Home » Welcome To The First Official Day Of Summer – June 21, 2022

Welcome To The First Official Day Of Summer – June 21, 2022


Welcome to the first official day of summer 2022.

Have a great day, and remember to drink lots of water and wear sunscreen.

Temperatures are expected to reach 106-degrees in Contra Costa County today.

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Cold brew is ready.

The longest day but in the northwest the daylight is even longer and of course going further north you get the land of the midnight sun. But in the tropics the sunrise and sunset don’t change that much which is why tropical countries don’t observe DST.

Don’t forget to bring a towel

Sound carries differently on a hot summer’s night in our neck of the woods. Out of the stifling stillness, one might hear a far-off dog barking at the moon; maybe coyotes yipping back and forth on Diablo. Some nights it stays hot ’til the early hours. Nights like those are good for reading a mystery, or sitting out on the porch, if you can take the mosquitoes. Dawn is a thing to behold, as the hills glow with the rising sun. Pancake batter is mixed, coffee put on, and if you’re lucky, maybe peaches and nectarines are in season. Dream on, Claycordians, and have a wonderful Summer.

@California Toad
Where do you hear coyotes on Mt. D. and have mosquitoes?

“Don’t be misled, it’s not summer, it’s climate change driven by systemic racism.” Gavin Newsom

Omg it’s so hot already. This climate change is really realz. For serious.



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