Home » New Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Available In Contra Costa County

New Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Available In Contra Costa County


County-run vaccination clinics in Contra Costa are now offering the recently approved Novavax COVID-19 vaccine for adults who have yet to be immunized.

The Novavax vaccine is different from the Pfizer and Modern vaccines, which use mRNA technology to teach the body to fight against COVID-19. Novavax is a protein-based vaccine similar to others that have been used for decades, such as the hepatitis B and shingles vaccines.

Novavax requires two doses given at least three weeks apart. It has not been approved by the FDA for use as a booster, so it is only available to people ages 18+ who have never gotten a COVID-19 vaccine.

Unvaccinated people can request Novavax when they come to County clinics. To schedule a vaccination appointment, go online or call 833-829-2626.


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Yet another experiment. I wonder if Monkeypox vaccine is working better. We won’t know for another six months to a year.

The Monkeypox Vaccine is the tried and tested Smallpox Vaccine.

It’s just another fake vaccine which doesn’t prevent infection from SARS-Covid2.

One very few vaccines prevent infections. Vaccines are designed to prep your immune system for an assault to keep you from dying.

This one is great for people who wanted a “traditional” vaccine. But look how long it took to get here.

Here is the medical definition of “vaccine”:
“Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body.”
See the word “preventing”. These so-called vaccines do not “prevent” SARS-Covid2.
Let’s take a look at the word “immunization”:
“The process by which a person or animal becomes protected against a disease. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.”
Again, these Covid vaccines do not protect “against” a disease… they merely (theoretically) reduce the symptoms and morbidity.
… so go suck it.

Big fan of Exit 12A.

Save a life and get Vaccinated. Listen to your Health Care Experts and not the conspiracy theorist.

You are crazy. 95% of those who refuse vaccinations, have fought agaisnt the draconian edicts, or are tired of crazies like you are not anti vax…they are anti totalitarian state, they are anti “don’t ask questions”, they are anti ” the vaccine doesn’t appear to be working, why am I being forced to do this”

Efficacy of the drug has been called into question, the risks posed by the vaccine are FAR greater than was espoused when it was rolled out, there is not pragmatic or practical thinking. You are either a troll, an idiot (the technical definition), or have your nose so far up Biden’s cake hole that you can smell his breath.

Who made you the expert on Novavax? The so-called experts have been wrong on side effects of every one of the Covid vaccines so far. Why would this be any different.

Please don’t feed the troll.

I’m on the Frontlines and my husband is a Epidemiologist need I say more? Mask up and get vaccinated!

Trauma Troll

Still trying to dish out you consiparcy theory? Wowser …

You are on the frontlines? Are you a dispatcher, a receptionist in a medical office or are you actually a trained Doctor/Nurse/FF? I would guess, more likely the former than the later.

An epidemiologist? Good for him. I have worked with one on the front lines (first responder at the federal level) who says this COVID is not as severe as some are making it out to be. So my Health Expert counters your Health Expert. Do they negate each other?

It is attitudes like this destroying people’s families, lives, lively hoods, and more. I was accused of being anti-vax, but actually I am not.I wasn’t even given an opportunity to defend myself before the hate, shunning, and attacks began. I let it ride to see how deep the narrative would go. Not once was my health (or well being) shown a shred of compassion. That isn’t science – that is media mind control.

I’m a holistic medical practitioner.

So you’re a fake hippie who does massage therapy on the side.. Got it. You need to lay off the patchouli oils and bath salts. That stuff will rot your brain.

Say it with me


A holistic medical practitioner? And you consider that on the front lines? You have no clue what the front lines are! You are trying to steal the honor/respect given to those who actually serve on the front lines.

Let’s see you roll up on Camp Fire survivors and do search and rescue or render medical aid to a car crash victim. Let’s see you treat the patients in the field or the ER. Roll out on a Hazmat call with victims suffering from inhalation or absorption poisoning. Those are the front lines – of sitting in an office wear the patients drive themselves to you for help.

A holistic medical practitioner … a year or two of training and you get your certification. I have no squabble with the profession (actually have tried it a couple of times for ailments) but it most definitely not front line work.

My Medical Degree speaks for itself. Get educated and informed, follow the science.

I guess my uber driver and the guy working the counter at Burger King also count as Frontline workers

, wow every Naturopath I know advises against the MRNA vaccines, I’m not against the Noravax product since it is protein based and has had some success in EU and India. I follow nutrition- Zinc, Vitamin D3/K2, Selenium, and NAC. I have had Covid which I got in the office; however, I was mostly symptom free and stayed home for 14 days.

Covid “vaccines” do not either prevent disease or transmission, so what exactly is the point in getting jabbed? And don’t claim they reduce severity of illness or hospitalization because there is not a single study to back up that claim. Those words are a flat out lie. “But real life data,” blah blah blah doesn’t cut it either, because we have loads of real world data proving ivermecticn and other meds successfully treat covid, but that data was thrown out the window. Current “vaccines” are useless against Omicron and anyone still calling for jabs now is merely pushing an agenda.

More vaxxed are getting covid and drying, so again, what’s the point in getting jabbed? Data show vaxxed, especially the boosted, have negative efficacy. All-cause deaths among vaxxed are sky high.

The EU includes a heart side-effect warning with the new Novavax “vaccine,” so it appears to be neither effective or safe…just like the others.

But, yes, everyone please go get your jab that protects against nothing and might just kill you.

I have over 50 years of experience with alternative practitioners. Note than most of them were MDs. This includes having taken courses in Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, as well as studying and using techniques from Chinese medicine and metabolic typing. I am not “anti vaxx” but had huge concerns about using a vaccine that did not have proper testing and seemed to not be needed given the statistics. Seems like treatment was all that was needed.

BTW, Ayurvedic practitioners in India use Vati as a treatment for Covid. Vati is composed of Guduchi (Giloy) which is an herb you can even grow around here (is even a nice looking house plant). It is very bitter and I have used it whenever anything resembling a cold or flu comes on and it slams it in about an hour. Looking it up in India it is also used as a treatment for malaria. Yes it is bitter as quinine.

We’ve had some very brave and generous medical professionals who lost their licenses pointing out anomalies in the way the pandemic was handled. They were also supported by award winning epidemiologists and medical professors who being retired weren’t intimidated by speaking out. I recall an interview with two of them who when asked what was learned from this “pandemic”. One replied “that people die”. IOW, that given the stats it would the death rate would not be unusual from any other period and a Canadian researcher has proven it.

There was another agenda at play here and it is “genocide”. The rich want the planet to themselves and none of us are a member of that exclusive club. It is the biggest crime in the history of the work and as Walter Cronkite might say “and you are there”. I hope that group gets prosecuted, stripped of their wealth and made to work in labor camps.


I saw it coming and sat like a deer in the headlights.

I’m unvaxxed and have had Covid. I’ll take my chances of getting Covid again before taking some shot.

Lol, it means you’ll have “a less painful death” from covid…..that is if the myocarditis and blood clots from the graphene oxide don’t get you first.

Yeah that’s great, after more than 2 years of living with this lie I will be skipping this shot as well & let my body do it’s natural thing like it always has. TraumaRx can have this shot too since she is on the front lines & her husband is a brilliant epidemiologist, sounds like they need all the help they can get fighting the battle to save lives, what heroes!!! Sarcasm laid on thick…

After the Chevy Novavax, you may feel a little run down.

Never liked the Chevy Nova, always seemed kind of bland to me….

I have no knowledge of this vaccine, it’s safety, or efficacy. If it is effective at inducing immunity without the potential risks of the MRNA vaccines, it might be a good option for the more skeptical folks who still might consider a different vaccine. In this age of hyperpartisanship on everything, I doubt there are many left, though.

At this point, most people have had covid whether they realize it or not, though. What’s the point in getting vaccinated this late in the game? Every time you put that spike protein into your body (which I assume this Vax does as well), you introduce all the risks that are associated with it’s cytotoxicity. Why expose yourself to that if you don’t have to?

If I were just now coming back from Antarctica after a 3 year expedition, I’d find this very attractive. But the immunological picture has changed a lot in the last one to two years.

It would be nice if our journalists at Claycord would do a story on the availability of the FDA approved vaccine. I really hate to keep saying that the only approved vaccine is the COMORNATY which is not and has not been produced. Therefore everyone who has taken a COVID shot is part of the experimental trials.


All the FDA approved vaccines are there. But don’t let the truth and fact change your opinion.

What like I’m just here lying? You’re foolish if you think I have anything to gain by lying about this. That’s why I’m asking Claycord to publish their findings.

THERE ARE NO FDA APPROVED VACCINES AVAILABLE. EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION IS NOT FULLY APPROVED. You can not get the fully approved vaccine and that is 100% a fact.
Comirnaty is fully approved, but NOBODY has had it. You are a test subject. Just deal with it.

You mean “Comirnaty” which is the Pfizer marketed name for their vaccine that millions have received…….

August 23, 2021 – Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine

Yes. I mean the one that is not available. The one that was just brought up on record in court regarding the military being fired for not taking. The funny thing is pfizer did a bait and switch and everyone knows except people who ain’t paying attention. You can play word games all you want, but it’s a proven fact that NOBODY has taken an approved COVID vaccine. So they market the vaccine as one thing (which they don’t) and give you another. It’s still called pfizer-bioNtech, you CAN NOT GET THE APPROVED VERSION. Why is it so dang hard for you to admit it? Guess what, fired military lawsuits prove it all. You can’t mandate an experimental shot under the threat of termination. Comirnaty is not available ANYWHERE. I dare you to try and find it.


You aren’t lying. You are misled. The comirnaty and Pfizer are the same thing because they are chemically identical. It is normal for medications to have more than one name.

Let me make it easy for you to understand, a person can have a legal name and nickname(s). Whether you call that person by the nickname or legal name, you are refer to the same person. When dealing with government, the legal name must be used therefore it is comiraty in court documents.


Then post the ingredients for both. And what about the moderna and this new one? You are the one who’s misled. Think of that, mislead by a pharmaceutical company. Who ever heard of that?

(It’s time to put up or shut up)

https://www.usatoday.com/sto ry/news/factcheck/2021/10/20/fact-check-comirnaty-pfizers-fda-approved-vaccine-available-us/8538861002/

Comirnary and Pfizer vaccine are interchangeable. Comirnary is available in the US (read the news link) and I know because i got the shot. So your claim that is not available is just 100% false. Please follow your advice above about put up or shut up. If you need to curse, use “damn” instead of “dang” cur god know you want to curse so why even bother hiding it.

Oh I guess the best you could find was USA Today saying they are interchangeable. So is Coke and pepsi but they are not the same are they? Heroin/ fentanyl are the same too right? It’s part of the official court’s records so it’s really not something to argue. You don’t have the ingredients of each fo you? That means you are not spitting facts just your irrational opinion.

If Comonaty is not available and hasn’t been produced, nobody took an actual FDA approved vaccine. Period end of story. What’s your motivation to argue about this?

Don’t tell me what words to use. Now put up some actual information or I’m done with you.

I’ve been laughing at your comments since you came on here..

Adds a nice dose of crazy to the mix, right? Hard to believe that anyone that affected can be functional out in society, so it’s hard to believe anything that person posts about themselves.

AntiLib, +1000 !!!

Don’t forget to wear your seatbelt.

wear your mask, wash your mitts and zip up your pantaloons. You will be covid and ape pox free. It’s a no brainer. Sorry for those that have lost their brain function due to the vax fraud.

Drink Jagermeister . Read up on the pro and cons We been told to that from day 1 that alcohol kills the covid .

So is the new “Novavax” also approved by the FDA? Or is it under EUA authorization like all the others? If you take these can you sue? Also can mandates apply to these? Asking for a friend

Whatever happen to poster Random Task?

Unless you’re vaccinated your chance of survival in only 98%.

Nope, not going to take this vaccine either.
I had Covid in March 2022.
If I needed meds to treat it, I would have.
Hope everyone stays Health.

Pureblood here. I had covid, and it sucked and took a few days longer than a cold to go away. Don’t see why I need to worry about such a silly thing.



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