Home » Quadruple Vaccinated Gov. Newsom Tests Positive For COVID

Quadruple Vaccinated Gov. Newsom Tests Positive For COVID


Governor Gavin Newsom tested positive for COVID-19 Saturday morning after exhibiting mild symptoms and will continue to work remotely, the governor’s office announced Saturday afternoon.

The governor will remain in isolation at least through Thursday, June 2 until he tests negative, in accordance with local and state health guidelines, the governor’s office said.

As outlined in California’s SMARTER Plan, which focuses on testing and treatment, the Governor will test prior to leaving isolation.

The governor will immediately begin a 5-day regimen of Paxlovid, the antiviral that has proven effective against COVID-19.


Gov. Newsom is vaccinated and has received two booster shots, including as recently as May 18, the governor’s office said.

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I guarantee the sink in Newsom’s doctors office has received all four of those vaxx shots.

Even though the vaccines and boosters do nothing to prevent getting Covid, nor the spreading of Covid, you should get the vaccines and boosters. If you don’t, the stock price of Pfizer and Moderna will suffer.

Nailed it!

And also, if you don’t get the vaccine, the governments pockets will suffer.

Mind reader much …???


And Pelosi and Biden and most the other Democrat officials own a ton of that stock and are making millions.

Free Publicity, tax payers aren’t paying for this… ha! Yea we are.

hahaha, just a day after sharing the podium with that New Zealand chick that’s covid crazy. That’ll teach her. I wonder if they’ll let her back onto the island, more than half would rather she quarantine indefinitely in Bakersfield.

Covid vaccinations are a joke.

It would seem that way.

had covid, no vaccine, still here no side effects. was sleepy for a few days and then my head hurt for a few more. is that what the fuss is about?

Not quadruple. His first shot was J&J followed by two boosters. So triple.

Everyone is going to get it, but being vaccinated helps (as does prior infection).

Please provide proof the jab helps. Everything I have read shows the vaxx leads to negative efficacy. Nor have any studies been conducted that the jab “lessens symptoms.”

Bwah ha ha ha!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Couldn’t have happened to a worse governor… because there isn’t one. Everyone is going to get it sooner or later. Get over it.

Right after he met with the prime minister of New Zealand in GG Park to sign another useless climate change pact. The same New Zealand leader who is caught on camera saying masks are just for show. How appropriate for this to happen at this time. I wonder if they went to the French Laundry for dinner.

What does testing positive for COVID-19 really mean? I’m beginning to think it’s some kind of code for something else.

Regardless, the slimmest POS on the planet, who closed the beach and had police arresting people for surfing has the china virus. May I suggest a full dose of remdesivir and a ventilator? Only after being forced into a coma without any contact with his family. So of course if he dies, nobody will be allowed to see him because he will need to be immediately cremated. Too bad, so sad

Thumbs Up SAM!

Can we just leave him in isolation forever so we make sure he never gets COVID again?

Better yet… Newsom out.
Leo S Zacky for Governor….check him out 🙂


I think that’s a great idea. We’ll tell him something like “just 2 weeks to flatten the curve”.

Leo Zacky?

Executive with Zacky Farms that went bankrupt a couple years back and dumped their worker comp liabilities onto the State.

No thanks.

@ The Grant ~ Just like any business in California, Zacky Farm closed shop from taxes and regulations. There is an interview from UC San Bernardino with Leo Zacky… should be on Youtube.

At the rate we are letting people in this country we are going to get more than Covid.So sit down buckle up shut up and hold on.

… maybe karma caught up with him for all of his campaign lies he never intended on fulfilling

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I am loathe to wish ill on anyone, but in this case I hope that greasy, slimeball suffers greatly for all the damage and suffering he has caused with his gross, heavy-handed mismanagement of the covid hoax.

Oh, and in our family, three are unvaxxed and one is vaxxed. Guess which currently has covid?🤔

This pos supported a plan that would have me and my family fired for not taking these trash shots. F him.


He’s gonna get Paxlovid rebound: it’s a thing, and common enough that even the Covid hawks have had to acknowledge it. People feel better after a few days and then get worse, like a second start of the illness.

It’s farcical that some places are still imposing vax card requirements. It doesn’t prevent infection anymore, and even a booster only holds that off for a couple of months at best. It may or may not help the individual, but their vax status doesn’t protect anybody else whatsoever.

Think of all the clowns who were jumping out of their seats to get the vaccine and boosters. Y’all believe anything the government says. Now they want to push this onto children. Parents and those who follow it are a bunch of bozos

At least he’ll have a less painful death. That’s the only promise these “vaccines” guarantee.

These comments are frightening. I can not believe we live amongst this hatred.

Yeah dog, we all just be haters up in here.
What a stupid comment. Newsom is a tyrant who should be hung for treason straight up. If you don’t understand what that means, then you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Yes, I hate the man. His power grabbing, senseless covid policies shut down our business, causing us serious financial difficulties and mental anguish, put unspeakable stress on our two kids, and is responsible for untold suffering throughout the state. I wish him all the ills he created to come upon him a thousandfold.

And he still REFUSES TO REMOVE THE STATE OF EMERGENCY IN THIS STATE. That man and his clan are evil incarnate.

These comments pale in the hatred and contempt he has for you.

Now, if you don’t have children or hate your family, Gavin is your guy. If you’re delusional perhaps he is still your guy.
For anyone with an IQ above ”tilt” he is clearly a very naughty boy.

“Just following orders” = “follow the science”
“Show me your papers” = “show me your vaccine passport”
“Mask up” = “shut up”

This is exactly what they did is the past with an element of plausible deniability. Telling us we’re killing grandma while they filled the nursing homes whit COVID.

Remdesivir + ventilator = zyklon B gas chambers
And never forget, the police were quick to harass businesses or people on the beach but waited an hour to save those kids in Texas.

All the NAZI scientists that were never charged and given high level government jobs in the US…yeah..

We live in the 4th Reich.

**You don’t have to agree with me for it to be true. Ignorance is bliss.


Newsom is the one who dined at French Laundry while he kept the rest of us locked down at home.

His contempt for us knows no bounds. How you can support him is beyond me.

What’s really frightening is what Newsom is doing (as has done) to this state and its citizens. And even MORE frightening than that is we live amongst people like you who voted for him.

What is most alarming is that you are completely oblivious as to what is going on and how much the Democratic party and Gavin Newsom want to control you.

Oh, sweet irony…you’re so poetic. Thank you.

So “these comments are frightening”? Good Lord, then you must be shocked, appalled, angry, and terrified about what is passing for leadership in our government. “We The People” have endured disgusting, hypocritical, lying, cheating sacks of sh*t since our last Presidential “Election”. Can’t believe we live amongst this hatred? I can’t believe we live amongst such blind, stubborn ignorance.

It’s been less than two weeks since he got his second booster, so he might not have been at full immunity from his most recent shot.

Man date
This is a reality that doesn’t exist. You are brainwashed. This is a mental illness. You need treatment and you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

@SAM The projection is real.

Let’s see: Fuhrer Newsom is being sued over his prolonged unnecessary state of emergency. He’s taken the fifth on the filed interrogatory.

Basically he’s just wasting off time until the election. He’ll release some funds to buy the votes of the poor, and ballot traffic the votes of the infirmed, insane, and imprisoned. You know, good clean California politics.

Does he really have Covid? Who knows. Who cares.

The lies of the whole Covid scam are obvious and glaring.

Remember the French Laundry. He believes he is better than us.

He probably doesn’t even have covid. He just wants a vacation and some time out of the public spotlight. This allows him to do that while also virtue signaling.



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