Home » The Water Cooler – Eating Contests – What Kind Of Food Would You Choose?

The Water Cooler – Eating Contests – What Kind Of Food Would You Choose?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Today’s question comes from a Claycordian….


On July 4th, Bay Area resident Joey “Jaws” Chestnut gobbled his way to a 15th win Monday at the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July hot dog eating contest in New York, powering down 63 hot dogs and buns in just 10 minutes, according to CBS5.

QUESTION: If you had to take part in an “eating” contest, what kind of food would you like to be sitting in front of you?

Tell us about it….

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Dim sum!

I agree Derb… the computer screen is way too bright!

Filet mignon would be a good start…..

Less expensive? Then I’d say Pizza.

Something smaller than a Hot Dog, maybe Sunflower Seeds.

No, no, no….. I couldn’t do it.
I’m a nibbler …. can’t even eat a whole Thanksgiving meal.

Ice cream, Jello, or pudding. There’s no chewing involved, it’s easy to swallow, and I wouldn’t have to worry about a piece of food getting lodged in my throat and choking to death.

Dawg Agree with you, I chose ice cream, because I like it a lot. Don’t think I could get much Jello down. Whenever the subject of eating contests comes up, I envision Paul Newman eating 50 hardboiled eggs in “Cool Hand Luke”.

That simply cannot be good for you in more ways than one. I heard over the weekend that eating one hot dog can take 36 minutes off your life. If true this guy just knocked off 2,268 minutes off his life.

No thanks

Living in California with the current political climate takes years off your life, so go ahead and enjoy a hot dog now and then…

Hot dogs, cigarettes, alcohol, and a host of other junk is supposed to take minutes off of our lives. If that was true, wouldn’t a good portion of the population be dying at an early age? And, how can anybody know for sure, when nobody knows how long they would have lived anyway.
Ponder this: Think about how much of our precious life is wasted by sleeping. If we sleep eight hours a night, and live to be ninety, we will have slept for thirty years.

Thought the same thing when I heard that Dawg…it’s not like they study these statistics until death. As for the 8 hours of sleep, I’m a firm believer. If you split your life into thirds one would sleep for 8 hours, work for 8 hours and the left over 8 is all on you and what you want to do. So in a nut shell, one should love their job and have the best comfortable bed you can get.

But still no thanks on the hot dog. 🙂

I would have to choose watermelon. I done the watermelon eating contest when I was 13 at the Olympic. Eating watermelon and spitting out the black peas lol

I wouldn’t want to be in one, sounds like torture, someone would have to offer me a lot of money, more than $10-15.000. If I were in one, I would choose something like ice cream or raspberries.

Joey “Jaws” Chestnut has earned more than a million $$$ eating hot dogs. Would you do it for a cool mil?


no…. not the crackers

Spaghetti !

13/16 shrimp/prawns

I agree with those against such things which to me are just a disgusting show of gluttony. I would not enter a contest to see how much anything I could shove down my throat as quickly as I could. Yuck.

If I’m not paying, lobster or filet mignon and I’d quit after about a pound.

If I had to take it seriously? I’ve got better ways to wreck my health more slowly.

Great Idea. I could never win any kind of eating contest and would probably die of indigestion anyway. Surf & Turf….. nom!

If I had to do a contest, I suspect I could do a lot of damage with pizza. I am no longer able to consume the quantities I used to be able to, but can still knock down half a za before I know what I’ve eaten. 20 years ago, could probably do 1.5 – 2 pies at a sitting. Not any more.

Sashimi … tai

It’s suppose to be eaten within 10 minutes? I might, maybe, get 3 tacos down that fast but I would rather be able to taste them and go slower.



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