Home » Hydrant Destroyed, Injuries Reported During Overturned Vehicle Collision In Concord

Hydrant Destroyed, Injuries Reported During Overturned Vehicle Collision In Concord


A vehicle overturned and a hydrant was destroyed during a two vehicle collision on Clayton Rd. at Bailey Rd. in Concord just after 2 p.m. this afternoon.


At least two people were injured, although we’re hearing their injuries weren’t life-threatening.

The cause of the collision is under investigation.

Thanks to the anonymous Claycordian for the photos.

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Who gets billed for replacing the hydrant?
The driver’s insurance company? The driver?
Or does the taxpayer foot the bill?

I’ll save the investigators the trouble: Someone was speeding, not obeying traffic laws, and or was driving distracted.

That’s a very popular intersection for red light running, from Clayton Rd, making a left onto Bailey Rd.

I heard this accident, just after me and my 8yo son exited our car to pick up some food at Koon Thai restaurant. It sounded like a really loud trash compactor and a skid. There was no honking, then I looked over and saw the GMC which must have rolled at least 3x (based on sound and look of roof), and the spewing fire hydrant. Plenty of people were immediately on scene.

For a car to have rolled 3 times, to me that indicates excessive speed.

Some of the worst drivers in the county drive on that insane strip of road. Drive defensively, watch out for cyclists and pedestrians. Always follow at a safe distance, be courteous, and by all means DO NOT SPEED.

If the poor violated hydrant is one in top picture, this will make third time it’s been hit. Have to wonder why hydrant was placed in center median.

@Original G….It was on the side of Clayton Rd. when the waterline was put in, when Clayton Rd. was only two lanes.

nytemuvr, … That makes sense.
Hydrant location should have been moved to roadside when widening took place. Sometimes engineers, like politicians don’t think about what could go wrong.

Just west, Thornwood and Clayton at a parking lot entrance for food max, Ace and car wash hydrant was hit last month on 27th.

POOR planning

At least that tire made it out in one piece.

Just last week, I saw three cars making that left turn after our green light came on. So, they had to have already had a red light.

People drive on Clayton Road like it’s a freeway, going speeds of 50-60 miles per hour. Drivers drive way too fast! Where are the cops when you need them

At least nobody drowned.

The person reasonable for the accident hopefully has insurance. Their insurance should pay for the damage to the fire hydrant. But of course, now days the person responsible and their carrier will try to wiggle out of their responsibility. It that happens we all pay for it.

I agree most likely speeding. When will people learn.

My daughter and i witnessed the whole thing. We had just pulled out of the Taco Bell drive through and were stopped at the red light for at least a full second (long enough for my brain to register it was a red light) when the black truck blew through the red light. That is when the small black SUV started to cross the intersection and collided with the passenger side rear fender of the truck. This sent the back side of the truck spinning clockwise over the median where it knocked the top off the fire hydrant. I cant be certain but i think this is also what caused the truck to flip over, loose one wheel and come to rest facing on coming traffic.

Wait — are you saying that a Claycordian who doesn’t NEED a truck was speeding in an unnecessarily big old truck and driving recklessly and running red lights? No. Not here! /sarcasm

Wait – what you’re saying is that we now get to decide what somebody else NEEDS to drive?

This could be fun! I’ll let you know when I’ve decided what you NEED to drive. Honk! Honk!

Texting and driving. Put your phone in the glove compartment and wait until you are parked somewhere before you take the bloody thing out again. The life you save may be mine.

Epidemic of red light runners these days! I would bet that most of them are under 30. I miss when they taught driver’s ed in high school. It was mandatory; you had to learn a lot about safe driving; and most importantly, they made you watch Red Asphalt and listen to talks from mothers who’s children were killed by drunk drivers. It stayed with you and made you feel like driving was an important responsibility. Now, kids are on their own to learn how to drive-4 sessions with a driving instructor and then pass a written test. It is not enough. The people I see driving insanely out there are almost all under 30 and just do not give a crap about anyone else. Run a red light, get caught or cause an accident=get your car impounded immediately and be required to pay for and take an all-day class on driving safety to get it back.



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