There is something about having the same teacher all day and the same classmates that I liked. I was fortunate and always had good teachers in elementary school. All the kids got along great. Unlike Jr high and high school where I had some real losers at times. Everything probably depends on where you go to school.
August 3, 2022 - 12:26 PM 12:26 PM
No question – elementary
August 3, 2022 - 12:37 PM 12:37 PM
I don’t know if one is particularly better than the other. The each have a different stage in growing up.
I spent all of my school years on an airplane because I got a much higher education. I was a bad behavior student I even got kick off the airplane and was told to sit on the cloud and no talking.
August 3, 2022 - 1:09 PM 1:09 PM
Elementary. Gotta be the six years i spent in 4th grade.
August 3, 2022 - 1:15 PM 1:15 PM
High school was the best for me, lots of different teachers, different subjects, some my choice, and lots of students to meet and become life long friends.
Also loved getting my driver’s license, driving all over town, and all the great school activities. And I worked at a fast food place at night.
High school was great!
August 3, 2022 - 1:23 PM 1:23 PM
For myself, I didn’t like school, so none.
Lucky, I got through high school and was just pushed through the system.
Had figured out in middle, school I had trouble learning.
Still to this day with poor reading & spelling skills.
Art, Math, & Design work save the day for me 🙂
August 3, 2022 - 1:56 PM 1:56 PM
High school, CPHS
I was damn near a god. HS sports hall of fame. As good as it was, life got even better! Retired at 49 years, 10 months old. I’ve seen most of America on the back of a Harley. I’ve also been to 17 countries. Good to be me.
Elementary was great because you didn’t have a real care in the world but of course at that age you didn’t really realize that.
Intermediate was fun because you thought that you were really cool and grown up and you didn’t have a bunch of older kids that would shove you around and let you know that you weren’t cool or grown up.
High School was great because of the girls…..oh my goodness yes indeed. 🙂
Dr. Jellyfinger
August 3, 2022 - 6:03 PM 6:03 PM
Nobody “liked” school except for the smacks.
Even the jocks and rah rahs disliked school, but they were all rabid about football, basketball,baseball, swim meets, etc.
I almost forgot!
We also referred to our parents as our “Toads” and that was really awful now that I think about it.
The Fearless Spectator
August 3, 2022 - 8:23 PM 8:23 PM
Eighth grade was great. I perfected the “how to look like a drug dealer without actually being one” look. It made a real difference with the girls.
Then high school Junior year where having the fastest car in the parking lot opened up a world of opportunity and experiences. It’s amazing what a $750 dollar car could get you back then………
Beach plz
August 3, 2022 - 8:33 PM 8:33 PM
Went to Sun terrace, the teachers there were very sadistic and evil. Liked to humiliate kids in front of their peers, especially if they were struggling. Kind of like Mr. Garrison from South Park except meaner and yelled more. It was as if they had reached the deepest levels of insanity. They would get in students faces and yell at them while they struggled to do something as if it was boot camp, especially the yard duties. Most of the students there were little A-holes as well so I don’t blame them. The teachers bullied innocent kids too tho.
Glenbrook was worse because those same students from Sun Terrace and also Holbrook went there.
Pine hollow was okay. Teachers were better there. Students weren’t nearly as bad as the kids from North Concord and the Monument corridor.
Mt. Diablo wasn’t a high school. It was more like a place to kick it. All kinds of personalities taught and attended.
Loma Vista adult ed was full of people I knew throughout elementary, middle, and high school that did not make it to graduation.
August 3, 2022 - 9:17 PM 9:17 PM
None of it. I was in the same school district from K through 12 and was bullied and ostracized all through it. When I finally made it to high school graduation, the unknown was a little scary, but it also felt like the end of a long prison sentence for me. I have never been to homecoming or prom. I will never be seen at a high school reunion. I have no desire to see any of those people ever again. This is a big reason why I never had children. It isn’t the only reason, but it’s a major one. I realize that parenting has its rewards, but I was never willing to take the risk of any child of mine going through what I did.
ChampagneKitty, I hope that you are in a peaceful and happy place now. For what it’s worth, at least some of those bullies will have matured and now understand what harmful and vicious jerks they were. Not all of them, but some. The rest are not worth another minute’s thought. They’ve taken enough of your time and energy.
August 3, 2022 - 9:34 PM 9:34 PM
El Monte elementary was great. Mr. Erickson and Mr. Stevenson were great teachers.. Loma Vista was great. Glenbrook was great. Mount Diablo was great. You could smoke out on the street in front of the gym in between classes. Can you imagine.
Hanne Jeppesen
August 3, 2022 - 9:49 PM 9:49 PM
Since I went to school in Denmark, my experience was probably very different than those that went to school in the US. Until I was 13 years old, I went to a little country school, 2 teachers, and if someone needed time off because it was harves time the would get it. Yet I learned the geografi of Europe, knew all the capitals of Europe, as well as major rivers etc. I learned enough about the US to know how many states where were, I knew the major cities, New York, Boston, D.C. Miami, Chicago, LA and San Francisco, some of that probably because I was always fascinated by the US. When I turned 13, 3 small school district was combined into a bigger and newer school. More teachers, and more interesting teachers, and at age 14 I could start to learn English, which was not an option in the little country school. So definitely the last few years of school was better and more interesting. However, my parents did not think I had enough education, so after being out of school for 10 months the enrolled me in a boarding school for 5 month. Back then in Denmark if you didn’t live in a city, you didn’t get the same education in the country, school only went to age 15, unless you wanted to go on to what was called gymnasium, however if you had gone to a country school, they only accepted a few student from each country, to it was a bit of a lottery.
You didn’t like and/or skipped math
After all that schooling you left Denmark to be a cashier in a mall in America?One would think the pay is higher for that sought after skill in the Netherlands.
You came for the weather I guess.
When you told your parents youre a cashier,were they happy that your education helped in your success?
How you or anyone could possibly afford your own place on that pay though,is a mystery.Even someone making $20 and hour,40 hours a week can barely live on their own,and Macy’s doesnt pay that high or give that many hours.Esp companies that intentionally pay twice a month,not once a week.The bigger paycheck puts it into a higher tax deduction and you get less and they keep more than weekly pay,then you file for a refund at the end of the year.Weekly paychecks are mostly a thing of the past,for a reason.Its cheaper to pay twice a month.
I went everyday to silverwood elementary and road my bike to school and loved going but then we moved to other side of concord and I had to go to Glenbrook for middle school and my attendance started to drop. The kids were ghetto trouble makers and just starting fights with students, bullying all the time that I ended up in detention all the time and Saturday school because of them.
They would start stuff fooling around or name calling and I would strike back and get in trouble even though they started it.. I remember I put the liquid hand soap in the water fountain spout where the water comes out and one of them went and took a drink and got a mouth full of soap I busted up laughing hard well that’s what you get you sob!!! I wonder where they are today probably all living under a bridge.
Kids today have “safe spaces” “fat acceptance” really acceptance of everything I mean you can cut your junk off and be praised for it today well there was none of that back when I went in the 90’s. If your shoes were even untied you were bullied or if you bought your shoes from payless you were called poor and all sorts of stuff.
Hanne Jeppesen
August 4, 2022 - 11:04 AM 11:04 AM
I did not like math, you are right. I came to the US because I had always been fascinated with America, and I wanted to improve my English, I had already been to England. Obviously you skipped or didn’t like geography? Netherlands is Holland, Denmark is a different country. I had a career in insurance, which pays residuals, you are right retail wages is not a living wage, but ever since I started at Macy’s I have had other income, I was married and received a settlement, I’m not wealthy, but I’m dong fine financally, thank you for your concern. My parents believed that honest work was of value. While my parents were alive I was married. When I came to the US I lived in Connecticut and New York City, the weather there is often colder than Denmark, but warmer in the summer. Yes the California weather is the best. Hope that answers all your concerns.
August 4, 2022 - 12:34 PM 12:34 PM
@unforgiven, my children went to Glenbrook and like you, it was not good. Sorry to say it, but the problems were due to the Mexican population that have over run our local schools.
Fred M
August 5, 2022 - 7:44 PM 7:44 PM
Grew up in San Francisco. Went to Catholic school from second grade (twice) through high school. Hated grammar school and when I graduated from 8th grade I chose my high school based on the number of boys that were going there (the fewest) so that I would basically have a fresh start. Loved high school. The only downside was that it was all-male. Had to sneak off campus to visit the girls’ schools. I will say that I attended my grammar class’ 45th reunion (Class of 1971) and it went better than I expected. It took me many, many years to get over my grammar school experience. High school was the best although I spent too much time playing and not enough time studying but hey, I turned out OK.
There is something about having the same teacher all day and the same classmates that I liked. I was fortunate and always had good teachers in elementary school. All the kids got along great. Unlike Jr high and high school where I had some real losers at times. Everything probably depends on where you go to school.
No question – elementary
I don’t know if one is particularly better than the other. The each have a different stage in growing up.
Elementary. Back then it was K thru 6th.
.. ours was K thru 5
None of them.
I spent all of my school years on an airplane because I got a much higher education. I was a bad behavior student I even got kick off the airplane and was told to sit on the cloud and no talking.
Elementary. Gotta be the six years i spent in 4th grade.
High school was the best for me, lots of different teachers, different subjects, some my choice, and lots of students to meet and become life long friends.
Also loved getting my driver’s license, driving all over town, and all the great school activities. And I worked at a fast food place at night.
High school was great!
For myself, I didn’t like school, so none.
Lucky, I got through high school and was just pushed through the system.
Had figured out in middle, school I had trouble learning.
Still to this day with poor reading & spelling skills.
Art, Math, & Design work save the day for me 🙂
High school, CPHS
I was damn near a god. HS sports hall of fame. As good as it was, life got even better! Retired at 49 years, 10 months old. I’ve seen most of America on the back of a Harley. I’ve also been to 17 countries. Good to be me.
“Then Came Darwin”
@dr jellybelly
May you win my award 😊
@Darwin….HS “gods” don’t ride on the back of a HD (bi*ch pad), usually they’re in the front seat operating the bike….just sayin’
While you are at work, think of me. I just got up and on my way to the gym 😂😂😂. And I’m going to ride my Harley there.
@Darwin….Funnier yet, I just took a putt out to the River road this morning and your name and comment never crossed my mind.
Ant yet you responded. Lol
I was in high school when I met the girl I was destined to marry, so for that reason, I will pick high school.
What used to be junior high school. None of the teen drama and BS associated with high school.
Elementary was great because you didn’t have a real care in the world but of course at that age you didn’t really realize that.
Intermediate was fun because you thought that you were really cool and grown up and you didn’t have a bunch of older kids that would shove you around and let you know that you weren’t cool or grown up.
High School was great because of the girls…..oh my goodness yes indeed. 🙂
Nobody “liked” school except for the smacks.
Even the jocks and rah rahs disliked school, but they were all rabid about football, basketball,baseball, swim meets, etc.
Yep, Smack.
That’s what we called ’em back in the 70’s.
Nerd, Drip, Dweeb, they all mean the same thing.
The rest of us were either Stoners, Jocks, Greasers, High Riders, Low Riders, or Hippies.
And if something was good or impressive that was “Boss!”
I almost forgot!
We also referred to our parents as our “Toads” and that was really awful now that I think about it.
Eighth grade was great. I perfected the “how to look like a drug dealer without actually being one” look. It made a real difference with the girls.
Then high school Junior year where having the fastest car in the parking lot opened up a world of opportunity and experiences. It’s amazing what a $750 dollar car could get you back then………
Went to Sun terrace, the teachers there were very sadistic and evil. Liked to humiliate kids in front of their peers, especially if they were struggling. Kind of like Mr. Garrison from South Park except meaner and yelled more. It was as if they had reached the deepest levels of insanity. They would get in students faces and yell at them while they struggled to do something as if it was boot camp, especially the yard duties. Most of the students there were little A-holes as well so I don’t blame them. The teachers bullied innocent kids too tho.
Glenbrook was worse because those same students from Sun Terrace and also Holbrook went there.
Pine hollow was okay. Teachers were better there. Students weren’t nearly as bad as the kids from North Concord and the Monument corridor.
Mt. Diablo wasn’t a high school. It was more like a place to kick it. All kinds of personalities taught and attended.
Loma Vista adult ed was full of people I knew throughout elementary, middle, and high school that did not make it to graduation.
None of it. I was in the same school district from K through 12 and was bullied and ostracized all through it. When I finally made it to high school graduation, the unknown was a little scary, but it also felt like the end of a long prison sentence for me. I have never been to homecoming or prom. I will never be seen at a high school reunion. I have no desire to see any of those people ever again. This is a big reason why I never had children. It isn’t the only reason, but it’s a major one. I realize that parenting has its rewards, but I was never willing to take the risk of any child of mine going through what I did.
ChampagneKitty, I hope that you are in a peaceful and happy place now. For what it’s worth, at least some of those bullies will have matured and now understand what harmful and vicious jerks they were. Not all of them, but some. The rest are not worth another minute’s thought. They’ve taken enough of your time and energy.
El Monte elementary was great. Mr. Erickson and Mr. Stevenson were great teachers.. Loma Vista was great. Glenbrook was great. Mount Diablo was great. You could smoke out on the street in front of the gym in between classes. Can you imagine.
Since I went to school in Denmark, my experience was probably very different than those that went to school in the US. Until I was 13 years old, I went to a little country school, 2 teachers, and if someone needed time off because it was harves time the would get it. Yet I learned the geografi of Europe, knew all the capitals of Europe, as well as major rivers etc. I learned enough about the US to know how many states where were, I knew the major cities, New York, Boston, D.C. Miami, Chicago, LA and San Francisco, some of that probably because I was always fascinated by the US. When I turned 13, 3 small school district was combined into a bigger and newer school. More teachers, and more interesting teachers, and at age 14 I could start to learn English, which was not an option in the little country school. So definitely the last few years of school was better and more interesting. However, my parents did not think I had enough education, so after being out of school for 10 months the enrolled me in a boarding school for 5 month. Back then in Denmark if you didn’t live in a city, you didn’t get the same education in the country, school only went to age 15, unless you wanted to go on to what was called gymnasium, however if you had gone to a country school, they only accepted a few student from each country, to it was a bit of a lottery.
You didn’t like and/or skipped math
After all that schooling you left Denmark to be a cashier in a mall in America?One would think the pay is higher for that sought after skill in the Netherlands.
You came for the weather I guess.
When you told your parents youre a cashier,were they happy that your education helped in your success?
How you or anyone could possibly afford your own place on that pay though,is a mystery.Even someone making $20 and hour,40 hours a week can barely live on their own,and Macy’s doesnt pay that high or give that many hours.Esp companies that intentionally pay twice a month,not once a week.The bigger paycheck puts it into a higher tax deduction and you get less and they keep more than weekly pay,then you file for a refund at the end of the year.Weekly paychecks are mostly a thing of the past,for a reason.Its cheaper to pay twice a month.
oh james….. you just opened a can of worms….
ok Hanne,,,, Let him have it….
I went everyday to silverwood elementary and road my bike to school and loved going but then we moved to other side of concord and I had to go to Glenbrook for middle school and my attendance started to drop. The kids were ghetto trouble makers and just starting fights with students, bullying all the time that I ended up in detention all the time and Saturday school because of them.
They would start stuff fooling around or name calling and I would strike back and get in trouble even though they started it.. I remember I put the liquid hand soap in the water fountain spout where the water comes out and one of them went and took a drink and got a mouth full of soap I busted up laughing hard well that’s what you get you sob!!! I wonder where they are today probably all living under a bridge.
Kids today have “safe spaces” “fat acceptance” really acceptance of everything I mean you can cut your junk off and be praised for it today well there was none of that back when I went in the 90’s. If your shoes were even untied you were bullied or if you bought your shoes from payless you were called poor and all sorts of stuff.
I did not like math, you are right. I came to the US because I had always been fascinated with America, and I wanted to improve my English, I had already been to England. Obviously you skipped or didn’t like geography? Netherlands is Holland, Denmark is a different country. I had a career in insurance, which pays residuals, you are right retail wages is not a living wage, but ever since I started at Macy’s I have had other income, I was married and received a settlement, I’m not wealthy, but I’m dong fine financally, thank you for your concern. My parents believed that honest work was of value. While my parents were alive I was married. When I came to the US I lived in Connecticut and New York City, the weather there is often colder than Denmark, but warmer in the summer. Yes the California weather is the best. Hope that answers all your concerns.
@unforgiven, my children went to Glenbrook and like you, it was not good. Sorry to say it, but the problems were due to the Mexican population that have over run our local schools.
Grew up in San Francisco. Went to Catholic school from second grade (twice) through high school. Hated grammar school and when I graduated from 8th grade I chose my high school based on the number of boys that were going there (the fewest) so that I would basically have a fresh start. Loved high school. The only downside was that it was all-male. Had to sneak off campus to visit the girls’ schools. I will say that I attended my grammar class’ 45th reunion (Class of 1971) and it went better than I expected. It took me many, many years to get over my grammar school experience. High school was the best although I spent too much time playing and not enough time studying but hey, I turned out OK.