Time to put your grown up pants on and Acknowledge that you’ve been duped, your miracle cure DOES NOT work…..and it has NOTHING to do with unvaccinated people.
Maybe you should clean up your Diet and listen to what alternative practitioners have been saying for 2.5 years.
Could you please cite some “the science” to back that up? Omicron came out of South Africa, and has swept through the world several times now as it mutates. Australia and New Zealand couldn’t stop it, and they were the covid nazis all the Karen’s loved the most.
Anecdotally, everyone I work with has gotten. It, maskers and no maskers. The reality is, no one was ever going to be able to control this, because we have never controlled a respiratory virus like this. But it did make a great vehicle to seize more power by fooling the frightened into ceding it. Divide and conquer.
Ah, yes. The unvaccinated people who don’t have COVID keep passing it on to the vaccinated ones, who keep getting sick from it, therefore prolonging the pandemic.
Concord guy is the only reason we have COVID HOAX to begin with. Clearly it’s prolonged by the vax-heads and the mask freaks. biden had 5 shots of the fauci juice and he’s had double COVID and is isolating because he’s CONTAGIOUS. I have been around dozens of people who were sick and nothing. Apparently if you don’t get the jab and never wear the mask, you don’t get sick. However it is interesting watching the mental gymnastics being played about so many young vaxed people dying from heart attacks and unknown causes. It’s also noteworthy that the FDA approved vaccines have never been manufactured and anyone who fell for the HOAX took the experimental version. NOT ONE OF YOU TOOK THE APPROVED VACCINE. Straight up ignorant as can be.
“Concord guy” is the perfect name for you but you should spell it “Conquered guy” because we know you ain’t from Concord.
Funny I’ve not been vaccinated and I never honored the lockdown, but I did wear my mask. But no covid at all. You know they cut vaccinated are now getting covid 1 and 2 times.
The Pitcairn Islands approximately 18.15 miles of British sovereign territory located in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean 3300 miles from New Zealand and 1300 miles from Tahiti with a population of 67 people are 100% vaccinated and yet they still reported 4 cases of Covid-19.
If you cannot stop Covid-19 from coming to Gilligan’s Island how in the Hell will you prevent it from coming in the United States were you had in the Month of April alone, 234,088 illegal aliens coming across the US Southern Border?
Your mantra of mask and vaccinate is beyond naivete.
Pfizer generated “Record Profits” the last two years based primarily on a “Vaccine” that the virus has mutated away from. Yet we are all being indoctrinated & mandated to get more jabs of a WORTHLESS Vaccine, that has no effect on the current strain. WHY? could it have something to do with MONEY?, and who is getting it.
The vaccine reduces the severity of symptoms. The anti-mask, anti-vaxxers allowed the virus to stay alive and mutate. Over 1 million Americans have died from these viruses. But science is not spoken by the Fox pundits. Behind the cameras they wore masks and got their shots.
@Doh: Even your silly little blurb is anti-science. It has been established by the “experts” that masks and vaccines do not stop transmission. It’s transmission that keeps the coronavirus – and every virus – alive and mutating. Lord Fauci duped you and others like you into believing that wearing a mask and getting vaccinated would kill the virus. Sorry, the virus is part and parcel to our lives now. Better learn to live with it.
Exit 12A
August 3, 2022 - 5:18 PM 5:18 PM
…because the “vaccine” is a total joke.
Vaccines are supposed to protect humans from the virus. Therefore, the Covid “vaccine” does not meet the scientific definition of “vaccine” and should be classified as misinformation.
The CDC knows this. Fauci knows this. The vast majority of epidemiologists are continually lying about Covid SARS-2 and its so-called “vaccine”.
Jay Roller
August 3, 2022 - 5:28 PM 5:28 PM
I just remember, when I was a kid, they would say “There is no cure for the common cold!”. I guess they were right!! Lol!
Its just another flu that kills 300,000 people per year that they never mention anymore.What about the TBA epidemic.?
Baa,baa,you should only be saying if you buy into this crap.
Distract,distract,accuse accuse,it’s all they have.
August 3, 2022 - 5:37 PM 5:37 PM
TB epidemic,it’s real and kills 1,5 to 2 million per year and they NEVER mention it.
Wheres the fear and outrage ?
They know somethings this old and we are “all still alive”,they can’t stir up much fear with it
This sounds way more risky and deadly than some namby pamby covid/flu.
August 3, 2022 - 5:53 PM 5:53 PM
Oh it’s all fake according to the commenters on Claycord. It’s all a far left fraud of course…
If you careful think about the definition, a vaccine works when it recognizes an intended virus; thus the vaccine tells the body to produce the antibodies to fight the virus. That is exactly covid vaccine does, if you get vaccinated and catch the covid virus, and the vaccine tells the body to produce the antibodies to fight the virus to make you heal faster.
So to say that a vaccine protect you from getting the virus is absolutely false. The antivaxers need to apologize for spreading falsehood. If the want to checkout by getting the virus then go ahead.
Have you been under a rock for two years?
The definition of vaccine has been Changed.
You do know that this “vaccine” was made from.some code given to pfizer, jansen…………….by China.
You are getting a “vaccine” for the so called original strain.
All of the blood clots and mycarditis this vaccine offers….No Thanks.
If you think it’s the norm what is happening with all of the Athletes. …….
Let’s not forget….the code for this vaccine sequence came from CHINA. You really need to study the Art of War.
Bean Burner
August 3, 2022 - 7:51 PM 7:51 PM
Both my non vaxxd friends have caught it multiple times. My singer nearly died from it- his only preexisting health condition was a propensity to drink too much booze. Otherwise a healthy active cyclist.
Both of them went through the rack the first time around and it’s gotten less Serious each time they’ve caught it but they still get pretty sick.
All of my friends who have caught it multiple times who are vaccinated have experienced symptoms no more than mild allergy type sniffles etc.
August 3, 2022 - 9:19 PM 9:19 PM
Wash your hands. Take vitamins C and D. Use hand sanitizers if you can’t wash with soap and water. If you feel sick, call your doctor and get tested. They can treat you if it is Covid.
Did I Say That Out Loud
August 3, 2022 - 10:25 PM 10:25 PM
It’s a vaccine, not a guarantee that you will not get sick. It’s job is to first help you avoid getting sick, and if you do get sick not have as severe an episode. The problem isn’t the vaccine, it’s the mentality of “we want guarantees”. There are very, very, few guarantees in medicine, and there are far more people who stomp their feet like 3 year olds throwing a tantrum when they can’t get what they want.
Exactly! The misconception is that vaccine ( whether it is flu, covid, herpes, virus ect) guarantee the person won’t get a virus. The fact is vaccine tells the body to produce antibodies to fight a virus when a person catches the virus.
The Virus has Mutated to the point that the current “Vaccine” is Worthless. but feel free to line Pfizer’s pockets, except it’s happening with Taxpayer Funds. Can you say INFLATION.
Bad Nombre
August 3, 2022 - 11:10 PM 11:10 PM
Wife and I are still unscathed. She volunteered to work with Covid patients before vaccination. We seem blessed.
Concerned Citizen
August 3, 2022 - 11:24 PM 11:24 PM
I thought the vaccine was suppose to make you invincible against COVID?
The quack doctor from Ohio probably said that. After all, she (the doctor) claims that the vaccinated are magnetized for they stick to metal poles or metal stick to them. Sheesh 🙄
Besides all the other people mentioned, even Rochelle Walensky (CDC) said the vaccinated people would not get or transmit the virus. It really is unbelievable how many lies all these so-called experts have told, starting with fauci and birx.
Joe Biden said on July 21,2021 “ you get the vaccine you will not get it or spread it” . He has let 5 million people from countries that have NEVER had any vaccines . .. didnt you question Fauci’’s “science”
When he announced we not see family over the holidays but silent over the illegals.?
August 4, 2022 - 12:20 AM 12:20 AM
Wait for it, another conspiracy accusation from Jeff Zimmerman.
August 4, 2022 - 6:13 AM 6:13 AM
This is the new normal. Get more shots if you like. Wearing masks probably helps reduce sicknesses with folks but not that much unless you live alone and have no kids so I am going to say no thanks to that too.
August 4, 2022 - 7:25 AM 7:25 AM
They just switch from military industrial complex to medical industrial complex and made deals behind the curtains so they can get filthy rich. All those free rapid tests they send in the mail are not free and either are the shots. Future generation tax payers will be paying it all back in higher taxes/inflation and we already are seeing inflation with the rise of costs of everything so imagine how bad its going to be for them in 5-10 years lol. Your children will be poor and own nothing, their future looks bleak!
Also where is the green freaks the same ones who are telling everyone to still wear a mask and driving by their miserable self wearing one lol. Don’t they care about the environment because I see them all over the place littered and don’t they know every time you liter an Indian cries have they not seen the commercials.. I thought they cared about the natives… its bad enough we took their lands but to litter and trash the lands afterword’s is just wrong.
Also do you know how many trees were murdered to make those masks!
Where’s the vegans oh that’s right they only care about the cows, pigs, etc but they don’t care about the billions of insects and rodents that are murdered on the crop fields to farm their plant based diets… A lot more animals are killed than livestock for meat consumption to feed plant based dieters and yes insects are animals too and if you choose one animal over another then you don’t truly care about all living things and you are a speciesist !!!
When the vaccines came out, we weren’t told they would prevent Covid. We were told that it would lessen your chances of serious illness or death. A lot of people assumed it would be prevent Covid, and their assumption was incorrect.
I’m not surprised that people are getting Covid twice. My husband and I haven’t gotten Covid. At this point, I think it depends on your immunity. Some people are heathier than others.
Outright Lies or forgetfulness.
The vaccine was touted as the magic bullet to “get back to our lives”. They even had vidiots posting selfies of themselves receiving the medical PROCEDURE.
Workplaces were requiring this medical procedure.
People lost jobs over this. Government tried to mandate.
Your are WRONG on this Kentucky……Stop watching flip flop PSY OP tv.
Kentucky Derby, you are incorrect about people not being told that vaccines would prevent covid. Just the opposite.
August 4, 2022 - 8:09 AM 8:09 AM
You can tell a person’s stance on the vax and mask issues simply by asking if they watch CNN or MSNBC. Scientifically, it’s been proven that anything shy of a medically fitted N95 that passes a smell test, is nothing more than facial decoration. And, it’s also obvious that the vaccine, being a shot in the dark, was in fact just that, and is now being proven to do more harm than good. https://youtu.be/XlGXFRs4ZOA
It’s a crabs in a barrel scenario. People that were forced or coerced into taking the vax against their better judgement, then pressed everyone else into it to so they would not feel all alone. We told them to not do it, yet they went like cattle to a slaughter, stampeding over each other to get a DNA altering experimental shot. Now, unfortunately, they have to deal with the consequences.
Yup, it’s been one of the most successful psychological operations in the history of mankind. The folks in the video look like they need some tranquilizers. Covid itself has a 99.5% chance of survival and MoneyPox even a better chance. More deadly is economic damage they are doing to people and even if you are flush they’ll get around to you eventually. However, as usual and thankfully they will fail in the operation and I hope we can indite those behind this.
American Citizen
August 4, 2022 - 10:19 AM 10:19 AM
Don’t believe the lies of the drug companies and the government. The only beneficiaries of this so called pandemic were drug companies, auto dealers and real estate agents. Thousands of jobs lost and businesses destroyed and where are we now? Same place as two years ago. The vaccine is a lie. People get 4 shots and still get Covid (AKA the flu).
August 4, 2022 - 1:09 PM 1:09 PM
After getting Covid twice within an eight week period I am happy that I am double boosted and double vaxed. Paxlovid was prescribed both times and I was better in three days. Both times and tested negative in six days. I am glad that I didn’t get the Virus back in 2020 without any protection.
You should be thankful for Paxlovid. The vaccine didn’t do squat for you.
August 4, 2022 - 5:35 PM 5:35 PM
And in other top news … the sun rose today … folks … listen … viruses have been with us since the dawn of time … it is just part of mother nature’s way … likewise … so are snake oil salesmen … there will always be some greedy people trying to sell you something your body can do itself … #dontmesswithmothernature
This is very true. I know of six people that have tested positive for COVID more than once. They all were months apart from their first positive test.
Hurry up and get your 17th “booster”.
Still waiting for that apology for all of that mocking you all did to us “anti-vaxxers”.
No apology forthcoming.
This pandemic has been prolonged by anti-vaxxers and by the unmasked.
Time to put your grown up pants on and Acknowledge that you’ve been duped, your miracle cure DOES NOT work…..and it has NOTHING to do with unvaccinated people.
Maybe you should clean up your Diet and listen to what alternative practitioners have been saying for 2.5 years.
It’s peak anti-vax self obsession to demand an apology after doing exactly zero to help reduce the impact of the pandemic. Have fun waiting.
Concord Guy,
Could you please cite some “the science” to back that up? Omicron came out of South Africa, and has swept through the world several times now as it mutates. Australia and New Zealand couldn’t stop it, and they were the covid nazis all the Karen’s loved the most.
Anecdotally, everyone I work with has gotten. It, maskers and no maskers. The reality is, no one was ever going to be able to control this, because we have never controlled a respiratory virus like this. But it did make a great vehicle to seize more power by fooling the frightened into ceding it. Divide and conquer.
Ah, yes. The unvaccinated people who don’t have COVID keep passing it on to the vaccinated ones, who keep getting sick from it, therefore prolonging the pandemic.
Clearly, I don’t understand liberal “science”.
Concord guy is the only reason we have COVID HOAX to begin with. Clearly it’s prolonged by the vax-heads and the mask freaks. biden had 5 shots of the fauci juice and he’s had double COVID and is isolating because he’s CONTAGIOUS. I have been around dozens of people who were sick and nothing. Apparently if you don’t get the jab and never wear the mask, you don’t get sick. However it is interesting watching the mental gymnastics being played about so many young vaxed people dying from heart attacks and unknown causes. It’s also noteworthy that the FDA approved vaccines have never been manufactured and anyone who fell for the HOAX took the experimental version. NOT ONE OF YOU TOOK THE APPROVED VACCINE. Straight up ignorant as can be.
“Concord guy” is the perfect name for you but you should spell it “Conquered guy” because we know you ain’t from Concord.
Funny I’ve not been vaccinated and I never honored the lockdown, but I did wear my mask. But no covid at all. You know they cut vaccinated are now getting covid 1 and 2 times.
@ Concord Guy
The Pitcairn Islands approximately 18.15 miles of British sovereign territory located in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean 3300 miles from New Zealand and 1300 miles from Tahiti with a population of 67 people are 100% vaccinated and yet they still reported 4 cases of Covid-19.
If you cannot stop Covid-19 from coming to Gilligan’s Island how in the Hell will you prevent it from coming in the United States were you had in the Month of April alone, 234,088 illegal aliens coming across the US Southern Border?
Your mantra of mask and vaccinate is beyond naivete.
Pfizer generated “Record Profits” the last two years based primarily on a “Vaccine” that the virus has mutated away from. Yet we are all being indoctrinated & mandated to get more jabs of a WORTHLESS Vaccine, that has no effect on the current strain. WHY? could it have something to do with MONEY?, and who is getting it.
The vaccine reduces the severity of symptoms. The anti-mask, anti-vaxxers allowed the virus to stay alive and mutate. Over 1 million Americans have died from these viruses. But science is not spoken by the Fox pundits. Behind the cameras they wore masks and got their shots.
@Doh: Even your silly little blurb is anti-science. It has been established by the “experts” that masks and vaccines do not stop transmission. It’s transmission that keeps the coronavirus – and every virus – alive and mutating. Lord Fauci duped you and others like you into believing that wearing a mask and getting vaccinated would kill the virus. Sorry, the virus is part and parcel to our lives now. Better learn to live with it.
…because the “vaccine” is a total joke.
Vaccines are supposed to protect humans from the virus. Therefore, the Covid “vaccine” does not meet the scientific definition of “vaccine” and should be classified as misinformation.
The CDC knows this. Fauci knows this. The vast majority of epidemiologists are continually lying about Covid SARS-2 and its so-called “vaccine”.
I just remember, when I was a kid, they would say “There is no cure for the common cold!”. I guess they were right!! Lol!
No Jay…
They were WRONG !
Its just another flu that kills 300,000 people per year that they never mention anymore.What about the TBA epidemic.?
Baa,baa,you should only be saying if you buy into this crap.
Distract,distract,accuse accuse,it’s all they have.
TB epidemic,it’s real and kills 1,5 to 2 million per year and they NEVER mention it.
Wheres the fear and outrage ?
They know somethings this old and we are “all still alive”,they can’t stir up much fear with it
This sounds way more risky and deadly than some namby pamby covid/flu.
Oh it’s all fake according to the commenters on Claycord. It’s all a far left fraud of course…
More WORTHLESS Boosters mean more money for those that profit from them.
I wonder if anyone will tell us how many vaxed and unvaxed are getting the China Virus multiple times.
It’d be interesting to know how the unvaxed are doing compared to the vaxed.
… or how many unvaxxed died or ended up on ventilators because they weren’t vaxxed. And then there’s long Covid..
Ahh, the true believers. How refreshing.
More “vaccine and covid neurosis”. Glad I’m not in that universe.
If you careful think about the definition, a vaccine works when it recognizes an intended virus; thus the vaccine tells the body to produce the antibodies to fight the virus. That is exactly covid vaccine does, if you get vaccinated and catch the covid virus, and the vaccine tells the body to produce the antibodies to fight the virus to make you heal faster.
So to say that a vaccine protect you from getting the virus is absolutely false. The antivaxers need to apologize for spreading falsehood. If the want to checkout by getting the virus then go ahead.
Have you been under a rock for two years?
The definition of vaccine has been Changed.
You do know that this “vaccine” was made from.some code given to pfizer, jansen…………….by China.
You are getting a “vaccine” for the so called original strain.
All of the blood clots and mycarditis this vaccine offers….No Thanks.
If you think it’s the norm what is happening with all of the Athletes. …….
Let’s not forget….the code for this vaccine sequence came from CHINA. You really need to study the Art of War.
Both my non vaxxd friends have caught it multiple times. My singer nearly died from it- his only preexisting health condition was a propensity to drink too much booze. Otherwise a healthy active cyclist.
Both of them went through the rack the first time around and it’s gotten less Serious each time they’ve caught it but they still get pretty sick.
All of my friends who have caught it multiple times who are vaccinated have experienced symptoms no more than mild allergy type sniffles etc.
Wash your hands. Take vitamins C and D. Use hand sanitizers if you can’t wash with soap and water. If you feel sick, call your doctor and get tested. They can treat you if it is Covid.
It’s a vaccine, not a guarantee that you will not get sick. It’s job is to first help you avoid getting sick, and if you do get sick not have as severe an episode. The problem isn’t the vaccine, it’s the mentality of “we want guarantees”. There are very, very, few guarantees in medicine, and there are far more people who stomp their feet like 3 year olds throwing a tantrum when they can’t get what they want.
Its still not FDA approved. If you took the shot, you are an experiment.
Exactly! The misconception is that vaccine ( whether it is flu, covid, herpes, virus ect) guarantee the person won’t get a virus. The fact is vaccine tells the body to produce antibodies to fight a virus when a person catches the virus.
The Virus has Mutated to the point that the current “Vaccine” is Worthless. but feel free to line Pfizer’s pockets, except it’s happening with Taxpayer Funds. Can you say INFLATION.
Wife and I are still unscathed. She volunteered to work with Covid patients before vaccination. We seem blessed.
I thought the vaccine was suppose to make you invincible against COVID?
Who the hell ever said that?
Joe Biden said it.
The quack doctor from Ohio probably said that. After all, she (the doctor) claims that the vaccinated are magnetized for they stick to metal poles or metal stick to them. Sheesh 🙄
Well, the toadstool currently occupying the Oval Office said it:
David Hogg’s older brother said it:
If you need further examples they’re not hard to find.
Besides all the other people mentioned, even Rochelle Walensky (CDC) said the vaccinated people would not get or transmit the virus. It really is unbelievable how many lies all these so-called experts have told, starting with fauci and birx.
Joe Biden said on July 21,2021 “ you get the vaccine you will not get it or spread it” . He has let 5 million people from countries that have NEVER had any vaccines . .. didnt you question Fauci’’s “science”
When he announced we not see family over the holidays but silent over the illegals.?
Wait for it, another conspiracy accusation from Jeff Zimmerman.
This is the new normal. Get more shots if you like. Wearing masks probably helps reduce sicknesses with folks but not that much unless you live alone and have no kids so I am going to say no thanks to that too.
They just switch from military industrial complex to medical industrial complex and made deals behind the curtains so they can get filthy rich. All those free rapid tests they send in the mail are not free and either are the shots. Future generation tax payers will be paying it all back in higher taxes/inflation and we already are seeing inflation with the rise of costs of everything so imagine how bad its going to be for them in 5-10 years lol. Your children will be poor and own nothing, their future looks bleak!
Also where is the green freaks the same ones who are telling everyone to still wear a mask and driving by their miserable self wearing one lol. Don’t they care about the environment because I see them all over the place littered and don’t they know every time you liter an Indian cries have they not seen the commercials.. I thought they cared about the natives… its bad enough we took their lands but to litter and trash the lands afterword’s is just wrong.
Also do you know how many trees were murdered to make those masks!
Where’s the vegans oh that’s right they only care about the cows, pigs, etc but they don’t care about the billions of insects and rodents that are murdered on the crop fields to farm their plant based diets… A lot more animals are killed than livestock for meat consumption to feed plant based dieters and yes insects are animals too and if you choose one animal over another then you don’t truly care about all living things and you are a speciesist !!!
Right on point…..!
When the vaccines came out, we weren’t told they would prevent Covid. We were told that it would lessen your chances of serious illness or death. A lot of people assumed it would be prevent Covid, and their assumption was incorrect.
I’m not surprised that people are getting Covid twice. My husband and I haven’t gotten Covid. At this point, I think it depends on your immunity. Some people are heathier than others.
And we were told that the mRNA would not alter our DNA, another LIE.
That is a complete lie. It was only after the truth came out they startted saying that.
Outright Lies or forgetfulness.
The vaccine was touted as the magic bullet to “get back to our lives”. They even had vidiots posting selfies of themselves receiving the medical PROCEDURE.
Workplaces were requiring this medical procedure.
People lost jobs over this. Government tried to mandate.
Your are WRONG on this Kentucky……Stop watching flip flop PSY OP tv.
Kentucky Derby, you are incorrect about people not being told that vaccines would prevent covid. Just the opposite.
You can tell a person’s stance on the vax and mask issues simply by asking if they watch CNN or MSNBC. Scientifically, it’s been proven that anything shy of a medically fitted N95 that passes a smell test, is nothing more than facial decoration. And, it’s also obvious that the vaccine, being a shot in the dark, was in fact just that, and is now being proven to do more harm than good. https://youtu.be/XlGXFRs4ZOA
It’s a crabs in a barrel scenario. People that were forced or coerced into taking the vax against their better judgement, then pressed everyone else into it to so they would not feel all alone. We told them to not do it, yet they went like cattle to a slaughter, stampeding over each other to get a DNA altering experimental shot. Now, unfortunately, they have to deal with the consequences.
Yup, it’s been one of the most successful psychological operations in the history of mankind. The folks in the video look like they need some tranquilizers. Covid itself has a 99.5% chance of survival and MoneyPox even a better chance. More deadly is economic damage they are doing to people and even if you are flush they’ll get around to you eventually. However, as usual and thankfully they will fail in the operation and I hope we can indite those behind this.
Don’t believe the lies of the drug companies and the government. The only beneficiaries of this so called pandemic were drug companies, auto dealers and real estate agents. Thousands of jobs lost and businesses destroyed and where are we now? Same place as two years ago. The vaccine is a lie. People get 4 shots and still get Covid (AKA the flu).
After getting Covid twice within an eight week period I am happy that I am double boosted and double vaxed. Paxlovid was prescribed both times and I was better in three days. Both times and tested negative in six days. I am glad that I didn’t get the Virus back in 2020 without any protection.
You should be thankful for Paxlovid. The vaccine didn’t do squat for you.
And in other top news … the sun rose today … folks … listen … viruses have been with us since the dawn of time … it is just part of mother nature’s way … likewise … so are snake oil salesmen … there will always be some greedy people trying to sell you something your body can do itself … #dontmesswithmothernature
True dat!!!
Enough with the photos of people getting stuck with a needles!
It’s almost like this acts just like a normal cold… because it is…