand (not a bad place) but didn’t want to leave family and home for more than the month I had planned. I lost a little money when New Zealand Air didn’t consider my excuse a valid reason to cancel, but avoided horrendous travel chaos.
Like what you said Phil..An important point and the beauty of time, awareness of oneself etc is that nothing is “raw” or about just “my fight.”. So many lost their lives from COVID, I’ve moved forward because of who I am and Therapy, but we as a Society suffered greatly, but now I focus on my strengths, the beautiful friends I have.
Don’t believe the liberal lies. Avoid the jab at all costs. Horde your money as prices will skyrocket.
Don’t move to Vacaville.
By Pfizer stock, because “my body, my choice” will have you labeled as a right winger….
Buy 5 dollars worth of Parmesan Cheese and convince Hunter Biden that it’s crack. Then have him take a dump on a canvas and wait. Some idiot will pay 600,000 dollars for it…