Home » Fast Food Workers To Rally For More Protections

Fast Food Workers To Rally For More Protections


Fast-food workers from across the state will urge Gov. Gavin Newsom to initiate more workplace protections Sunday evening.

The rally, put on by a union and the organization Fight for $15, centers around Assembly Bill 257, which would give workers and franchises more say on cases of sexual harassment, wage theft, safety violations and violence under large fast-food corporations.

The bill has already passed through the Assembly, and will be voted on by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Aug. 11.

The workers will meet in front of the California State Capitol building at 8 p.m.


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Let’s rally for smaller and less government, lower taxes and fewer financially ignorant politicians.


How would you go about making anybody more knowledgeable about their finances, or finances in general?

Is “sexual harassment, wage theft, safety violations and violence under large fast-food corporations” actually a problem that requires a legislative solution? I haven’t heard of any of these things plaguing the fast-food industry.

It’s more likely the latino community,so they hide it.Don’t confuse the message with the messenger,
I don’t make the rules.

@chicken little

At what point do you feel that those issues are an “actual problem” and when they have earned a legislative solution?

Do you honestly think that any other demographic commits these offenses with a dramatically lower frequency? What do you think the powers that be gain from keeping quiet about this issue?

In Concord %90 if all sexual assaults are inter family latino Fact..Different cultures behave differently. Of course they do.
Your statement is complete BS and just you in denial of reality.
Check stats from all over the country and see who does this the most.
This is not something that mainstream causcasians or ethnic familes are known for.Why would they keep quiet about what the illegals/new ;; immigrants(%5 are legal) do.?…geee I dunno…
You’re hilarious.;)

, I asked questions. I did not make statements. Making a query would be a part of what a forum is for. Your statement is a denial of grammer.

Pray tell, can you provide a link to where you have gotten your figures? Try as I did, I could not find articles about the demographic of perpetrators. I do know that Caucasian people make up 75% of the US population. I can’t think of a culture that is void of assaults. Gee…maybe you don’t know. Sorry I asked.

Goodness. Take an economic class.
Cost to make burger. $2
Price of Burger $7
Hour wage of employee $9
Money left over after employee buys burger $2 (from an hours wage)

Raise minimum wage and
Cost to make burger $7 (increases with labor cost)
Price of burger $13 (same $5 profit margin as before)
Hour wage of employee $15
Money left over after employee buys burger $2

Ta da! Inflation.

Except, I won’t buy a 13 dollar burger so they won’t need the same amount of employees so only some people will be making 15 per hour and the rest will be making nothing.

I see a number of glaring inaccuracies with your example. I will focus on the most eggragious one

Both examples have the same fiscal outcome. How does that illustrate inflation?

Also, why would any business model be based around “employees buying the product”?

First I said nothing about it being a business model, it’s just a fact of life. Employees eat foot. Raise wages = increased product cost. Secondly, it’s inflation when products become more expensive and your money becomes less valuable. In the first scenario the employee left with $2 needs another $5 to buy a burger. In the second they would need another 11. Also if I’m an outside salaried employee the cost of the burger increased where as my pay did not. Where I used to get 2 burgers for $14, now I can only get 1.

Oh and, just in case, I’ll copy the definition on inflation from a quick google search since you seem unable. “ In economics, inflation is a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently, inflation corresponds to a reduction in the purchasing power of money.”

Fast food jobs are supposed to be temporary and for kids to get their first job,then get a real job.Its a shame that full grown latinos are socio- economically equal to mainstream America’s teens.At least we know what your skill level is.
If only the fast food employees would stop throwing their TP after wiping,in the trash can,they mite demonstrate some sort of actual IQ.
To try to make a career out of fast food is like giving up on reality.
Oh,and the fast food corporations have a profit percentage that they strive to make,and arent about to give it to teens and illegals.Eeven if they double their profit.That’s a special idea though,perhaps share it on your next ride on the short bus.

Next news story,,,,,,,,,, Robots take over the fast food industry.

.. cost of fast food has risen too fast – too high already ….. I’m avoiding all of them …there are cheaper and healthier alternatives… they all need a reality check given the inflation we are having to deal with.. it’s not like everybody is getting 9.2% raises these days

Kobe beef hamburger pattie-$2.50
Hamburger bun-30¢
Slice of cheese-15¢
Preptime/cook time/clean up-20 mins.
$3.20 total to cook burger at home.
No gasoline used, no traffic to hassle, no snot-nosed kid who probably didn’t sanitize their hands and doesn’t have a clue how to count change back….No brainier for me and much healthier and tastier.

No one that handles cash in retail or food establishment need to count change, the computer tells you exactly what to give back to the customer. Do employee’s make mistakes at times, yes of course. I know how to count and the computer tells me what I need to return, but I at times make a mistake. Grab the wrong bill, whatever, it happens.

Hanne,that’s not true.I was a cashier for years at gas stations when I was younger.Not once did I tell the register how much money the customer had given me then had it tell me the change,If you punch in the wrong number you give back the wrong change.that;s not math.Math stays the same if you know how to dp it.I would give a math test to appilcants if I was hiring cashiers,and anyone that said what you said about not needing to count change,I would NOT hire that person.You don’t know simple math in your head?Are you a teen/millenial?You seem a little older and you talk about coming from Europe.No math classes over there?You have a bad attitude /work ethic as a cashier.,in my opinion.What would Mr Macy say?

Raise the minimum wage, end the sub-minimum wage, and stop scapegoating the poor for not wanting to be poor and restaurant employees for wanting the labor rights that they deserve. End of story.

Fast food jobs are
for our kids during their summer breaks. Not for a parent to raise there family.

Chill out a bit folks. Have a martini (2 shots london dry gin, dash of dry vermouth, dash of olive juice, 2 olives) then put on some Dean Martin music.

Dean Martin? kinda schmaltzy for my taste in music.
Well OK if you play “My Rifle,My Pony & Me” (Dean & Ricky Nelson)
But NO gin…….I’ll have a whiskey and a beer back.

Purple light in the canyons
That’s where I long to be
With my three good companions
Just my rifle, my pony and me



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