Home » Bay Area Health Officers Urge Return To Masking, Other Precautions Amid Latest Surge

Bay Area Health Officers Urge Return To Masking, Other Precautions Amid Latest Surge


Health officials in 11 counties urged residents across the greater Bay Area Friday to once again take COVID-19 precautions like masking as cases and hospitalizations rise across the region.

Officials in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Sonoma counties said in a joint statement that the Bay Area now has one of the state’s highest infection rates.

The current surge has been spurred an extremely contagious subvariant, known as BA.2, of the already highly contagious omicron variant.

“If you’ve chosen not to wear a mask in indoor public places recently, now is a good time to start again,” said Santa Clara County Deputy Health Officer Dr. George Han said in a statement.


The health officials also called on those who have not yet gotten vaccinated to do so and urged people who test positive for the virus to seek over-the-counter medications like Paxlovid that reduce the risk of developing serious complications from the infection.

Even with one of the highest case rates in the state, the pure number of COVID-positive residents across the Bay Area is likely much higher than currently measured, according to the health officials, since rapid at-home tests are widely available and their results are generally not reported to local health departments and the state.

“There’s a lot of COVID out there right now, so it’s time to take more precautionary measures to protect yourself and your loved ones,” Contra Costa County Health Officer Dr. Ori Tzvieli said.

Bay Area residents are encouraged to contact their health care provider or visit the website for their local public health department for information about the virus.


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I finally got my WWIII decorations up and now I have to put the Covid decorations back up???

Double NOPE. LMAO! Nicely done Xj.

Xj: Brilliant!!

Hey Ori, you will never win this. It was over before you even started. We’re not going anywhere. Your kind has fallen out of favor in our NWO. We see you, and now everyone else does. The end is near. You are not in control of anything.

I don’t buy this load of nonsense.

As I stated 2 1/2 years ago, once these timid minor bureaucrats get power over the people, they’ll never give it up.

People can die of a hangnail.

Living life is a risk.

It’s ridiculous to jump to panic mode at the threat of a cold bug.

Take better care of yourself.

Don’t run and hide at a bureaucrat’s first sign of danger.

One million died, but don’t let that change your mind.

Hey Phil

Lots of people have died.

If you are trying to imply that 1 million people have died FROM covid … you might want to relook at those facts. Health Departments (including Contra Costa) are now saying that the folks died WITH, not FROM. That one word can make a lot of difference ..

Someone died WITH alcohol in my system, but not FROM alcohol poisoning.
Someone died WITH asprin in my system, but not FROM a drug overdose.

Big difference ..

I hope one day to OD on Pepsi.

It’s all about control. Not happening in my life


Surge, smerge. Fake crisis.

Go pound sand.

Don’t know any one who has it as of know.
Masks don’t work!

No. Ain’t gonna happen.
Middle finger extended…

The latest coronavirus strain is less deadly than seasonal flu. Almost everyone has been infected and/or vaccinated so why is this still a thing? Mask if you want, but no mandates.

Surly they jest. Most people realize by now that masks do not prevent the spread of COVID, or even slow it down. And since when did Paxlovid become available over the counter?

Kiss my Mask

Nope! No Way!!!!! Not participating!!!

I will just parrot what others have already said here …. No.

……and I’ll parrot you.

Funny how’s it’s only a “suggestion” at election time….

Are the rise in “cases” just colds or flu due to a spat of winter in spring we’ve just had?

The health department needs to realize that after 2 years of Covid lockdowns and restrictions, America is bored of Covid. Covid is old news. We need something more exciting now. World War III seems exciting. Let’s focus on that.


So in an election year, . . . . . it’s only an “urge“.

I anticipated they’d wait until after the election to start troweling out their B.S. Hey Newsom cronies: citizens won’t bite this time, so best get back to work harvesting ballots of the dead. That’s all you’re good at anyway.

When I was a child and heard the fable of the boy who cried wolf, I never expected to be living it decades later. That Aesop was a visionary…….

Over here in our free state, mask-madness and pandemonium ended a year ago. I will not give in to fear-mongering or Xi Jinping political theater. No masks in Church, Kroger, Home Depot, restaurants, etc… I used to think that residents of California would wake up and vote the National Socialists ruining the state out of office. Not anymore.

I’m curious as to why no effort is being made to mask pets. It seems cats and dogs at least should be made to comply. They could be super spreaders!😷

“There’s a lot of COVID out there right now…”
Well that’s convincing.

It seems they are just trying to frighten residents, LOL.

I saw a guy riding a Motorcycle – BY HIMSELF, wearing a mask!!!

whome, that was to keep the bugs out of his teeth

NOPE! Not going to do it. Everyone gets a cold & flu aka a DETOX. Time to get over their Germ Theory junk science and get over Their Fear & Paranoia promotions.

Of course Paxlovid is a Pfizer product…..

comment image

All you need to know about Covid for those seeking the truth. From a coalition of 17,000 plus doctors from around the world.

No surprise here. Because it was labeled a pandemic, they will extend this as long as they can.



“Bay Area Health Officials” are the enemy of the people.

The Plan-demic is over. Nobody is going for this Venuzuela-esque election stealing tactic.


You’re all going to do what you want, but I thought things were safe.

Went out to Yardhouse over the weekend (maskless) and got Covid as a parting gift.

I normally wear an N95 mask to most places, this was the one time I too said “Nope” and now I wish I’d had one on.

did you die?

Just old tom shilling as usual..What a fake post..



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