The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
If there was one thing you could change about your neighborhood, what would it be, and why?
Talk about it….
Have a few neighbors that leave their garbage/recycle cans out all week. Parking is already difficult. They are just lazy.
Get to know your neighbors. If they are senior citizens offer to lend a hand by rolling those cans up for them. If they work long hours again offer from time to time a friendly greeting.
Park in your garage or driveway. If you cannot fit, you have too many cars.
replace all mobile homes with condominium, houses, or tiny house.
Said the person who can afford to live in more than a mobile home. I happen to have a beautiful 3 bed 2 bath manufactured home in a great park. Paid off the mortgage in 15 years. Great management and neighbors.
Trailer Park Chick out.
The streets need repaving, and not just a pothole patch job, but real smooth asphalt repaving.
Why? The rough streets prematurely wear out my shock absorbers, and knock out my wheel alignment. And another thing, all that jarring around when I drive home makes me have to pee real bad.
Actually not much of anything.
The horribly inconsiderate people with 7 cars at their house at any given time, usually with several parked illegally.
I would move the neighborhood to Idaho.
Put the overhead utilities underground so the trees don’t get hacked off every few years.
Now who could argue with that?
Good to have you on my side, Dr. J!
I’d do away with signage. Some neighbors have a BLM sign and others have “slow children at play signs”. They make the neighborhood look institutional.
I’m always tempted to add a “Teach your slow children not to play in the street” sign. But I’m just not a sign guy.
Speaking of signs, I read where the Mayor of Danville went nuts because some people posted a white life’s matter banner. He said it’s racist hate speech and was really quite emotional.
Remove the speed bumps.
Just the neighbors. Except for The Mamba, who apparently lives on my street, lol.
Get rid of the Dogs that crap and pee on my property.
And I also add, get rid of the owners that let their Dogs use my property as a toilet.
And the cats that keep peeing and pooping all over everyone’s yards but their owners.
+1 …I would add cats too… and not just pooping, they climb my trees, chase birds in my yard, etc. ….make it an indoor cat or makes a catio for it
Educating the brain-dead neighbor(s) who leave their pet(s) out all day and night that attempt to try and out-bark one another.
Do you live near Rudgear????? Same thing goes on there, bordering on animal abuse!
1. Moving put of public view all boats, campers, trailers, and the like.
If you can afford one, then you can afford to put it in storage or behind a fence.
They make the neighborhood look like crap.
2. Tall fences surrounding the front yard so no one can see the house. This don’t say I’m part of the community but rather “keep out”. It’s not neighborly.
I agree on the tall fences in front and gates across driveways. LA ghetto look. I say take down those walls, because the Dems say they don’t work anyway.
I think people place too much emphasis on their careers. I wish we could all live in the mountains at high altitude. That’s where i see myself in five years.
If I could do it, make it rain more frequently and in greater quantity.
Keep a closer eye on the Nature Park. For months we had a homeless guy back there screaming and yelling a whole lot about nothing, day and night. He hasn’t been around for a couple of weeks, so I’m guessing he’s moved on. Although, it would be nice to know that maybe he’s getting help! It’s quite scary!!
Get rid of all of the cats!
We have some nice coyotes in the neighborhood that get rid of the cats that irresponsible neighbors let roam free.
@ Snakekeeper….. You’re going to have a problem with Rodger Moore
Agree! I love cats but hate the human filth that believes their pets should be the responsibility of everyone else and not them. Garbage people.
Cats get rid of rats
Speed bumps.
Big ones.
Too many people think 25 MPH is 50 MPH.
When I drive around Berekely, I am envious of their traffic management.
One-way streets, blocked streets, traffic circles, and speed bumps.
When people refuse to be responsible, it falls on the government to make them responsible.
Freedom is lost to an irresponsible society.
Outwardly nice, manicured yards, kids & dogs caged & quiet, plenty of disposal income as evidenced by vast remodels yet…dumbfounded by the sheer ignorant, hypocritical liberal mindset of majority of neighbors.
ATTENTION EDITORS: Please use below … some weird typos in the previous, thanks
Well … given that I could no longer endure all the BS with America’s total conversion to a Corptacracy … I now live in the Beverly Hills section of Saigon and am happy as a clam for the most part. Issues here are poor road conditions, trash, petty crime and flooding. But you can see the VN leadership working VERY hard on infrastructure projects to improve the already great city. No country is perfect, but VN is damn good! I prefer Saigon over Tokyo … and I loved living in Tokyo. Planning to retire in Okinawa next year and paint, fish, swim, sing and drink a lot of sake! Hana Hana Hana!
Since lowering California taxes is not a neighborhood specific wish, I will not list this as the thing I could change. I think the one change I would appreciate the most in my ‘hood would be to bury the overhead lines.
more wild turkeys, and zebras, especially the fat ones. and why the heck not; crap load or refugee giraffe, is that how you spell it? moreover. I think wild animals that have no threat to anyone, predatorial species I might add, and no I’m not talking about the black Friday shoppers that have legs and thighs like a T rex, I maybe alone in this theory, but with all the horrible crap in the world going on rite now, wouldn’t it be wonderful to see some cute adorable animals , like Maine Coon cats, in the park randomly, that would be nice, although i can understand if you don’t want that , not everyone can be a TONY LA RUSSA animal person. but I mean c’mon its our neighborhood, maybe we should allow more animals to walk around . its therapeutically, its sweet and god forbid it takes your mind off of the stresses in the world. animals need us as much as we need them, just because we are Human, does not mean we are not animals. Humankind is a mammal species ladies n gents. anywaysi hope you have a cat to hug, mine was stolen from me when i was in the hospital. TO TONY LA RUSSA, LONG LIVE MY JAGUAR CAT!!!. he was my best friend. and scrat.
After reading some of the above comments I’m feeling pretty grateful for the neighborhood and the neighbors I live near.
The only thing I would change about my neighborhood is the state that it’s located in.
Get rid of the village gossip troll, who stands in front of the house and uses a high pitched annoying voice to anyone that will listen.. The guy with assbergers who uses the neighborhood as a playground., screams out and dribbles his basketball loudly to impress his toddlers. The old man who plays his stereo extra loud and all we hear is base thumping, as he washes his car over and over again and slams his doors and trunk repeatedly,
Ban the gas leafblowing that goes on for hours,at a time.
Noisiest neighborhood full of Dumb Dems.
Get rid of the local school and the several times per day mommy parade clogging the streets. The rude parents won’t even let you back out of your driveway.
Unless the school was built AFTER you bought your house you chose to live in a school zone and all that entails.
I’d get rid of a few select crazy neighbors and their equally crazy kids. It gets really old seeing the police or EMTs parked on the street every other month.
Lower the speed limit to 20 from 25.
Better speed control in all directions at the Cowell Rd and Treat Blvd intersection. People us it as a drag strip since there are no speed bumps.. Speed limit doesn’t matter to most people driving on Cowell.
Get rid of portable basket ball hoops in the street.
Hate our street name. Wish it was more inviting and pleasant sounding.
So what is the street name?
People do not have more than 2 cars at each residence ever per property. With this garbage about added ADU’s(?) on properties going forward without any voter or property tax paying citizens voicing their opinions (as usual) neighborhoods already look trashy just like the rest of the cities, Oakland, SF, Antioch, Bay Point. Concord is sure to follow suit to keep up with bleeding hearts – greenie – socialists in power.
@Aunt Barbara, Please call animal control. Tell them what you believe is going on there. Please…
@king 6, Yes more turkeys. And those of you who honk at them I believe its illegal to honk at wild life. I am lucky when it comes to parking. There is no parking on my street. But I agree about the cars. Each household should only have as many cars as fits in garage and driveway. Stop street parking. Now if we could get the loud speed racers to stop. The world would be a more peaceful place.
1. Speed humps / elevated crosswalk by the high school on Alberta. Fortunately, this is actually happening as a part of the Pine Hollow complete streets project. While many high-schoolers drive just fine there are a few who … stand out for all the wrong reasons. The speed humps are needed to force those ones to drive at a reasonable speed down the street.
2. Connecting bike path over Treat blvd to the trails over the hill. This is part of the plan for the city but they haven’t gotten around to doing it.
More street lights in residential
Neighborhoods and better sewage
…have the homes in at least a minimum amount of care and upkeep