Home » UPDATE: Major Injury Vehicle Collision On Clayton Rd. At Ayers In Concord

UPDATE: Major Injury Vehicle Collision On Clayton Rd. At Ayers In Concord


A major injury vehicle collision has forced the closure of Clayton Rd. at Ayers in Concord (towards downtown Concord).

The collision occurred around 6 a.m. today.


It’s unknkwn when the road will reopen.

Further details are unavailable at this time.

UPDATE: This is a two-vehicle collision. Both drivers were trapped in their vehicles when first responders arrived. Both have been transported to the hospital.

Thanks to Lindsey for the top picture, and Mandy for the bottom picture.


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Wow, I heard the crash having coffee in my backyard, huge crunching and dragging metal sound, I thought it was a big truck.

Thanks for the information Claycord. Please keep us updated. I hope the people can make a speedy recovery.

Wow … the threes have grown up !!!

Wow … the trees* have grown up !!!

Hope everyone is ok! Clayton Rd in the mornings is like a racing track, ppl drive so fast!

8 AM and the intersection is still closed.

Distracted driving while speeding?

6 am crash. People drive so fast on clayton road….hope both drivers will be ok..n without vehicles no more driving for while.

8am – The intersection is still closed

Looks bad, hope everyone is going to be okay.

BTW…That’s a lot of first responders for two vehicles.

You are seriously going to quibble over the number of 1st responders to a major accident with 2 disentanglement?

It went to a two alarm with a Truck because of the rescue of at least 2 drivers trapped and at least 2 ambulances. You have 4 directions to control because drivers are stupid and will try to drive thru the accident scene. That is at least 9 firefighters, 4 paramedics/ EMTs and 3 police officers.

Haha, thanks for that take on the situation.

Hi Janus, Thanks for the explanation.

Looks like the signal light is out, wonder if that might be the cause ??

Regardless if the lights were out or not, if YOU know your “rules of the road” you are then suppose to treat it like a 4 way stop.
My guess is one of them ran a red light and the other didn’t wait a second or two to proceed just in case for that reason

It is a 40mph road. I swear i see ppl going 60+ there. They even dangerously tailgate you if you go at speed limit+ police should do something imo

A vehicle ran a red-light at 60 and t boned the white Nissan the female is fine the other guy looked like he had a few broken bones it looked like.

I heard the crash, and it was close to 10 minutes later I heard the first sirens. That’s why I figured it was just a garbage truck picking up a load, not really an accident.

1)We need much more Running Red light enforcement. Police – Sit at intersections plus check intersection cameras and enforce with big fines and/imprisonment to slow these idiots down. Yellow light does not stay on long. I suggest waiting momentarily after light turns green and I look both ways, too.
2) We need much more speed limit enforcement throughout Concord.
Speed limit, said above, is 40 mph on Clayton Rd. Enforce it.

I haven’t seen a motorcycle Cop with radar(LIDR) for at least 15 years on Clayton Rd.

Steve, You are 100% right.
The claycord city I live in has no speed limits, and even has no traffic laws whatsoever, because traffic laws are never enforced.

I lost my brother to a red light runner. I ALWAYS pause and look both ways before going on a green. Honk at me all you like. Sad that it has to be that way, but there are many drivers out there with no regard for anyone but themselves.

I’m very sorry to hear about your brother. I was also seriously injured by a red light runner a few years ago. I easily could have been killed, but I was fortunate. Now, I always do the same as you.

In the first picture (center), is that a pole that was ripped out of the ground?

Fun answer: The driver was smokin’ a blunt and dropped it when the door was ripped off.

Reality: It looks like one of the bollards that protects the large green utility box that’s visible behind the cars. You can see them in this Google Street View image. https://goo.gl/maps/9iLRM8ZHcusVXiPm9 Concord could consider putting a row of bollards like this in front of the white picket fence that’s featured in many Claycord articles.

A few yrs ago I was following a car on Clayton Rd that speeded up for the yellow light, and it clearly turned red before he entered the intersection at Alberta and Clayton Rd. As I stopped for the red light, the 1st car to turn onto Clayton Rd was a police car, and he didn’t go after the red light runner. It would have been an easy ticket. Right in front of a police car!

To rip a steel pole in cement deep up out of the ground, one of those cars must have been going at least 70 MPH! We have some crazy drivers amongst us….

I saw this yesterday after the crash occurred.

Usually I’m on that road about that time.

People drive way too fast down Clayton around around 5-6am in the morning and they usually don’t honor traffic lights. I’ve seen it over and over. Ynagcio is other one. I hear cars traveling fast on that one as soon as it becomes dark.

Slow down your going to fast, you got to make the morning last.

Just kicking down the cobblestones, looking for fun, and feeling groovy.

..come on. Just because you haven’t seen a cop running radar on Clayton Rd doesn’t mean they were not there.
I’ve seen plenty of them. Not as many now because the motor unit used to have 10+ bikes. Staffing cuts and a department top heavy with supervisors has basically destroyed the traffic unit, and many others.

I know that the motorcycle Cops do traffic enforcement on Ygnacio Valley Rd and Concord Blvd. 4 days a week.

Sounds like MANY company’s, departments etc

TOP HEAVY with OVER PAID supervisors. Only way they can meet that demand is Staff Cut the “underpaid” employees who do all the necessary work.

Ari, thank you for info and I hope your okay.



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