Home » About 2K Without Power In Walnut Creek

About 2K Without Power In Walnut Creek


A large section of Walnut Creek was plunged into darkness late Saturday evening due to a power outage.

PG&E is working on restoring electricity to customers, and the current time estimate for restoration is 11:15 p.m.

The power outage is concentrated in the area of Walnut Avenue, between Ygnacio Valley Road, Oak Grove Road and Castle Rock Road. Most of the neighborhood south of Walnut Avenue near Las Lomas Way, Deer Valley Lane and Wiget Lane is affected.

According to the Walnut Creek Police Department, multiple traffic signals are not working at numerous intersections in the area. Police advise motorists to treat all intersections with inoperable traffic signals as four-way stops.


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Better get use to it. Till they upgrade the grids. About 2040. By then the solar panels placed on your roof will be taxed. And you will have to switch them over to the government standard. Yours will be deemed not environmental friendly.

There won’t be a 2040.

+1 … and if you voted against the recall of Newsom and voted for him again – you can count on PG&E, the CPUC and him being in each others back pockets for a long time…. enjoy

All of those who spent an arm & leg for solar (hopefully it has off-grid capability) will be Forced to send their excess up to the GRID to support the failing power companies “for the greater good”. They are able to do this due to the fine print of the agreement you have with the power company and Local City ordinances already in place.
The only way around this is to NOT have the panels on your roof (city permitting issuse) and to Not back feed into the GRID. Your excess solar should go to batteries to power your house at night.

Yes, I agree about people being stupid in regards to voting for the same old World Economic Forum puppets.
….but Let’s not forget about Dominion voting machines and vote fraud.

PS: All of the ‘Wokists’ who are supporting this garbage do so at their own perile…….if they are not the ‘correct’ demographic = No Handouts for them.

How am I going to charge my car to get to the anti fossil fuel protest ?

But …. How are we supposed to charge our electric cars!

But…..how are going to put gas into your car if no electricity to operate the pump!!

Not really sure who the dumber group is, the administration that caused all this grief, or the people who keep voting them into power.

The administration is just evil. The people are stupid.

The people voting them in are dumber by far.

The people in power have everything they need, and always will. They will never experience rationing of water or power outages. They will always enjoy lavish vacations, private airplanes, armed security, large cars, plenty of gasoline. They will never be deprived.

How the little people keep voting for them is beyond me.

check out Nancy Pelosi on he beach for a lavish vacation after her old hubs DUI. Where does she hide those things?
Nephew Gavin learned his entitlement from her, as we are treated like scum.

Aunt Barb…. let’s not forget Newsum pulling another French Laundry… he goes to Montana on vacation after telling the state not to do business with them because of his social values.

Power came on at 8 minutes after ten. I drove around the neighborhood and some streets were on and others were off. It was a mixed bag.



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