State and education officials called on Monday for more investment in so-called community schools, which are intended to offer more resources for students and their families than traditional schools.
Gov. Gavin Newsom, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, California Teachers Association President E. Toby Boyd and others held a virtual meeting Monday to discuss the community school model and argue in favor of allocating $1.5 billion in grants to create more community schools.
The state allocated some $3 billion last year to convert schools in areas with high poverty rates into community schools, which offer health care and social services and, in some cases, even include onsite housing for students and families.
Newsom proposed adding another $1.5 billion in one-time spending to expand access to community schools, but legislators have not included that allocation in the tentative state budget for fiscal year 2022-2023, in part because the initial $3 billion grant pool will be dispersed over seven years.
“The funding will ensure that more schools can receive grant funding to implement the community schools model,” Boyd said, adding that additional funding is necessary because “this is not just a one-time situation.”
Newsom framed the additional proposed funding “the opportunity to provide supports that reside outside of the school system and bring those supports into the school system.”
“Supporting students outside of the classroom is essential to helping our kids achieve, and Community Schools provide those resources for local communities to bolster support services,” Newsom also said in a statement.
The state announced its first community schools grant recipients last month, issuing $649 million to some 268 school districts, local offices of education and charter schools.
Those grant recipients included, among others, Mt. Diablo Unified School District, the Santa Cruz County Office of Education and the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District.
Another terrific idea, throw even more BORROWED MONEY FROM CHINA at the broken, collapsed system created by California democrats.
Remember this every time you vote.
Not for this at all. What the dickens happened to all the lottery funds that were supposed to go to the schools? Just like anything else the money trail disappears and we are over taxed. Why are there never any audits done about this??????? Oh, that is right we already know wwho all the crooked government people are and the foolish crowd keeps voting them in.
The lottery money went into the general fund and they didn’t transfer an equal amount to support the schools.
As usual, the politicians lied. And you continue to re-elect them.
That should take care of the border crossers. I was wondering how they were going to handle that problem. How about building better highways or get some larger airplanes for Cal Fire. They just won’t quit. They just keep going and going.
How about more investment in legal middle class citizens who have been bankrupted by gas prices, crashing stock market and high food prices.
Take care of the parents and grandparents first,, so they can take care of the children !
Think of all the money wasted on masks and hand sanitizer and all the other C19 nonsense. Then figure in the $40+ billion spent on Ukraine and imagine if all that went to education…or infrastructure.
Hmm, . . . ? ? ?
Oh, wait, . . . it’s an election year.
Watch them have after-school Drag Queen Story Hour.
“…health care and social services and, in some cases, even include onsite housing for students and families.”
These community public schools provide health care, social services and housing? That’s way beyond their purview.
We know who this will benefit.
Not the teachers.
More investment=More taxes
Direct translation from Liberal into plain English.
And more wasted money on fuzzy programs instead of actually teaching kids. Also, more to line their pockets with… any money we put into public schools is basically flushing down the proverbial toilet.
So… BART becomes a housing agency, building apartments in its parking lots and employing homeless outreach teams. Public schools become both housing and health services providers. District Attorney’s office becomes social services agency providing rehabilitation services to the criminals.
And it’s not that any of these agencies are terribly successful in accomplishing their original missions – quite the contrary.
BART is a lousy (and very expensive) public transportation service. Public schools are… well… you know. And crime rates are going nowhere but up.
Looks like California is inventing its own definition of “mission creep” – fail in your main mission, get more money to expand beyond the original scope. Does anyone see any problems with this concept?
CA has been officially “ Cloward and Piven’d” . The system has been overwhelmed by immigration and is broken. All that remains is to create the new communist system. Not many people remember but Francis Fox Piven was seated next to Obama as honored guest at the signing of Obamacare. Talk about making a statement…..