Home » Sheriff Livingston, D.A. Becton Defend Seats; Carlson, Allen, Obringer Battle For Two-Candidate Runoff Race In November

Sheriff Livingston, D.A. Becton Defend Seats; Carlson, Allen, Obringer Battle For Two-Candidate Runoff Race In November


Contra Costa Sheriff David Livingston and District Attorney Diana Becton appear to have defended their seats in Tuesday night’s election, according to unofficial results from the county Elections Department.


In the race for district 4 Supervisor, Ken Carlson is currently leading, with Debora Allen and Carlyn Obringer in second and third place. The trio are battling to determine which two candidates will runoff in November. Roxanne Garza and Edi Birsan are trailing by thousands of votes, and appear to have lost.

Voter turnout in Contra Costa County was about 18-percent.

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I’m old enough to remember when the left had their side of the Oakland Hills, and we had ours.

So true, Bob.
Rossmoor is a perfect example. It used to be 90% Conservative Republican. All the people from Oakland Berkeley started retiring and wanted to move into a safe community…. Bmbut they brought their Berkeley ideals with them henceforth the ‘new’ Walnut Creek. (And it certainly is not better not improved in my opinion).
I think now it’s 70% Democrat in Rossmoor.
They also have a lot more turmoil and trouble now than they used to. Ditto Walnut Creek!

Around the time they shut down crusin’ Main St. on Friday and Saturday nights.

18% turnout. What an absolute joke!!!! Clearly the system is broken no one seems to care anymore. I’m ashamed of you people who didn’t vote, yet complain on the state of affairs!


Wow, such a low turnout is disappointing.

That’s in your seatbelts Contra Costa residence: your crime rate is going to be increasing even worse! Keeping DA Becton in was a big mistake!
It’s a shame our voters couldn’t see through the buyout by ultra left wing billionaire George Soros money. Even San Francisco voters were smarter than that by dumping Boudin. We’re in for a crime ride now!

omg… get ready for more emboldened criminals with Becton retaining the DA spot 🙁

Nothing changes.

Becton. Watch rise in Contra Costa County. Added bonus will be more homeless, and more drugs.

Measure G, OMG did any even read what it is before voting yes?

I second this comment. I honor our right to vote, execute that right. But, if you don’t take the time to research what and whom you’re voting for—stay home! This one can stand among the failed prop 6 and 47.

Time to start a recall effort on Becton.

Where do I sign?

I thought it was a no brainer to throw Becton out. I really did not think that the voters in contra costa county would actually vote for higher crime and unsafe streets. The quality of Life in this area is going down and is going to get worse but that is what the voters want. How bad and dangerous does life have to get here before people wake up? So sad.

Interesting about Becton, I have not heard, nor read, a single thing supportive of her, but many opinions against her. Not that I cover a large swath of the population in CCC, but this kind of result always makes me both suspicious, and somewhat discouraged. Oh well, we all need to stay alert, as the spread of crime continues.

Granted, my travels don’t take me around more than a couple cities in CC county, but I saw exactly one Becton yard sign, anywhere. Meanwhile, dozens of Knox yard signs. And it’s not like DA races get much attention usually, so seeing any yard signs was unusual.

My guess is that the union get-out-the-vote drives probably decided things. All those flyers with recommended candidates, 100% Democrat preferred, and tens and tend of thousands of government employees who rely on said Democrats for their jobs.

But it doesn’t make you suspicious that you might be in something of an echo chamber that is emphasizing a single particular view through the use of algorithms?

I guess 63,147 people are ok with criminals running this county. Just incredible.

I cannot believe Becton won another term. For anyone complaining about crime that voted for her, just remember….you got what you voted for.

It looks like our neighbors across the bay decided to get rid of a DA who was focused on curing poverty rather than prosecuting criminals. I guess we have not suffered sufficiently to demand that our DA focus on prosecution rather than social issues.

The result for Diana is incongruous with the vote for Livingston and Carlson and with the ouster of commie red diaper baby Boudin in SF. Mary Knox should demand a hand inspection of the 63,000 ballots marked for Becton. There are probably many that are from illegally registered immigrants from the voter motor fraud machine etc. Diana has been a very public failure and has developed a reputation for in your face spite toward the middle class residents with her manifesto. It doesn’t make sense that she was re-elected.

Nothing was ever going to change…

It doesn’t matter who we voted for….nothing was ever going to change.

If nothing else I have learned that over the last couple of years.

I guess Edi’ support of Seeno didnt help him!!!!!

California voters continue to show their ignorance and desire to see the State deteriorate. So glad we are leaving this cesspool!

You are absolutely correct. Let’s do the math – Becton received 56% of the vote. 56 X 18% = 10.08. 10.8% of the electorate voted Becton into office. Yes, indeed you are correct when you speak of voter ignorance.

@KBB – As people don’t vote on every ballot item you need to do the math on the race you are interested in. For example, 63,147
people voted for Becton which is 8.9% of the 706,257 registered voters. It shows how our individual votes can matter.

This area was plastered with Knox advertising and yet she lost, badly. A few people screaming loudly don’t decide the election. We saw the same thing on January 6, 2021.

You are 100% correct. Very troubling times. People get what they vote for so those democrats better not complain when they are the target. RIP Walnut Creek and Contra Costa County.

Voter turnout of 18 percent ???? That’s pathetic!!!! Bunch of lazy pieces of $hit!

For those of you that didn’t vote, you deserve what you voted for – ZERO.

Too disgusted with non voting Republicans to even comment.

imagine if vote-by-mail wasn’t even a thing! Even less people would vote.

Californians are the dumbest people. They must love crime. The murder rate is up 30% percent across the nation. The biggest spike in over 100 years.
It’s all due to the Democratic progressive policies.

It’s about behavior not race

Those that voted for Becton, don’t complain when you are a victim of crime, and nothing happens with your case.

WC voters make up more than 18% of coco county voters. I can only assume that WC residents welcome crime to their city since so few made it out to the polls. SMH…

We don’t know who voted or where or what for. Where I voted in Walnut Creek there were many people voting.


You missed the point, Sr. If WC voters would have voted, DB wouldn’t have defended her seat.

@Ricardoh – Precinct by precinct numbers are available on

The Becton vs Knox details are at

Unfortunately, the user interface is terrible. There are 1034 precincts and the page adds five at a time. The Walnut Creek precincts are at the bottom of the list. I’ll put the details below for just the WLCR precincts . There are others such as Walden, Saranap, Walnut, etc. that I did not feel like extracting.

Precinct   DIANA BECTON    MARY KNOX     Total
WLCR101    441  65.14%     236  34.86%     677
WLCR102    165  55.18%     134  44.82%     299
WLCR103    515  65.61%     270  34.39%     785
WLCR105    161  48.79%     169  51.21%     330
WLCR106    174  62.82%     103  37.18%     277
WLCR107     38  51.35%      36  48.65%      74
WLCR108     61  46.21%      71  53.79%     132
WLCR109     66  59.46%      45  40.54%     111
WLCR110    156  57.14%     117  42.86%     273
WLCR111    120  51.95%     111  48.05%     231
WLCR112    135  62.79%      80  37.21%     215
WLCR113    153  62.45%      92  37.55%     245
WLCR114     47  56.63%      36  43.37%      83
WLCR115     66  44.59%      82  55.41%     148
WLCR118     62  51.67%      58  48.33%     120
WLCR119    146  53.87%     125  46.13%     271
WLCR120    341  69.88%     147  30.12%     488
WLCR121    374  73.19%     137  26.81%     511
WLCR122    101  53.72%      87  46.28%     188
WLCR123     87  63.97%      49  36.03%     136
WLCR124     94  68.12%      44  31.88%     138
WLCR125    146  55.73%     116  44.27%     262
WLCR126    137  49.82%     138  50.18%     275
WLCR127    285  71.61%     113  28.39%     398
WLCR129    364  69.47%     160  30.53%     524
WLCR130    101  44.89%     124  55.11%     225
WLCR131     98  59.39%      67  40.61%     165
WLCR132     97  44.09%     123  55.91%     220
WLCR134    160  51.61%     150  48.39%     310
WLCR135    146  66.67%      73  33.33%     219
WLCR137    149  46.42%     172  53.58%     321
WLCR138    105  40.38%     155  59.62%     260
WLCR139    116  42.49%     157  57.51%     273
WLCR140     97  38.65%     154  61.35%     251
WLCR141    136  48.06%     147  51.94%     283
WLCR142    198  57.06%     149  42.94%     347
WLCR143    129  57.85%      94  42.15%     223
WLCR144    102  58.62%      72  41.38%     174
WLCR145    121  47.64%     133  52.36%     254
WLCR146      7  87.50%       1  12.50%       8
WLCR147      0   0.00%       1 100.00%       1
WLCR801     26  44.83%      32  55.17%      58
WLCR802      0   0.00%       0   0.00%       0
WLCR803      6  54.55%       5  45.45%      11
WLCR804     34  55.74%      27  44.26%      61
WLCR805     56  66.67%      28  33.33%      84
WLCR806     63  51.64%      59  48.36%     122
WLCR807     55  62.50%      33  37.50%      88
WLCR808     27  52.94%      24  47.06%      51
WLCR809     36  53.73%      31  46.27%      67
WLCR810     24  43.64%      31  56.36%      55
WLCR811     56  51.85%      52  48.15%     108
WLCR812     21  33.33%      42  66.67%      63
WLCR813     48  48.48%      51  51.52%      99
WLCR814     35  46.05%      41  53.95%      76
Total    6,684  57.28%   4,984  42.72%  11,668

Would love to know where the beverage cooler/insulated bag that I was told to stuff my ballot in went. Still think it’s strange that the ballot didn’t get scanned on the spot like it used to. This is the second time that a mail in ballot never arrived in the mail as well (last time was the Newsom recall).

A couple of years ago I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said #knowyourda Maybe Becton can get in on some merchandising.

I have to agree with Miguel: it didn’t appear to be the most efficient way of handling ballots. It was almost like when you voted for class president in third grade: you just walked to the front of the class and dropped a slip of paper in a shoe box.


I would love to know too! Crazy that they didn’t even ask me to relinquish my mail-in ballot when I went to vote in person either. I’m not surprised though…honestly, the elementary school voting process is more reliable than ours.

Check your voter registration information online. This happened to me and my status was inactive for some reason. I called the county and they quickly resolved it.

– why didn’t you test the system and drop off your mail in ballot right after you voted?

If you went in person to vote and left your ballot at home, there is no issue.

@Miguel – everyone got an email about their ballot, check for the bar code and status.

Every name on the voter rolls weather they were dead, moved out of state, illegal received a ballot . All they had to do is mark a few circles and put it in their mailbox .It’s hard to believe only 18% of the people voted isn’t it?

@Pepe – mark a few circles and put it in their mailbox is not all a person has to do to vote by mail. They also have to sign the envelope, a signature which is checked against the signature on file for that voter. I have personally known some people whose mail-in ballots were at least initially rejected for signature mismatches. So a person trying to vote fraudulently using a ballot meant for someone else would need to successfully forge a signature matching the one on file for that person at CoCo Elections.

The 18 percent voter turnout represents a historic low. It is time to recognize that there is a crisis is legitimacy for the CA state and local governments. When fraud becomes obvious and endemic people stop voting as a protest. Diana should resign immediately. She has no mandate to continue.

So disappointed with the voters in Contra Costa County. Do not complain when you are a victim of crime as you voted for Becton and all of the other progressives. Glad to see some of those who supported Seeno were voted out. It is a small in road but let’s keep that momentum going.

SF had more brains then Contra Costa County and that says very little. Everyone I spoke to voted for Knox so I agree she should demand a recount.
We must put an end to this SOROS funding and the progressive movement as it is out of control.

So few people with common sense vote anymore it seems. Very saddened by the lack of voter turnout.

You fools get what you voted for. I agree start a recall campaign to get Becton the hell out of office. Follow the money trail.

@Fred. The average Roman only cares about is the pebble in his shoes. Sadly the most of the people in this county don’t give a damn.

Last night I was checking on the results for the county and it said 100% of precincts reporting and there was only a little over a hundred thousand votes counted. I thought that must be a mistake and went to bed thinking I will check the results in the morning. I turned our ballots into a stuffed ballot box in Walnut Creek. It was emptied because my neighbor voted there a half hour later and his ballot hit the bottom of the box. People were all over the lot turning in their ballots. Does anyone know how to check how each city voted?

The fix was in. Plan B move all the homeless,Crackheads, Crooks from S.F. into Contra Costa. it’s like a slow moving virus infecting cities as planed . oh J Bar Sinister A.K.A Soros. plan is working perfect. I say do a recount to verify the legal votes. but I guess you don’t have to be a real person to vote these days.

I have 42 years in Contra Costa and my wife has lived in the Bay Area her entire life. We are almost ready to move. Contra Costa deserves what it’s about to get. The entire state does, in fact.

If not for my wife’s family, we would leave the state entirely. I’ve lived in CA all six decades of my life and I am sick of it. If I had my say we would leave the state entirely.

With the amount of “Vote for Mary Knox” signs posted everywhere, I was sure she was going to win.

I thought… How could anyone vote for Becton at this point? I mean even Chesa Boudin lost.

Boy… was I wrong.

Should be another interesting few years.

Shocked at the results to say the least.


What the CC voters have said is that they’re willing to wait until it gets as bad or worse than SF before they vote out the DA.

Well, it will. Many friends on the Concord PD considered this ballot as their last hope that things will change. Expect the officers that haven’t already left now make their plans to leave.

As the liberals love to say “elections have consequences”. Yes, yes they do.

MARK DESAULNIER got 85% of the vote. Pretty much tells you how smart the voters are in this county. All he does is host one complaint group after another. Has he done one thing for the county that means anything? As far as Becton goes if she had the publicity like Bodin had she would be gone, but all we have is the liberal East Bay Times and they supported her. Let’s hope the rest of the country is smarter than we are.

No wonder DeSaulnier got 85% of the vote. He’s got name recognition only and people can’t afford to put up the money against those entrenched politicians.

Worthless POS.


Keep in mind Ricardoh, it was either him, the socialist guy or a write in. I could not think of who to write in, so put something generic. Most people will vote based on name recognition. Fortunately, he is one of the less destructive representatives, seems more passive, just a yes vote for pelosi. At least he is not as destructive omar, or idiot cortez. I am not sure the coasts are any different than this state (warren, schumer, hell, biden, serving (more like taking) as long as they have).


Just remember that Mark DeSaulnier is only in office today because he was elected to the Concord City Council in 1991 as a Republican, appointed to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors in 1994 as a Republican by Republican Governor Pete Wilson, elected to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors in 1994 as a Republican, and was reelected to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors as a Republican in 1998. It was in 2000 that he switched parties and became a Democrat at the urging of then United States Representative George Miller which allowed DeSaulnier to continue his political career on the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, in the California State Assembly, California State Senate, and the United States House of Representatives. It was Republican voters that helped create the Mark DeSaulnier that we have today. In 1991 he served on the Concord City Council with Lloyd Mashore, Nancy Gore, and Byron Campbell, a bunch of names relegated to the past and where Mark DeSaulnier was headed until he was picked from obscurity and elevated to a political career.

Jeff (the other one),

Katherine Piccinini ran as a Republican write-in candidate against Green candidate Michael Ernest Kerr and Democrat candidate Mark DeSaulnier for United States Representative District 10.

I have worked closely with the D.A.’s Office for many years. Becton truly is the better choice irrespective of politics. Mary Knox is impossible to work with because she doesn’t listen to anything she doesn’t want to hear, even when the law doesn’t support her position. Becton does listen and considers the law when making decisions. As a person that will have to work with the D.A. for a couple more decades, I am relieved that she will remain in office.

I ran into Edi Birsan at the bagel shop in Todos Santos Plaza years ago when he first got into the City Council in Concord. I don’t remember the entire conversation but it ended with him giving a huge belly laugh and he said “I’m a Democrat, if I want your money I’ll just raise your taxes!” and walked out the door still laughing. So glad he’s not in any position for that anymore.

Just I expected from a democrat.


Edi Birsan is still on the Concord City Council
and his term doesn’t end until December 2024.

@ Ewing 23
I live in Clayton. But yes, I do shop in Concord. So it doesn’t effect me quite as bad as the residents.

On CCC website there is a way to check out how all cities voted. I takes awhile to do. So the cities that voted the most for Becton are Richmond and Pittsburg. To a lesser degree were other cities like Lafayette, Walnut Creek. Orinda and all the cities along the bay in the west. From voting place to voting place it went back and forth.

To those cities whose residents supported Becton – don’t bother calling the police when $hit happens.

Didn’t bother voting because I’m leaving this state in a few short months. Wouldn’t be right to vote in a place I will not be staying.

Having said that this result is exactly what I expected from contra costa county, if you’re surprised by this you’re still delusional. Contra costa as well as most of this state is lost and needs to turn way, way worse before anything has a chance to change. But I doubt it ever will, too many new people to the area and state that see it as better than where they came from so they can’t understand how the quality of life has dropped significantly and they vote for people like Becton and too many people have a financial interest in keeping contra costa and the state the way it is so they will control and rig elections however they have to to keep their cash cow rolling. Every level of this state is corrupted and controlled by communists.

Enjoy the crime. Enjoy the death. But most of all enjoy the show, I know I will be. I’ll be laughing from my new state.

Good riddance.

We had 2020 vision and looked for a safer and less taxing environment. Traveled up to the Canadian border and across the country twice during pandemonium. Sold the house, bought a new one and got out at the beginning of 2021. Do your homework and don’t take California with you is the advice I give everyone considering the move. BTW we have no regrets and the results of this election only serve as further confirmation.

As I said before, if I vote no, yes wins. If I vote for, against wins.

Maybe you all should send me your yes/no or for/against list so when I vote next time maybe get it right for all of us…

On the other hand, I do hope you all voted this time and plan to vote again next time.

Its not that no one cares. Its the fact that our elections are rigged. Its that the Dems are in power because of Dominion voting machines. Mail in ballots, come on. Why should any of us waste our time.

Unbelievable. Crime is up. Gas is through the roof, inflation is sky rocketing. And the people who’ve shown that they are incapable of doing anything about it get reelected. Sad.

Looks like Edi wore out his welcome. Mighty are the fallen!

Did you ever stop to consider that just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they are uninformed? Maybe people made an informed decision and picked the best of the available options.

Yeah, the politicians who put you in these holes will totally get you out of them.

There’s an old saying that goes: ‘The proof is in the pudding’. Are you aware of what’s going on in our communities, sky rocketing crime wise?

Don’t care who gets the seat as long as Edi is out. I find him untrustworthy.

My white privilege made me vote for Becton! Sorry about that!

Ya know, I’m almost wishing now that the K-12 China virus “vaccine” clotshot mandate would NOT have been delayed a year, because that would have forced us to move. But since it was shelved for a year that allowed for our son to still attend Las Lomas and graduate next year, so we decided to stay.

But we will be GONE from this deteriorating-at-warp-speed state next year, the state my wife and I have lived in our entire lives and never dreamed we’d leave. But that started to change circa-2017 when Trump just broke the leftist lunatics here, the neighborhood, sports, and school-parent friends we’d known for many years who became bats*** crazy kooks unhinged with hate,

Then that seed of a thought of moving fully blossomed the summer of 2020 because of the mask Karens in love with mandates and lockdowns, the govt tyranny towards the law-abiding but then that same govt coddling and outright ignoring the BLM-fueled criminal degeneracy. So of COURSE these same idiots re-elected a “restorative justice” Soros-funded psychopath. Marking the days off on the calendar til we escape, and those of you who throw out this “we can save California” line are friggin DELUSIONAL, stick a fork in this s-hole state because it is DONE.

I was born in this state and like you, haven’t lived any other place. Your post makes me sad. Your third paragraph is all true and I’m one of the “friggin delusionals” who is still holding out hope. I’m just not ready to give up my home state to a bunch of a$$holes.

Reason was not talking about opinions. They spoke about Knox not aknowledgeing the written law. Or in other words, an ill-informed opinion.

Reason, My post above is directed at you.

I’m not referring to decisions Knox wants to make about charging and sentencing. I’m referring to instances when she wants to use County money to support her projects and there is no legal authority to do so. This is really about protecting tax dollars and ensuring that tax dollars are used for legally authorized purposes.

@Blame Game
You sound just like those two morons, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, during their little crime wave skit, which they later had to walk back due to the fact that they’re morons and there ACTUALLY WAS A LOT OF CRIME.

Freedom is costly.

82% of voters decided not to pay the price of freedom.

That shows the ignorance of the registered voters who didn’t vote.

What is the cost of freedom?


@Cellophane….That reminded me of an old Stephen Stills song, when CS&N were “on” it was pretty spectacular…

Recall of Becton may not be of value. Just think who may replace her! I do not think much of SF but Ms. Breed has done a fairly decent job to run SF and corral some of the crazies(and I do not mean the drug heads!!).
My wife does want to leave CC but short of setting up a camp in the wilds of the Mohave or forest. We will suffer for a bit longer! GOD warn those who might think to pull a home invasion on us!!



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