The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
We asked this question a few years ago, and thought it would be fun to bring it up again.
What are a few words that you just hate to hear?
Talk about it!
Anything a politician says.
‘Trust me’
Cuticle. I can’t stand it or the mental image of it.
Politically correct, one of the largest loads of horse crap ever pitched to the citizens.
“I’m just out here living my best life” – says the people who ignore the fact that there are other people in the world.
“Literally” as misused by Millennials.
“Ironic” as misused by Zoomers.
Affordable housing
And any other terms that government or the “woke” use. All Spin and Zero truth.
Shut up and Stupid. Every time I hear my elderly family member say they’re stupid because they can’t remember anything it hurts me to hear them say that about themselves, but I counter that best possible by saying, that is just not the case, anyone with age will forget, please don’t use that word about yourself. Shut up I’ve used of course in rare cases never liked it, never will. It’s just cruel and not productive.
I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
President Biden
Open border
Critical race theory
You get the idea.
Irregardless. Ugh.
Yup, that’s a biggie. “Anyways” is right up there also.
Also the word “hate.”
It’s still the F word.
And now the Disney expats use it like they are sooo cool.
Especially dislike parents using it in front of their children, and then get upset when their children say it. Children learn what they live.
There’s so many it will take me an hour to list them all, so I will go with a few words I’m tired of hearing, and/or reading.
Y’all—It might be OK in the South, but here in the West it makes a person seem unintelligent.
Racist—It lost it’s meaning. The true meaning of the word is the belief that certain races are superior to others. Now days, everything is racist.
Ignorant—It simply means lacking in knowledge, but some people think it means stupid, when in fact, everybody has some level of ignorance, because nobody is all knowing.
Undocumented—No, they are illegally invading our country.
LGBQ—Labeling oneself or others is ridiculous. Most people don’t care which way they lean, as long as they keep it to themselves.
African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, etc. is also ridiculous, they are Americans…PERIOD.
Unprecedented—It’s an overused word in the media.
and the plural for “Y’all” is
All Y’all
Back when I was a single sailor, I discovered that western and Yankee girls liked it when I used “y’all” and “yes, ma’am” in conversation. I never got out of the habit.
This offspring of a Mason-Dixon marriage thanks you for spelling it correctly. It drives me nuts when people put the apostrophe between the “a” and the first “l”.
BLM. Don’t get me wrong. I believe black lives matter. It’s just BLM usually refers to the criminal element.
@ Old school guy
I don’t like to hear BLM either (Burn Loot & Murder)
BLM is a racist hypocritical Marxist movement based on a false ideology that the police are targeting the black male. There are no statistics that support this. NONE
BLM has done nothing for black people except line their own pockets. Watch the black conservatives on YouTube. They blast BLM, too funny
We all have the same opportunities. No one is OPPRESSED
Disinformation, inclusivity, and racist. Also, hearing the words Covid-19 and vaccines makes me want to vomit…
I don’t hate any of them. They can all be useful tools
“gifted” (the verb, not the adjective).
“irregardless”… it’s supposed to be “irrespective”. Ugh.
Foul language used like punctuation in what is suppose to be a conversation.
Gimme, I always thought it sounded rude.
Among many other current leftist buzzwords, I can’t stand the word “folk” when used to describe a certain group of people, i.e. “black folk,” “white folk,” “brown folk,” etc. It’s seems so patronizing and disingenuous.
The misuse of the word “impacted” sets me off. Unless someone is talking about a bad wisdom tooth it’s not the right word. The word these folks seek is “affected”.
I would say 49ers 🤣🤷🏼♀️👊🏻
Move to LA if you’re a Raider fan. Wait, that was the first greedy betrayal by a Davis. Move to Vegas -it’s the latest. I haven’t rooted for them since Al screwed over his original AFL fan base (myself included). I also shun the Santa Clara Niners for leaving the City. I loved having two NFL teams to follow from the 60’s on; now I have none.
@Phil….Those teams leaving the Bay Area impacted a lot of people. Businesses were impacted, money from those franchises were impacted, I bet you were majorly impacted….just sayin’
For you, I would have guessed either Broncos or Chiefs.
When are the A’s moving to Vegas?…….not soon enough if ya ask me.
Oh very clever, nytemuvr, You’re now on the naughty list.
@nytemuvr Santa Clara is still the Bay Area, but I agree. I miss having them closer as well.
The term “OLD SCHOOL”. WTF? It came from some crappy movie.
“HOT WATER HEATER” Why do you want to heat HOT water?
And then you’ve got Right Hand Reverse and Left Hand Reverse…..WHAT???
I suppose you could use Port and Starboard
O.O. : better check someone might be on your lawn. I already know the kids aren’t getting their ball back!
People calling America a
I’ve come to detest that word.
It is not.
And those who think it is are misguided.
“Equity”…..the way it is used today really bothers me.
Claycord??…….that’s not very nice.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…….”pleaded”……..the past tense of plead is pled………..”He pled guilty”………..when I see “He pleaded guilty” it sounds like….”Ya, I was hungry so I eated a sandwich…….the cat was also hungry so I feeded him.”
“Boomer” The kids call me that whenever I do or say anything that is old fashioned or non tech savvy.
There are words I don’t care for, however I don’t hate them.
I personally believe that words can’t kill you, or send you to the place where the guy with the horns and pointed stick conducts his business. Besides, if there is a hell, it’s likely almost full.
I understand Seeno just beat out Lennar for a 1500 unit development in the Seventh Circle of Hell.
Please listen carefully as the lines have changed.
“tax due”
“pay their fair share”
tired of the current use of the word “equity”
Ok, I don’t dislike the words “like” and “right” if they’re used properly, but when someone keeps tossing them into the conversation over and over again, it annoys me. For example:
Hey, I’m like, feeling better now, right? I was like sick for a few days, right?
“For Free” – it’s not for free, it’s just free. You’re not getting it for something in return.
Using God’s name in vain.
Birthing person.