Home » $3 Fee For New Clipper Card Waived If Customers Go With Mobile Option

$3 Fee For New Clipper Card Waived If Customers Go With Mobile Option


New Clipper card customers can have a $3 fee waived if they go with the mobile card option on their phones rather than receiving a plastic card, which are becoming depleted due to global supply chain issues, the regional Metropolitan Transportation Commission announced.

Clipper cards, which are used across all Bay Area transit agencies like BART, Muni, Caltrain and ferries across the Bay, usually cost $3, but the mobile option via Apple Pay or Google Pay is free due to current delivery delays and supply chain issues with the physical cards, according to the MTC.

The MTC is the transportation planning agency for the nine-county Bay Area and operator of the Clipper system.

Apple customers can add the Clipper card directly through Apple Wallet and load cash value with Apple Pay as long as they are using an iPhone 8 or Apple Watch Series 3 or later, while users of Android 5 or later phones can add the card through Google Pay.


More details about the cards are available at

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Nothing demonstrates the Democrat Party led destruction & collapse of Amerika as does the decline of mass transit. who, for God’s sake, would ride those crime-riddled, filthy rails if they did not av to?

Nothing demonstrates the Democrat Party led destruction & collapse of Amerika as does the decline of mass transit.

Who, for God’s sake, would ride those crime-riddled, filthy rails if they did not have to?

Would never ride BART again – at least until they clean it up and make it safer for riders.

In other words, NEVER.

They’ll never clean it up.

It is really filthy. And before the Biden-era doubling of gasoline cost, it was actually cheaper for me to drive to SF and back even with bridge fare than it was for me take the BART. It’s overpriced. And that was with a car getting 23mpg.

How is a charge “waived”, for a plastic card you never even got !


I might ride BART again, but I’m HR218.


Why the HELL does printing up a paper card cost $3 anyway?? That’s usury! The public transport system is there to serve the public, not gouge them!

Arcades mostly work on printable paper cards now, only a small portion of them are ballsy enough to charge to $1 or $2 for it, 90% of the time it’s free! And those are for-profit businesses!

Thank you, BART, for not charging me a $3 fee to use my own cellphone to pay my ride fare….



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