Home » EdSource: California’s Public School Enrollment Decline – Official Claims Families Leaving The State Or Choosing To Home-School

EdSource: California’s Public School Enrollment Decline – Official Claims Families Leaving The State Or Choosing To Home-School


By Thomas Peele – EdSource

Where have all the students gone?

California’s K-12 enrollment decline of more than 270,000 students since the pandemic began is largely attributable to people leaving the state, not enrolling children in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten, or deciding to home-school their children but failing to file the paperwork to account for them, the head of the state’s largest school district and other experts said Sunday.

“In Los Angeles, in a very, very obvious and evident way, the greatest loss was in (transitional) kindergarten and kindergarten students,” LA Unified School District Superintendent Alberto Carvalho told a gathering of education journalists. “You have to really accept that parents made a decision, ‘I’m not going to send my kid to pre-k or kindergarten.'”


Regardless of where the students ended up, their learning has been harmed, Stanford University education professor Thomas Dee said. Dee’s research described how the youngest students were most affected by not returning to school following Covid. His work was highlighted in a collaboration report that included EdSource, The New York Times and Big Local News, a data journalism project at Stanford.

“Enrollment data shows a disruption that students are experiencing, and those disruptions matter because research literature shows switching schools, particularly in a reactive manner, impacts development,” Dee said.

And “missing out on early childhood educational experiences can be really consequential,” Dee added.

Across California, the number of students enrolled in the public school system dropped below 6 million this year for the first time in two decades. As districts navigated the sudden shift to virtual learning amid the pandemic, declines steepened as many families faced extra barriers, considered alternatives to the public school system or chose to delay enrollment for their youngest learners.


The enrollment declines, both in California and nationally, are going to lead to fiscal impacts and school closures in the years ahead, said Daniel Domenech, executive director of the American Association of School Administrators.

“You’re going to have to sell buildings when they become empty. You’re going to have to exit staff because you won’t need the number of teachers that you have,” Domenech said. “Parents didn’t want their children in school because they were afraid.”

But, he added, the impact of the pandemic on students is profound.

“The whole virtual learning experience was a fiasco because school districts were not prepared for virtual learning,” Domenech said. Nationally, there’s “a pulling away of students from the public school system because of the impact of Covid.” But he said it’s unclear how many of the students will return.


The three men spoke Sunday afternoon at the national conference of the Education Writers Association in Orlando, Florida.

In Los Angeles, enrollment has been steadily declining for two decades. The district has 58 percent of the student population it had at its peak in the early 2000s, now at 430,000 students.

But data shows those students did not migrate in large numbers to private and charter schools, the superintendent said. Charter schools in the district also had an enrollment decline of about 2 percent during the pandemic, he said.

LAUSD’s enrollment decline has only increased since the pandemic hit. The district lost “9,000 kindergartners when the pandemic hit,” Carvalho said. “That’s a huge, a huge number.”


The district has hired people to go into neighborhoods to try to track down missing students and interview their parents, he said, describing a massive push in which he and other top administrators have joined others to try to keep track of 30 children each.

In some cases, he said, district workers have found that undocumented families left the country during the pandemic “because there was no opportunity to work. The kids left with the families. And they left by the thousands.”

In other instances, he added, families left California for other states such as Florida “because of political ideology and lower taxes. If they had the means, parents made decisions.”

They went to another state where “their child could go to a school that was more aligned with their own beliefs in terms of medicine and in terms of schooling.”

Perhaps the biggest problem in figuring out the decline student by student is the lag in parents letting the district officially know they have decided to home-school their children by filing an affidavit with school officials.

“Parents are taking their time to file the documents,” he said.

Statewide, during the height of the pandemic, a record 35,000 families had filed an affidavit with the state to open a private home school, but the numbers dropped the following year, according to California Department of Education records. That level is still much higher than the 15,000 affidavits filed in the years prior to the pandemic.

According to LAUSD’s enrollment analysis conducted as a part of Carvalho’s 100-day plan that launched when he became superintendent in February, LAUSD has seen the most significant declines by grade at the elementary school level and the most significant declines geographically among west and central local districts over the last six years.

The district has also noticed that the largest drops have been among middle-class families, but that analysis does not take into account the students who left to attend the City of Angeles virtual school during the pandemic.

LAUSD doesn’t consider private schools a large factor in its enrollment decline because local private school enrollment has also been on the decline for the past few years, dropping more than 6 percent.

since 2017. Reflective of the national trend, homeschooling in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim metropolitan statistical area doubled to 8 percent in 2020.

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When I was a kid, the homeschooled kids were the weird kids.

Now, the public schooled kids are the weird kids.

Good. Even the term “Public School” is a joke. They are GOVERNMENT INDOCTRINATION CENTERS” The last thing they are is accountable to the public. They have failed to educate people for decades. It’s fall in line and say what we say or you’re a problem child. Teachers and school administration has long thought THEY were above parents. It time they learn what their role in this world is. Math, Reading, writing, HISTORY. Let the woksters and race hustlers go broke.

..but yet MDUSD put up a fight to release the Walnut Creek Schools to form their own District. Makes complete sense. Enrollment drops and deny parents who want to form a legitimate district to better the education of their children. Great choice MDUSD. Always thinking of the children.

Either way, it beats having your kids in California Brainwashing Machines, I mean public schools.

But, California schools are 47th best in the nation. Maybe parents want a little bit better than that for their children

Well they’re moving up, last time I checked they were 49th.

Send your kid to a public school to get their mind bent. I’m sure there are teachers out there that don’t go along with this B S but how do you find them. One day the pendulum will swing. For now don’t hold your breath.

The enrollment decline is because parents refuse to see their children subjected to Marxist critical race theories and to be taught according to standards that have been lowered to accommodate poor performing students with bad attitudes or behavioral problems. The marxists will never admit that they are the problem. It is nice to see that some students are escaping the hell holes though. MAGA and let’s go Brandon!! BLM is a terrorist organization and any teachers or administrators that support it should be fired.

The most accurate and true comment I have ever seen here. California is a dumpster fire.

The schools have no one to blame but themselves. Schools need to go back to the basics. Math, science, english, history and government. Electives as well, i.e., shops crafts ect…..

They would need to totally rediscover what those actually are. They literally do not teach math or spelling anymore. It is all on the family. The only thing they teach is diversity and “kindness,” which is hilariously hypocritical.

California teachers and their union put the interest of our kids dead last over the previous 2 years. I will never let my child attend California public schools. I will never donate to those organizations again. I’ve lived here in the Bay Area for 52 years and I have never seen such cowardice.
Parents let them have their woke ideology and get them out!!

The good thing about home-school is that school reunion is also family reunion!

The “narrative” will blame Covid, but many of the parents that have pulled their kids from public schools blame the wacky, non-academic indoctrination that is being forced on students in public schools in place of a true academic education. And regarding those that have already fled from California, that’s just another symptom of the same basic root cause.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, how many here on Claycord predicted this fiasco?
Good for the parents that are taking their time to file the documents, it’s none of the state’s business how they raise their children.
But of course, they are placing most of the blame on the pandemic, it doesn’t occur to them that teaching kids to hate their country, and that being White is a bad thing, will drive parents to remove their children from school.
It’s sickening how racist and unpatriotic California schools are becoming.

They haven’t seen nothing yet. Wait until they try and mandate the Covid vaccine for K-12 and you have Sen. Richard Pan/ Scott Wiener trying to pass a bill that you can’t have an exemption for it.

You know the vaccine so safe and effective that that they asked for a 75-year FDA timeline to release the vaccine safety data on.

I wonder what the data is for MDUSD?
The article focuses on LAUSD and mentions it is a National issue as well.

I took a quick check at edsource.org , but couldn’t readily find MDUSD’s data. However; I did discover that EdSource is a donor funded org with a Board, Staff, and Major Donors.

After looking at come of the Bio’s…. EdSource’s credibility could be questioned as well.

The government needs to get out of the education business.

So they are “sure” is not because of the early and forced indoctrination at schools since a young age?

And this is news?

Perhaps if the state would stop paying public schools based on per student per day and funded them properly it would help. Maybe.

I agree with you Dorothy. The way that the schools are funded and those distributed is not working, clearly.

Lol. They have more than enough money. They don’t use it properly They only fund pet projects and not core subjects.

The problem with taking your kid out of public school is some private schools are just as bad and they charge like mad. The best approach is for parents to get involved like they did in Virginia. It would be an uphill battle.

State school superintendents have done nothing useful for years. Not surprised by this news.

Here is something that’s likely more reliable than EdSource.

That page also has a link to an article at https://nces.ed.gov/whatsnew/press_releases/06_28_2021.asp about the national decline which has a state by state map. I glanced at the map and could not see a single state with an increase.

The implication is that their was a drop in births. Neither article mentions demographics. Trump’s election in 2016 drove many illegals underground out of fear of being discovered and deported. I know they dropped out of social service programs and possibly they also pulled their kids out out of schools.

“Trumps election drove illegals underground” You’ve got to be joking. It is disgusting how you anti-American clowns have attempted to blame anything on Trump. I believe you believe what you said. Are there still “kids in cages”?

“Neither article mentions demographics” Funny how you know that and still jump to the conclusions you do. It’s called brainwashing.

People are pulling their kids out because public school is harmful to the development of mentality stable children with strong convictions. When you are trying to raise you kids with morals and values, government schools attempt to undermine you and program them with woke degenerate progressive victim values. Even illegals (as you call them) would rather have their kids in the fields learning to work then dying their hair blue and crying about their victim status. The latinx 🤣🤣 community is 100% conservative. You democrats thought they would vote blue for free healthcare and food stamps. That plan backfired. Most Mexicans can’t wait to go home after earning a retirement here. They think this place is crazy and definitely don’t want their kids brainwashed by skinny limp wristed sexually confused cross dressing mental patients. They don’t do abortion and have a very low queer population. It’s also funny that 9 out of 10 Mexicans want Trump back in office.

You people with your Trump derangement syndrome are just a sad desperate bunch and this point. EVERYONE SEES YOU.

SAM: Excellent point. And you highlighted how years of propaganda and conditioning has formed their narrative, with the unchallenged use of the words “driven” and “fear” to make the illegals look like heroic victims. One would never use such words to describe some thug that held up a bank, saying he was driven underground and in fear. Each illegal kid in school is $14,000 a year to the taxpayer, which is probably more than the bank robber would get. Something is very wrong here with the US experiencing one of the largest human migrations in history, and it’s not due to war or global weather, and the Democrats deny it is happening, all the Republicans can do is offer snide remarks, and the muffin-head Democrat voter on the street chanting about the price of lettuce. There is definitely a rat, and instead of the Jan 6 hearings about citizens vs citizens in some fight, there should be hearings on why the border is happening. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve read all sorts of websites and one chilling discussion I ran across had immigration activists from Honduras saying the Biden administration now “owes” us after the election. That is what Congress should be talking about. Why does Biden owe them anything?

Keep putting idiots in office and California along with the rest of the U.S.will become a third world country.

Imagine your hard earned taxes going toward sending government officials to track down illegal aliens, not to deport them, but to further burden our poor educational system.

Homeschooling produces superior students over public schools. I realize it’s just anecdotal evidence, but all the homeschooled kids I know through their parents are significantly ahead of kids with a public school education and received scholarships or acceptance to the best schools in the US.

It truly is amazing what a dedicated parent can do for their own child.

And for those who say socialization is important, they all schedule daily activities at local parks including physical activities.

And they sure as hell eat better.

For those who cannot afford to send their kids to public schools in Orinda or Alamo, home schooling is an excellent alternative.

The public school system has been “dumbing down” Californians for years!!

+1 +2 +3

…. no surprise… if given the fact I’d have to use MDUSD I’d home school or go private …. Newsom being partners with the union so tightly has created the worst in the country – well 47th…. used to be in the top 5

Yet another reason parents opting to home school ? ? ?

‘Biden Administration Sued for Tying K-12 Gender Ideology to Lunch Money’

This is just so disgusting!

They should give only the tax paying citizens a rebate also since less folks are smart enough to take their kids out of the leftist -common core based schools.

Even my family members are disguisted by how the school system is failing the children.

A credit should be given to the parents or guardians of children who are home schooled or go to private schools that teach history and the truth and are not driven by the woke and leftist groups. IMHO

Thank you! We have always been a learn at home family, and while it’s been the greatest sacrifice I’ve ever made, it’s also been the most rewarding. I have one honors graduate in college now and a 10th grader who is a whiz at math!

@Deb Shay….That’s great, but I think you and your kids are the exception for home schooling. A lot of parents don’t do jack-sqat to teach their kids like my neighbor’s 10 year old boy that can barely write his name. He sits at a PlayStation all day and eats nothing but fast food like his fat, lazy, welfare parents. There’s a lot of kids just like that, that’s the future citizens for a large portion of kids today I believe.

The somewhat silver lining to the covid lockdowns is that many parents got to see and hear the woke garbage being taught in the schools.

Parents just dont want their kids brainwashed with “woke” teachings.
Gender fluidity and racial profiling is the mantra of the left. It is wholly inconsistent with science and logic.

Remember social and emotional learning is CRT. This is implemented into all schools in CA. It’s slow but steadily brainwashing our kids. Homeschooling is the only option. When I tell people my children are homeschool their first responses oh my gosh are they socialized. I always laugh! That’s the concern? Wake up parents before it’s too late. They want your children indoctrinated.

That is what Hitler did, he indoctrinated German students from age five, so they would grow up believing that German is the master race, and that Jews must be eliminated to preserve the purity of the master race. The Nazi officers that were caught, tried, and convicted for war crimes many years after the war, were all indoctrinated when they were children. In a way, I felt sorry for them, they were not evil, just brainwashed.
This was all written in Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf. (My Struggle) The book is well written, and at the same time quite disturbing. It shows just how sick and twisted Hitler’s thought process was.

I am glad someone brought up the parallel between the indoctrination of todays youth and Hitler’s youth. The stories my Oma would tell me of life in Bavaria under Hitler was way too similar to what I am seeing now. Thank you for bring that up @Dawg

Most important topic of all the issues wrong with the school system.

We don’t want government funds to homeschool that’s a big mistake to ask for. Once funds are involved that gives them a foot in the door. NO Thank you! Don’t start petitioning the government for money to homeschool please. This a big issue with people taking their kids out of school recently. They look at the charters and see there’s money and want the same thing no no this is a huge mistake. Homeschooling is your responsibility. Homeschool Charters are the same as public schools with the same issues as schools just at home. We don’t want the government in our homes at all. Homeschooling doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Network and find other families to work with. Get creative, I have 3 kids and spent $60 for this upcoming year.

So many of our friends with kids moved away during COVID, our of frustration with the schools remote learning and paying ridiculously high taxes with very little return in this state.

With the insane left wing junk they have in school now. Kids need to be home schooled or sent to parochial school to avoid the indoctrination of the insane left.

Start teaching the students the basic, reading writing, math, science. Quit teaching CRT, and we don’t care if you’re Gay, Trans,
Republican or Democrats or who you’re have sex with. What you do when you leave the school is you business. You need to leave your opinions at the door and teach the basics.

Well since they are attempting to brainwash our children into the satanic LGB cult then good get them out of there before Rayden comes home as Rylene. It just happened to my family.

Every single parent should take their kids out of public school.
They’re indoctrination camps.
There is no education going on.
They’re messing with the minds of these young children and brainwashing them into thinking they’re racist (critical racist theory), trans, etc.
They allow inappropriate books in the classroom and teach kids that America is a bad country.
I hope enough people take their kids out of these indoctrination camps so that maybe public schools will rethink their guidelines for “learning”.
Teachers think that these students are THEIR kids and that’s the first issue.
They’re there to teach, not indoctrinate or tell these kids what to think.
Some of these kids are gonna grow up pretty messed up because of these darn teachers.


Let talk school vouchers. That way the parents are in charge of their children’s education, they can chose to Homeschool
or find a private or church school.
That way we put education back in the parents hands.

I teach in the Bay Area, and I would strongly encourage parents to avoid sending their kids to ANY public school. So-called “equity” is being emphasized at the expense of academic excellence and merit. You’d be amazed at what teachers are exposed to during staff meetings and worthless professional development days. Teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic are secondary to WOKE politics and diabolical social agendas. No public school is safe or immune from this garbage.

School choice! Also, MDUSD had board seats up for election! File your papers today!



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