Home » Be Careful! Temperature Expected To Reach 102-Degrees Today In Claycord

Be Careful! Temperature Expected To Reach 102-Degrees Today In Claycord


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Having grown up in eastern Washington such temps are typical summer weather there though more prevalent in August. My body doesn’t mind the heat so much as it does cold weather. I seldom turn on the AC as the house has to get into about the low 80s for that.

I’m always concerned about my cat on hot days. God forgot to put a zipper on her fur coat, and she can’t take it off…. Poor thing.
I usually place a damp towel on her, it helps in keeping her cool.
She’s a cool cat.

Our black lab used to plop right down on the register in the family room…..it was cute the way he just sort of collapsed on it.

I knocked off being outside working on my hot rod when it hit 88°.
I’m chillin’ inside with our cats now.

Suggestion, put water bottles in freezer.

Does a couple things, will help if power goes out and IF you have to be out in the heat put frozen bottle in back pocket. Gives contact cooling and as it melts you can have sips of cold water to cool your core temperature.

Good advice. This reminded me of when I was working as a laborer on a hardhat site. The experienced guys would put a ziplock bag full of ice on the webbing suspension inside the hardhat to keep them cool, then drink the cold water when it melted. Genius!

This is Becton’s fault. Far left nut…



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