Home » The Water Cooler – What Would Be Your #1 Priority If You Were The Governor Of California?

The Water Cooler – What Would Be Your #1 Priority If You Were The Governor Of California?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What would be your number one priority if you were the Governor of California?


Talk about it….

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How many number ones do I get?

U ain’t kiddin’

A WAR, not on Businesses or Upstanding Citizens…….but on CRIME.

First and foremost, round up everybody living in California that is in the country illegally, and send them to prison for a minimum of five years. If necessary, build new prisons to house them, and deport them upon their release. The reason I would send them to prison is to teach them a lesson that breaking the law has consequences, otherwise, they will simply return through California’s revolving door.

And then you will go work the fields.

And then how do you fix the rising costs associated with businesses having to pay higher wages to the migrants doing jobs that very few people want?

That would be a great start. We could also have them help build the prisons as part of repaying their debt to California also.

Who would pay for this?

This goes to show. So many people should NEVER have power. Dawg acts like they never broken the law before. Sure they ran a red light or jay walked before. I guess that means they need to go to prison as well…

Do you have any idea that if you do that stuff. Prices in CA will sky rocket??? It’s crazy that Claycord would even allow this post to be on here….

Allow the private sector to restore generation and distribution of electrical power to industry-standard capacity for state’s population numbers

Genuine question, isn’t PG&E considered a part of the private sector? If so, what exactly is hindering them that the governor controls?

I am having the worst time thinking of the search perimeters to search it myself, so I figured I’d ask.

Hate to break it to you, but pge is a captured corporation. The slap on the wrist fines they received were done so they are now beholden to Government.

And Employees are all seeing it. The new nonsensical “Compliance” work has the Total government finger prints all over it.

Develop a credible threat of secession in conjunction with other states like Washington unless there’s a constitutional amendment to return at least 90% of federal tax revenues to states where the income was sourced. We give them ~$236 billion or so, 15% of the US revenue, but only get ~$104 billion back in federal spending. We don’t deserve to get both less representation federally and pay more of the burden.

Campaigning for the US presidency!

Id do the rationalfFirst thing we should expect anyone to do: END THE ENDLESS STATE OF EMERGENCY!

Then I’d get to work on neutralizing the totalitarian legacy by checking the predatory bureaucracies that spend their days kicking in the face of the average citizen…

Give back the 90+ Billion Dollars that is in the “Rainy Day Fund”.


California would no longer be a sanctuary state, for starters.

And then you will go work the fields.

You don’t remember the bracero program?

Where are you going to put the homeless?

1. Crime – includes homeless
1. Water
1. Power
1. Border management
1. Stop high speed rail to no where
1. Do what Newsom promised to do but didn’t – get under the gas price gouging to Calif by big oil and bring parity to the rest of the country
1. Overhaul EDD
1. Overhaul Veterans care as much as a state can
1. Overhaul education system
1. Overhaul CPUC including collusion with regulated providers
1. Rebuild other state agencies focusing on removing the old school entitlement culture – operate like a business not a monopoly

….. probably enough to start on number 1 🙂

also add… ending THE MILLIONS GAS LEAF BLOWERS that blow poisons into the air everyday and waste gas and blow your eardrums out.

Hate to break it to you, but our rechargeable blower is just as loud as our gas one.

different decibels and no gas pollution.. win win
What ever happened to rakes and slim energetic people behind them?

Kill a lot of the wasteful socialism programs, and kill the high speed rail. Take the loss and avoid the high cost of its future.

Excising the illegal immigrants who burden the state and deprive authorized residents of public and private resources.
Get out. Go back to where you came from.

Cut the size of state government by 50%

Fix the education system.

Eliminate teachers unions. There, fixed it for ya.

Move to another State…

Support honest, tax paying law abiding citizens. Not criminals, welfare lifers, bums and illegal aliens(like the current regime under Newscum).

#1 would be to get all the DAs on the same page and prosecute all criminals for the crimes they’ve committed. Keep them off the streets. Enforce all the laws equally, professionally and fairly regardless of race, gender or any other circumstances.

Water, electricity, public safety.

The basic essentials needed in a working society.

Actually FIX the homeless problem instead of just boasting about spending billions on it. Help those who want it and cut off the benefits to the parasites that many are.

Build some new reservoirs. To save water in wet years, create jobs and recreation opportunities.

as @Bobohead said above, how many number ones There are sooooo many things wrong , it really is a challenge as to where to start. One consideration is, would I be governor stuck with the same legislature currently in place? If that were the case, best bet would be to go to the French Laundry, as nothing that could actually benefit the state/legal citizens would ever pass through them.

I guess first thing I would do, sweeping elimination of the entire green movement. This would encompass a number of the strangling tentacles related to water, oil, gas, electric (all the essentials currently being choked off that are needed for thriving and surviving).

Where do you put the homeless?

In camps where they can work their way out by learning how to be contributing members of society. Or in jail if they refuse the former.

Ensuring there are enough transgender restrooms around our state.


I would build dams and desal plants so we would never run out of water again.
I would then get rid of all the small aircraft we have for fighting fires and get something that held more retardant. Next I would make sure the aircraft got to the fire in numbers before it really got going.
I would get rid of every woke DA and put in someone that has a set.
I would then rest a day or two and think of more improvements.

Then put Doug to work in the fields.

Do you think Doug could cut it?

Ricardoh is onto something with the aircraft thing. CA is deliberately stuck with expensive and ineffective options for firefighting aircraft because of – you guessed it! – the clout of public sector unions. Other localities (states and countries) have cheaper aircraft that can therefore be in the air more constantly, ready to hit fires before the explode in size.

Get this: CalFire pilots can only fly starting at 10am… even though airborne measures are more effective early and not at max heat/wind, and even though it is easier to identify hot spots when it’s dark. They only stagger schedules as a last resort when a fire is already huge. There is almost no problem in CA that doesn’t have a sclerotic and self-protecting public sector union involved somehow.

I’d disband the sitting government and start all over.

I’d start a government “of, by and for” the people.

No politicians allowed.

The Californian economy is one of the strongest in the world. We clearly have enough money to be an independent nation. It is more evident than ever that we do not have the same vision as the rest of the USA and we should seriously consider succeeding from the union. It’s in my opinion that we would be much better off and have a chance to bail out of the national “sinking ship.”

I agree that CA should “secede” because it can never succeed. CA is a cesspool, plain and simple. A once great State is NO MORE!

Capital idea! And as a new country, California should partner with a “Them” country (That means sister country to us regular folks). Naturally the obvious choice would be Cuba. Best of luck to you!

Without government subsidy and taxes from people who actually work, California would curl up in a ball and die.


It would be immediately attacked and taken by China, as no one would defend it.

Crime, all crime.

# 1 Term limits for all government leaders … no more crooked career politics

# 2 Rent control and affordable housing … would pass “homeless tax” on the ultra wealthy to purchase tiny homes (my buddy builds them) … and create tiny home parks with medical, mental health, drug addiction treatment, and job training … the rich would pay … guys like F*uckerberg and the rest of those creeps in Silicon Valley … earning billions and paying back little to nothing in the communities where they live/work

# 3 Launch public education campaign to teach people how to dry their laundry without electric dryers … I have lived in East Asia for near 22 years (currently in Vietnam) … only lazy Westerners use dryers … everybody else uses free air and simple fans to dry laundry … would save billions in energy consumption … California has about 300 sunny days per year … no-brainier there folks … I dry my laundry in under 2 hours …

# 4 All new construction must be solar equipped … another no brainer

# 5 Phase out GMO-based farming … mandate local community gardens in empty lots … free food for the people who work to grow fresh fruit, veggies and herbs

# 6 Fire law enforcement who do not enforce laws … replace with law-abiding citizens from the community … here in Vietnam, all the cops live where they patrol … works! Japan too … same system … community-based

# 7 Ban social media for minors after 8pm … Social Media is DANGEROUS to young people … especially young girls (body image/shaming) … need to regulate social media BIGTIME … they are running wild with zero controls … harming this generation

# 8 Hire Japanese engineers to plan, engineer and build high speed railway … if they can do it in Japan, why not California? We could leverage our security services in Japan (now important given China’s posture in WestPac) … do like a trade deal … complicated, but it could be done with some clever negotiating

# 9 Bring back inspector Callahan to SFPD

# 10 Jail Newscum

I agree with you wholeheartedly on #9. Inspector Callahan was a fair Officer.

The US pays many times more $ per foot of track to build rail compared to other countries. Totally captured by rent seekers.

Purge out and prosecute all of the corrupt ” politicians” that have and/or are currently are destroying this state with their idiotic rules/laws/decisions. I’d start there.

Plug in the electric chair.

I’ll buy that.

Terrific idea. Better yet, build Electric bleachers that will free up prison hotel space for the folks uninterested in rehabilitation, of which there are many.


Resign in shame.

Lock Newscum up!!! And lose the key!!!

Reward the people who work the hardest, regardless of race,creed or color. In another words don’t over tax the people who put more into the system than those who don’t. That would be a start. It might even slow down the entitlement movement….

Stop allowing foreign investors and financial companies from buying up real estate and then driving up the cost.

Agreed! Where do I sign?

Sign laws into effect, that force “potential criminals” to fear their “potential victims”. Solutions have to be direct, or they will not be effective.

Seriously address the homeless problem. It’s everywhere. No town is immune to it. It’s a blight on our communities.

Not sure how to handle it. I would think there would be some kind of triage to determine the nature of the individuals homelessness. Is it from : drugs, alcohol, loss of job, mental illness, inability to pay rent/mortgage, divorce, abuse etc..

Not sure what the solution might be. Some individuals might be able to be rehabilitated, others probably not.Then what do you do with those who can’t be rehabilitated?

Anyway the cost to do any meaningful work in this area would probably be astronomical. There would need to be a new state government office created with new duties and enforcement powers.New taxes or raising existing taxes to fund it. Employees out in the field contacting homeless individuals, and taking a census of them. I’m sure there would be constitutional challenges to just they can do. That’s probably why nothing has been done to curb homelessness. And yet it just keeps getting worse and worse.

Rationalize Newsom’s position on abortion while at the same time suspending the death penalty because it is “inhumane.’ No conflict in his religious beliefs there. By the way, what “religion” is that anyway?

@Gittyup, not so much a religion as a philosophy, I believe called “Do as I mandate, not as I do”

Eliminate the Sanctuary status of this state and any city adhering to that mandate!
Legislate that the ACLU is counter-productive to progress or fair living!

Enforce our immigration laws.


There are a lot of compelling choices: immigration, taxation and regulation, housing, abortion, the preposterous continuing state of emergency for Covid… and the list goes on.

But I would pick this: breaking the stranglehold that teacher’s unions have on this state. A system where the money follows the kid, not the school, would do the job. It would also make housing problems less severe in that you wouldn’t need to be in an extra pricey area to have a decent school option. It would encourage families staying in state or having kids in state in the first place, which is the opposite of the status quo. It would allow for more political diversity in the state. It would weaken the lobby that tries to ruin the state fiscally – pension costs, anyone? And it would improve education for many, many kids. Not to mention preventing the most Covid-Karen people in the world from ruining kids’ childhoods and educations for no good reason…

Outlaw tiny houses.

Outlaw outlawing tiny homes … I love them!!!

Outlaw “high density homes”, and make “single family ranch homes” great (and affordable) again!

Shut down the Crazy Train project and divert all future choo choo funds to forest management, get all that dead fuel cleared out & start thinning trees.
I would stop paroling low risk criminals & only offer them reduced sentences for working on forestry crews. I’m tired of sucking in smoke 7 months a year.



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