Home » Legislators Call For Social Media Transparency Regarding Its Role In Fueling Violence

Legislators Call For Social Media Transparency Regarding Its Role In Fueling Violence


Elected officials and civil rights advocates held a news conference in Sacramento on Tuesday to discuss social media’s role in amplifying recent surges in violence across the country and to call for the passage of a bill that would require major social media companies to publicly disclose their content moderation practices and report key data about how they enforce their policies.

“Our message today is simple. The public deserves basic transparency and accountability from big tech,” said state Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, D-Woodland Hills. “It’s time for social media companies to step out of the shadows and to come clean about how they are responding to the avalanche of hate online.”

Gabriel, who is the chair of the Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection and of California’s Legislative Jewish Caucus, hopes that Assembly Bill 587 will pass through the state Senate in the next coming weeks and if signed into law, the public will be seeing quarterly reports from the major technology and social media companies starting in January.

“Simply put, the safety of our kids and our communities should come before these companies’ corporate profit,” said Gabriel.


The Anti-Defamation League reported its findings on the national state of online hate and harassment.

“65% of those from marginalized groups, including Jews, women, people of color, have at some time experienced hate-based harassment online because of their identity,” said Jeffrey Abrams, the regional director of Anti-Defamation League Los Angeles. “The LGBTQ community experiences harassment in far greater numbers than any other marginalized community.”

State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, who is the vice chair of the Legislative Jewish Caucus and former chair of the LGBTQ Legislative Caucus, spoke of his own experience of online hate as a gay Jewish man.

Wiener shared receiving thousands of death threats, being called a pedophile, and about a week ago receiving a bomb threat to his home.


Assemblymember Evan Low, D-Campbell, who is chair of the current LGBTQ Legislative Caucus and vice chair of the AAPI Legislative Caucus, spoke of how social media should be a safe space for everyone.

As chair of the state’s Tech Caucus and a representative of a district in Silicon Valley, Low spoke directly to the California homegrown technology companies and asked them to join this conversation and provide solutions and fundamental data points to the children, parents and Californians who are suffering.

“How much more extremist violence needs to occur in order for us to hold social media platforms accountable?” asked Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, a co-author of the bill.

State Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, chair of the AAPI Legislative Caucus, warned that online harassment manifests into physical harassment and violence.

“I really need to emphasize is that online hate and threats of violence become real life and threats and violence,” said Pan.

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If someone mails you a death threat do they tell the post office they need to regulate hate mail?

The big difference is that social media (through algorithm and human) can see the hate messages and remove the message and/or ban the users.

Paul, what you really mean is that social media can SPY on you and then remove what THEY determine is hate speech.


Of course social media spy on people and remove the hate speech. So does the government; it spy on its citizens and punish them for hate speech as well as plotting of violence. Ask Anitifa, BML, and Proud Boys.

Computer algorithms are written by people and provide censorship abilities to support their political stands, just as when Facebook and Twitter censored the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Lucky for them they are private companies and do that if that want too. Like it or not it’s all about the money.

Democrats covering their tracks as November draws near.

Harassment = Anything the Democrats disagree with. Someone explain the First Amendment to these clowns.

Is that why Republicans have been banning books?

You do understand that private companies like those in control of social media, are not prohibited like Congress is when it comes to regulating speech, right?

Perhaps if public officials and elected representatives looked at themselves they might find that they are the root of much of the violence.

Priority should be going after the media. After all it’s the media who continues to divide.

It’s not just social media – it’s all media – TV, radio, newspapers. etc… the reporting is sooooooooo slanted – especially in Calif. Tell ALL sides, not just the political party of favor’s view, Both sides are guilty of this – but will it get corrected? I doubt it seriously in Calif. at least.

So sad but so so true.

The news outlets for the Bay Area might as well fly the democrats flag. They are so one sided and biased it’s ridiculous. KTVU is getting impossible to watch anymore with there pandering and only going for ratings instead of telling what’s really going on. I gave up on channel 7 news years ago for the same reason

Lol, now that they lost their twitter hatefest / ministry of truth.

My prediction was that twitter (once under Elon’s control) would be accused of being used to coordinate some ‘event’……which is really just another False flag by the alphabet agencies in order to clamp down on free speech…..once again.

It would be fun to ask this state senator clown in front of the cameras if he is referring to the social media that helped organize all those BLM protests involving arson, vandalism, and looting.

BLM = Democratic supported domestic terrorism


Precisely what I was thinking…..but definitely not what the senator was thinking. The word Hypocrite comes to mind.


I would tell you what could possibly go wrong with this “proposal”, but the Al Gore Rhythms won’t allow it.

Speaking of Al Gore Rhythms: “Missouri Attorney General sues Biden for colluding with Big Tech. Evidence from ‘The Gateway Pundit’ plays major role”.

Social Media….where everyone has a loud voice, but no one really listens, unless you are planning a BLM loot fest gathering!.

Or an insurrection 😆

I don’t think people “hate” Wiener because he’s a gay Jewish man. I’m pretty sure it’s because he’s an absolute fool!!!

He draws the Jewish and Gay cards like a smoking gun. Scott Weiner, the human, writes counter productive legislation with which most rational humans would disagree. Jewish and Gay are simply his political tools.

Free speech was great, while it lasted.

How about the Joe Friday, “Just the facts, mam.”?

Name, description, crime, location, etc… no matter who they are. But that would be racist, homophobic, etc… because on Animal Farm, Math and other actual, verifiable facts must be seen (screened, censored, etc…) to fit the narrative of the far-Left.

I watched the algorithms (coding) change into something AI – (Quantum Controlled) – which has been designed to “drive” agendas. Most are not aware – but those of us in I/T know and understand this – and we sign non disclosure statements (or face dire consequences). Nobody would believe us anyhow – so it’s not necessary – but they fear the masses becoming aware of this.



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