Home » Passenger Of Vehicle Traveling On Highway 24 Falls Out, Struck And Killed By Other Vehicle

Passenger Of Vehicle Traveling On Highway 24 Falls Out, Struck And Killed By Other Vehicle


A preliminary California Highway Patrol investigation into a traffic fatality that occurred late Friday evening on state Highway 24 in Orinda indicates that a passenger traveling in a vehicle fell out before being struck by another vehicle and killed.

A CHP spokesperson said the incident, which occurred at approximately 11:07 p.m. in the eastbound lanes of Highway 24 west of the exit for Orinda and Moraga, was initially classified as a vehicle versus pedestrian collision.

The CHP spokesperson said information from the investigation indicates an Infinity sedan was traveling eastbound on Highway 24 when the right front passenger partially extended himself outside the vehicle.

The passenger then fell from the moving vehicle, landing within the traffic lanes of the freeway when he was struck by a separate passing vehicle.


The man was pronounced dead at the scene.

The incident remains under investigation. Anyone who may have witnessed the collision or the events leading up to it are being asked to contact the CHP office in Martinez at (925) 646-4980.

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Sounds like a sideshow was getting set up, as the only morons that hang out the window of a moving car, or was a drive by shooting attempt being initiated ?? Stupid is as stupid does

Why was the passenger doing this? Was he goofing off or was this another freeway shooting about to happen. Curious to see how this plays out.

Well you know I was thinking the same thing as the above 2.

Just for a change, why don’t we hold back on all the speculation, rude remarks and guesswork comments until there are some details reported?

Doc, don’t be a killjoy.

Cuz that’s what we do when we read article like this.

Dr. Jellyfinger,

I’m guessing this is your first time on the internet.

I also would like some details, but in the meantime, I will speculate.

Cowellian – +1

Mechanical failure should always be considered.

But then where would that feeling of superiority come from? Following through and accomplishing a job well done?

Danged ineffectual

Please explain to all of us what possible mechanical failure could lead to someone falling out of a moving sedan traveling at freeway speeds.

The door fell off even with the force of the vehicle traveling through air is forcing the door against the frame of the vehicle? The door fell off and we’ll just ignore physics for a moment AND the seat belt failed at the same time? Goose accidently grabbed the ejection handles causing the ejection seat to launch?

Occam’s razor – shenanigan occurred and you are virtue signaling.

As reported by KTVU 2 news:

“The CHP spokesperson said information from the investigation indicates an Infinity sedan was traveling eastbound on Highway 24 when the right front passenger partially extended himself outside the vehicle. The passenger then fell from the moving vehicle, landing within the traffic lanes of the freeway when he was struck by a separate passing vehicle.”


Thank you for posting what was reported. That does elaborate on a something more akin to shenanigans.

As far a mechanical failure, the door itself can always break. But now we know the details.

Nah, that’s what makes Claycord fun.

One of those very rare occasions when I am the voice of reason, and I am shot down in flames….. very well…. carry on.

Dr Voice of Reason

Please provide a plausible story for this to be an accidental occurrence.

1. Side show being prepared-stupidity in its finest.
2. Drive by shooting in the planning stages-well egged the shooter than the shootee.
3. Drugs/alcohol related-play with stupid substances, win stupid prizes.

I feel for the victim’s family … but victim likely put themselves in this predicament … so no real sympathy for the victim from me. I have more sympathy and concern for the innocent driver who ran over the stupid passenger.

Hate to pile on, but i agree with the criticism Dr J.
F. You can’t lean too far over and not expect to be called out. Unlike some, i think you’ll survive the fallout.

Haha. Funny how that works

@ Parent…… “NO”
I have no doubt that I could invent an imaginative & amusing hypothesis as to why it all happened, but somebody died and I have no idea why.
It could be an accident or a suicide or stupidity… maybe a murder! but I’m not going to waste any time taking a wag at it without any details.
The story is kind of vague.
I like poking fun as much as the next guy… well, probably a whole lot more than most of the next guys, but not when somebody, maybe even somebody nice, dies.

I may comment later, but not when I have no idea what I’m talking about… don’t let that stop the rest of you! Blather on… please!

Maybe the passenger was drunk….hanging out the car throwing up cause they drank too much. It does explain why he was hanging out the car door, and why he wasn’t seat belted, and a pretty good reason for falling out the car.

Please try to give someone the benefit of doubt….at least until we know what really happened…we are human, and we all make mistakes.
(Some are obviously worse than others.) RIP guy that fell out car door….and his family …..

I dont usually comment on anything online….

I would like to remind people, we were given a brain to think and
To learn new things and to make choices….and a heart for compassion and understanding….

Live your life by these things:
…..Believe none of what you hear (news/media) and only half the things you see….
…Do Your own research….then make a choice if something is right or wrong based on your belief system.

Try to treat others the way you want to be treated….

We are all dealing with the same issues. Being angry wont help find solutions to these problems……

Try to Be kind to each other please…..?

It seems stupid idiot accidents are happening more often these days. Is that true?

Yep, seems like there is a lot more of stupid idiot everything these days. But alas, this is whacked out California.

Darwin is working at breakneck speed!

@chuckie the troll
Process of natural selection

Save that type of stunt for Jack Ass

Regardless of the reason the person fell out, imagine the horror the driver who hit them must be feeling, even though it wasn’t their fault. Still, it must be a hard thing to deal with.

Why did the driver if the sedan not stop when his passenger fell out of the car???

Agreed! But I think it’s because the reasons mentioned in the top posts here.

Still no info. Not even a name.

I agree with Dr. Jellyfinger. How would you feel if this happened to your family member and people made that kind of remarks? You don’t know what happened. Why make it worse? I hope that something like this doesn’t happen to your family member.

We do know what happened. And this isn’t the kind of something that you hope doesn’t happen this is the kind of something that doesn’t happen if people don’t do dumb things.

Elizabeth….and you know why or how?

Honestly if this was my family member I would be sad of their death. But then I’d be pissed with how stupid they were being which caused their death because they should have known better.. And then think what an idiot and at least he didn’t hurt anyone else while doing it. Unless He or she was pushed….which would be hard to prove then I’d be heartbroken even more.

Believe it or not, I’ve heard some of the most hurtful, insensitive comments made by people employed in hospital settings, emergency rooms, and by EMTs, even making jokes about the victims predicament. This death of emotional empathy is difficult to counter, especially in a community of individuals that are supposed to be providing aid to those in need of something much more. It stands as a stark symbolism of how little some actually care any longer.

+ 1

What if the person jumped out because they felt like it was a better option than remaining in the car with the driver? Dr. J is right. There’s a lot we don’t know about this story, and it could be very different from how it sounds at first.

Instagram challenge gone wrong?

Maybe this wasn’t an act of abject stupidity, either chemically induced or natural, in which case a bunch of folks will be able to say, “I told you so!”

I hope they tell us.

if i were a family member i can assure you i wouldn’t care what anyone posted here.

The end


One less idiot in my area. Play stupid games? Well you win stupid prizes.

I can’t help but wonder if the passenger was pushed rather than fell out of the car?

I hope there is more information forthcoming.

Darwin Award nominee?


I thought you were supposed to do that trick the daytime when it’s easier to shoot the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSCNoYCE79A

May he rest in peace.

No divorce attorney fees on this one.

The driver who ran over him was victim number two. Probably not getting much sleep since.
The driver of the car he fell from, since they didn’t bother to stop, is probably sleeping just fine.

I agree with Dr. JF and Anne.
What seems like a stupid stunt ended a life. We don’t know what really went on prior, and it doesn’t matter.
I can’t speculate what happened, but someone’s child, partner, friend is in a morgue.

We can speculate all we want since there’s rarely a follow up.

Seatbelts save lives.

Buckle up for safety Buckle up !

@The Wizard….”Put your mind at east, tell your riders please…..”

Remaining seated, keeping your torso completely inside the vehicle until it comes to a full and complete stop is also beneficial . . .

Search YouTube there’s tons of videos of people hanging out of car doors and windows and falling out. It’s a thing these days amongst those hyphey kids

It doesn’t mean that this happened in this situation.

When I was a kid I fall out of a car. We had just pulled out of Park n Shop. I was maybe 4 years old in the front seat, no seat belt and the door was not locked.

I fell out of a golf cart last year….the trick to avoid injury is to tuck and roll…also, don’t drink 10 IPAs before getting in the cart.

I jumped off of a running board of an old car we had that was made in the thirties while I thought it was going slow. Catching up while running without falling is something I will never forget. You are almost parallel to the ground. That was in the fifties not the thirties. It only took one time to learn. Kids hanging out of cars on the freeway are way out of my league. Don’t think they will learn fast.

I started to get out a moving car in my younger high school days. My leg got slammed against the car, no pain at the time. But the next day ouch. You may ask why, it was some killer weed.

Let’s talk about the other idiot. The driver of the infinity who will most likely go to prison for manslaughter for leaving the scene of a fatal collision. Instead staying on scene to give their side of story. So now it’s starting to sound like victim was thrown out.

I am enjoying how open some of your minds are. I agree it is remotely possible the victim was hanging out of the car trying to receive an air-dropped ice chest with organs for donation so it could be sped off to a local hospital.

Chances that the passenger who jumped out was a kidnapping victim trying to escape….1%.

Chances that the passenger (a male) was an abused spouse and jumped…1%.

Chances that the passenger was shoved from the car and murdered…3%

Chances that the passenger was mentally ill and jumped on purpose…this one is possible. I’d give it a 5% probability.

Chances that this was a stupid stunt gone wrong…90%.

Most likely we’ll never hear the real story.

Probability of you mistaking probabilities and chances : 99.999%

Nice try 👍👍

I knew someone who used to hangout of vehicle windows while the car was in motion. Surprisingly, this person is still alive today. They don’t hangout of car windows anymore, at least not that I know of.



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