At this point, it’s almost laughable.
The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gas in California is now $6.05, which is $1.49 more than the National average, according to AAA.
Contra Costa County’s average price is a whopping $6.13 a gallon.
In Mono County (near Yosemite), the average price is $7.05 a gallon.
The cheapest gas in the United States can be found in Oklahoma, at $4.03 a gallon.
Let’s go, Brandon!
Yup! Over 70% crude oil comes from 5 US States, and this is happening due to less than the 2% from Russia. Drill baby drill!!!
Isn’t it crazy that every conservative told everyone exactly what would happen if dementia Joe was elected? And, it’s come to pass in less than a year.
Let’s Go Brandon
Thank you President Biden!
Thank you Governor Newsom!
Your radical energy and environmental policies are making daily living and working unaffordable!
No.. Joe Biden did it and the recession that’s coming. Lets Go Brandon !
Diesel at $6.80 means prices of goods, including groceries, will continue to go up. Increasing prices of necessities will result in less money available for discretionary spending.
California has ZERO pipelines bringing crude oil into state’s refineries from other states.
AAA page set to Diesel
Dems may not be raising everybody’s taxes. But their policy’s sure increase costs. The Lefty Tax.
So – the more things cost. The more tax being collected through sales.
But Dems are only raising taxes on those that don’t pay their fair share (whatever that means). That’s a feel good measure. Anybody feel good yet? Keep voting the Left in office. They are not done destroying the state yet.
From my unscientific and causal observations, there is only one place in Concord that is selling gas for less than $6.
If we had a government worthy of the people, there would be no restrictions on the production of oil for fuel.
Yet all this government has done is restrict production for now and in the future.
There are not enough electric cars for everyone, there is not enough electricity to charge the cars already on the road.
Only fools put all their eggs into one basket.
‘Gas stations in Washington reprogram pumps to prepare for $10-a-gallon fuel as Bidenflation sends average price soaring to $4.57 – almost twice the $2.41 during Trump’s final month’
I paid $6.60 for premium in Livermore.
That’s it, keep voting Democrat and let’s see how expensive we can make this state be.
Boot Newsom out! Then all the other fraud politicians!
Gas is high priced all over the world. Check out some other countries their gas is higher priced than the U.S.
Biden’s failures are on full display around the world.
Do you think we’ll see State Fuel Tax relief? My guess no way !!
We should be happy then, right? We’re F’d just like everyone else?
Russia invaded UKR and that’s the real problem, not Biden right?
Thoughts to consider: Biden ran an anti-petrol campaign. USA quickly lost its energy self sufficiency achieved during the last administration.
Russia invaded UKR because it could: Europe dependent on Russian energy, the USA navel gazing and showing its weaknesses (Afghanistan, Iran, dealings with China) and a DEMENTED Prez.
@Bil—Gas has always cost more all over the world, it’s nothing new. Foreign countries have to import their oil, the United States has enough oil to last 500 years, all we have to do is drill for it. So what’s your point?
You are absolutely correct!
The democrats are breaking the country.Thank you dumb ass voters.
My sentiments exactly! Dumb ass voters!
He said he would raise the price of gas, he didn’t lie. Low income housing limit is 105K per year in this area and the First time home buyer assistance is 110k per year. That says a lot about this area. Prices are only going to go up. Please do your homework on these poop-o-ticians and vote them out.
In todays mail I received a campaign flyer that said, Attention Republicans” Great I thought until I read it and it is not from Republicans. Read the notice to voters on the back page.
Yeah, I’m flummoxed.
Even though it is rough/will get worse… at least these Dems/cronies/frauds are solidfying their demise ! They think theyre becoming more powerful but theyre really obsoleting themselves and causing all sides to join together. Pitchforks to come shortly…..
Gas can still be found for under $4.00 a gallon in our free state, and we don’t even have a refinery! Go ask Gavin.
This is just the beginning. Don’t tell me you’re getting nervous now. Just buy an electric car..not a tesla tho..Elon be so raciss.
Cheap gas and mean tweets 2024
“Brandon” GOING for your GREEN
Good time to reduce the gas tax! Haven’t seen any improvements in roads..
Eliminate the summer blend cost increase. We’re in an energy crisis. $.
Make sure you vote if you don’t think you’re represented.
Is there anybody that is really surprised by this?
For goodness sake it was obvious what would be coming if Biden got elected….
What really gets me is the guy does nothing. He is like a corpse. He has to be the Manchurian Candidate.
More like “Weekend at Bidens”
Just build electric trains and streetcars!
Biden and Newsom are taking a victory lap! Their plan is coming together!
Make life cost prohibitive for legal citizens and through poverty convert them to grateful government subsidized nincompoops. Excellent………
As long as interest rates are far lower than the inflation rate we will be in prolonged inflation which will become stagflation. No growth, no financial improvement, no nothing. Equity? A dated concept.
And if you want your kids to ever be able to buy a home in California, you better die soon, ‘cause their dreams just got bumped out about ten years.
But keep voting liberal……
The current price of gasoline in China is the equivalent of $5.20 per gallon. They must be rolling on the floor laughing.
It’s all done on purpose. Your progressive politicians don’t give 3 sh$ts about you. It’s all about shaming the public into “going green”. And it’s out of hand because they want to make every attempt possible to assure that you never see 3.50/gal gas again. Keep pulling “D” on that voting machine, folks……
Relax people. California will be petroleum free by 2035 plus we will have saved this part of the planet. What’s left after forest fires have destroyed it. Love our liberal Democrat state.
California is 164 Thousand square miles.
The Earth is 196 Million square miles.
Any green efforts in California are something less than a rounding error. And if you are religious, something less than a Hail Mary.
I was attempting to be facetious. Having lived in several other parts of this planet California’s solutions are ridiculous. Most of their solutions create more problems than the solve. We
@b2b….Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?
Air taxis … Nuff said!
Dont just blame this on the whole Russia situation . This governor is driving these refineries out of business marathons out and now phillips 66 plans to make their refinery renewable. Which will essentially put the refinery on ice till the project is conversion is complete! So don’t hold your breath and think once this Russia situation is over things will get better.
What the heck is this “we did it”. Politicians, and federal and state agencies did this all on their own.
Congrats to all.
Thank you Biden and Newsom…are you and all your SOROS socialist-greenie family happy now. You are destroying our country. Bankrupting citizens who still obey the law and do not suck off the system. Stop the immigration of people who do not pay their fare share and simply suck off the system. Bleeding hearts go only so far.
Crime is through the roof, we have elected officials who change the rules to go with their need to stay in office and over extend their stay as term limits for all parties need to be put into play now.
Biden and his fake concern for the citizens of the US is a joke. He is unable to form a sentence anymore and the crap that the leftist media is putting out in the media is beyond pale.
People wake the hell up and vote with your wallets this time. Can you not see what is happening?????
Bring back the Keystone pipeline (and the jobs)
Every comment here is Biden or Newsom or Democrats and not a single one of you cares that gas companies are seeing record profits.
Maybe some of that anger can be placed towards the companies dictating prices.
The price of a barrel of oil dropped for 6 weeks and Shell, Exxon, etc didn’t lower their prices.
Gas companies are seeing record profits because of Biden, Newsom, the Legislature, Congress, and the so-called environmentalist, as well as all the NIMBYs.
Gas companies make .05 to .07 cents per gallon of gas. You can look it up. Dems always blame others for their failed policies.
and that .05 to .07 averages .06 (for math sake)
This is after all expenses for U.S. sales alone that is well over 8 Bil in pure profit….
These companies are in business for PROFIT…. Nothing else…
No need to condemn them….. It is their job….
Sorry, my math was way off on last post.
Not enough coffee yet… But my point is……..
I just put 14 gallons in wife’s car at Safeway Fuel Station on Contra Costa Blvd in P Hill. With my 8 “rewards” points from Safeway shopping I paid $4.84 per gallon. Pretty good savings.!!
Yes… redrazor has the correct attitude!
He only feels a little bit raped.