Home » The Water Cooler – What Is The Biggest Local Issue In Contra Costa County?

The Water Cooler – What Is The Biggest Local Issue In Contra Costa County?


The Water Cooler is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The Water Cooler will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Today’s question.


QUESTION: In your opinion, what is the biggest LOCAL issue right now in Contra Costa County?

Talk about it….

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Homeless. Thanks God for a group of nice women who feed the homeless on MWF at the huckleberry restaurant parking lot! May god bless them for the good deed!

It’s also called “enabling”

@Dr. Jellyfinger….Don’t feed the trolls.

Dr J …. +1

Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper. Proverbs 13:4
Give a person a fish, you feed them for a day. Teach them to fish and you’ll feed them for a lifetime.
Tough call to not provide the help really needed…

Yes indeed… feed them, and they can spend their mooched money on drugs & booze instead of food.
Let all the other hobos know where to get free food and they will come to live under the bridges in that neighborhood and start fires too.
That’s a big help!

Remember, when you give a mouse a cookie….

@Dr. Jellyfinger…”Remember, when you give a mouse a cookie….”… it’s more like this……..

Please dont feed the wildlife.They may become dependant on handouts and stop fending for themselves.

If you feed them,they will come…from all over the place.

I wondered what was the activity in that parking lot. A couple cars parked there with a table and homeless people hanging out there. I think I used to see the same thing going on at the CVS parking lot across the street before they moved. Since Huckelberrys closes in the afternoon; their parking lot is empty for the rest of the day.

Of course Paul,they just have money for lottery tickets…and cigarettes..and cell phones..and booze,and ..and dope.they make more money and spend more each day that a person with a $60 k per year job.
Its all stolen and begged and fraud money.
What ever happened to dumpster diving/recycling?They don’t need to,they can do easier things via crime and enablers and govt handouts.

@ pat
It is the same group from the CVS parking lot. CVS told them to move so the group move over to the restaurant and it has the manager ‘s permission.

Many homeless do not have the mental capacity to function in society. Funds for mental health were cut decades ago and facilities were closed. Patients were turned out onto the streets. I see a man wandering on Market Street talking to himself while waving his arms. I doubt he could hold a job at McDonald’s. Where is he suppose to go? What can be done about him?

The soft headed do gooders never seem to offer food in their neighborhoods.

Common sense dictates that bums, the drug/alcohol addicted, and parasites will feed on and take advantage of those that self righteously think that helping them is good thing.

I can’t speak for the whole county, but locally it appears to be rising crime as in smash and grab and shoplifting, homelessness, illegal invaders, heavy traffic, crumbling streets, and over population. Then there are the worthless politicians that don’t give a damn.

+ 1 – Dawg sort of covered it all.

Where do you see “overpopulation” in the exurban hinterlands beyond I-680? There’s more open space than development, Dawg..

Yes, overpopulation. This was a much better state ten million residents ago. I flew over Mexico City once and I think that is what the pro-development people want.

🤷‍♀️🔫 (crime)

I think homeless people and crime are the biggest issues.
This area has gotten worse in terms of the number of tents and trash everywhere whether it’s near freeways, parks, etc.
The crime has also gotten much worse.
People being carjacked and held at gunpoint at Safeway along with the looting and smash and grabs.
CA sucks.

Homeless= more crime

Rent and price of houses–

I agree.

To me, it’s housing prices and housing availability and affordability.

@Bob – Depends which side of the trade you’re on. Elevated used house prices and rising rents are fantastic for the 2/3 of county residents who own their primary residence and even better for those who own rental property.

Property Crime

Crime – and the weak prosecution, conviction, and penalties for the perps caught.

Politicians. The only thing they care about is their wallet getting lined

Gender Identity.

Absolutely, this is it. Confused people everywhere, fortunately there are other confused people anxious to assist them in continuing to be confused. And most importantly to recruit others and convince them to be confused also. To be confused, is to be progressive…….

The need dor more Mark Desaulnier meetimgs

That’s not even funny and in very poor taste.

I laughed.


Crime. It’s a crapshoot parking your car anywhere whether you have stuff inside or not. Been inside stores when people grab what they want and walk out. Many streets and areas that most don’t dare walk through after dark, and they’re just as bad during the day now. Criminals don’t fear resistance, arrest, prosecution, or punishment. Meanwhile the politicians and government continue to steal from us all while perpetuating the situation. They would rather collect money from the people (and call us -ists and -phobes when we disagree) than try to listen to our concerns.

The blatant corruption and total inability of the Concord city council to deal with the weapons depot land.

Crime and lack of effective “leadership” are the biggest issues. And the two are connected without question.

Crime & the LACK of Civil Justice.

For 50 years we’ve all been choked to death with “criminal justice” shoved down our throats…..what about Justice for us Decent people????

The same people that locked us down, closed schools, and destroyed the economy are STILL in charge.

Illegal City Camper’s (tired of saying homeless) or (Illegal trash collectors) and their trash. Traffic noise from modified exhaust systems.

Homelessers (sic) and pot holes.

Corrupt America hating marxists running MDUSD. Oakland based NGOs running around and intimidating local city councils and of course our beautiful Soros funded Marxist DA.


Keep voting for enabling Democrats and none of this will go away.

While the homeless are a problem I think real estate companies and their projects are problems that will stick around forever but then you can’t forget crime. Basically we have big problems.

Liberal Voters.

Cost of living, with inflation and the taxes we are paying, and the very little we get in return. Something has to change.

Crime, which includes smash-and-grab, transient drug addicts (“homeless”), robbery, and unchecked illegal immigration which takes resources away from citizens and legal residents and destroys local schools and property values.

Nothing for us. We simply ignore all the crap going on in this county as it doesn’t affect us at all.
Learn to ignore and live a much better existence..

Sure…. it doesn’t affect you…. until IT DOES!

Hasn’t yet and we’ve ignoring it all for 40 years!
When we have the I don’t give a crap attitude about anything and we’re successful as hell it all makes sense.
Carry on…

Have you checked your porch for missing shoes?

Liberalism. It’s the cause of all that is bad right now.



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