The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
This is a question for anyone who previously had COVID-19.
QUESTION: Do you have any long-term side effects from COVID-19?
Talk about it.
Never got Covid so no response is warranted.
Only side effects I’ve heard from friends and relatives who were willing to admit……..to the vaxxxine causing problems.
Yeah … I am sick as hell … from the BS
Funny that Claycord is asking this question, when I also would like to know.
I had a mild case of Covid March 2022. No fever, just a sore throat, a bit of a cough and sinus congestion. It didn’t go to my lungs. Three days later felt better, but test positive till day 10.
But lately been having a bit of a tickly cough in my throat and still a bit sluggish. Long-term side effects? …. wait and see, I guess.
I have gotten Covid twice, suspect it was Omicron both times. Received Paxlovid twice. I recovered quickly and tested negative in six days.
No side affects, just a nuisance both times. Picked up the Virus in Las Vegas and Reno.
I thought what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
We wish: that’s where I caught mine as well. Granted it was an international trade show but still…
Never had it, done very little to avoid getting it. Had first two Pfizer shots over a year ago and had no known long term effects either. Most people I work with have had covid or the shots, most have had both, and I don’t know of any long term effects among them either. Workplace is eighty or more people.
Nope. Never had COVID-19 and probably never will. I don’t wear a mask, which is ridiculous, because masks do not prevent tiny viruses from entering or exiting the human body. Think about this, people that wear glasses complain that the mask makes their glasses fog up. Why? Because masks do not create a tight seal around the face. Like I said, ridiculous. Then there’s the six-foot social distance requirement, again, ridiculous. A cough or a sneeze can travel 20 feet or more. And last, but not least, there’s the vaccine. Once again, ridiculous. Lots of shots, and lots of boosters, and people are still coming down with COVID-19. “Oh, but it’s a mild case of COVID if you get the shot.” No, it is not milder because of the shot, the virus is evolving and weakening, each new variant will cause milder symptoms than the previous variant. The shot has nothing to do with it.
When I’m out and about, I make it a point not to touch my face until I can wash my hands with soap and water. I never use hand sanitizer because I don’t trust the manufacturer or the ingredients, which can have a toxic effect.
Not touching my face and washing my hands is a habit I got into when I was in nursing school, that’s where I learned that a virus enters the body through the mucus membranes, i.e. the nose, mouth, eyes, and quite possibly, the ears. I attribute this practice as to why I never get a cold, or flu. When I was working as an RN, I was around plenty of sick people, and I never got sick because of frequent handwashing.
Lingering bad memory of the 5 weeks I lost trying to recover. I caught it 3 weeks before Trump announced its existence. If I knew I would have gone to the hospital the night I had difficulty breathing.
Let me get this straight….. YOU WERE SICK FOR 3 WEEKS?!!!
And you are blaming Trump because YOU were too dumb to go see a Doctor ?
The only side effect is all my favorite restaurants got closed and we ended up with a very sleepy president.
As far as I know, I never got it. The most important piece of information is, I did not take the shot. From my readings only persons that look the shot and/or successive boosters had adverse affects. Or if hospitalised, getting a dose of remdisivir before ventilation was an increased death warrent.
My readings also indicated hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin was an excellent preventative against severe symptoms. Which many of us know, was criminalized by The CDC and WHO.
I am mid sixties. According to the experts, I should be terrified. Instead I practiced herd immunity. Using a mask indoors only, when required. I still have my antibodies.
Didn’t catch it myself until well after the third booster. The vaccine did its job and reduced it to just a bad cold/headache with a fever.
As for people I know, my cousin still has no sense of smell or taste a year later, a family friend has reduced lung function / fatigue, and two people I know personally have died from covid.
Just tested positive yesterday. I had a heavy headache yesterday now it light leadache. No fever, bit of a soar throat, light caught that it. I was told,to prepare for the worst tomorrow you never know. I have a phone appointment with the doctor today. I believe I got the Covid,at the dim sum restaurant Sunday so many people at the restaurant!
@Concordejet ~
Hope your phone appointment with doctor will at least prescribe meds if you need to use them. Just keep it from going to your lungs is the key in my opinion. Get well soon.
9/11 2021 went it the hospital put on the ventilator I was in the hospital for 3 months long turn effects shortness of breath and memory loss
Wow … So glad you made it out … I heard most who get on the machine do not … #truesurvivor
@ Jon ~ Darn!
Hopefully in time you will recover a bit more.
9/11/2021 I ended up with nerve damage due to Shingles & Bell’s Palsy. I am at 95% of par … still recovering.
Just the tyranny and a bunch of hypochondriacs with Trump derangement syndrome.
I never caught the china virus and don’t plan to as it’s a mental disorder, a cold, and a fake test.
This is about to get tactically interesting. I have food. I have ammo. What you got?
Sam, I enjoy your posts, you’re funny
A friend of mine works at a jail and the people had to be tested for covid .. he told me there were cases after cases where the jailers didn’t put the swab in there nose at all and the test came back positive! Such BS!
Longest “effect” I experienced with having covid was weight gain. I put on about 5 pounds in about 5 days, could not slake my appetite. Had a couple days of alternating chills and wringing wet sweat, and a loopy head for 2 days. Still haven’t dropped 2 of the 5 pounds, hopefully will do that soon.
Had it twice
* Tiredness
* Brain fog
* Ringing of ears
* Mucus’s
*Tightness in the chest
* Anxiety
If it causes memory loss, how will we know we had it?
@To Do List….Had what?
Yes, had a bad case that kept I’ll all of December 2020 and a cough that didn’t go away until February 2021, didn’t feel 100% for months and wasn’t interested in the vaccine but felt harassed to get vaccinated by my job and did so In August 2021. Since then I have still never fully gained the energy I had before, always have brain fog and I have been losing my hair. I think it’s an unnatural virus that feels deliberate and the vaccine has made it worse for some like me not better. Everyone in my house has had it twice mildly I’m the only one who had to be vaccinated and refuse to vaccinate my kids because I think it had lingering side effects.
Should also mention that I think the reason I was sick and the rest of my family mildly effected is because I have thyroid issues and it’s an inflammatory virus, I believe this has gone on too long and it’s time to treat this like the common cold…
Far more long term effects from the insane response to all this than from the virus itself.
Sense of taste and smell still not the same as before covid. I can detect sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicey (hot), but can’t detect aromatics like basil, thyme, sage etc. Onions smell terrible now. Other that that I feel fine.