Concord High School is moving forward with replacing the name “Minutemen” with another, more “politically correct” name, according to a recent survey that was emailed to parents and students.
The survey asked the recipient to pick five of eight choices.
The new mascot for Concord High will be either the Crocodiles, Coyotes, Condors, Cows, Kangaroos, Chargers, Chameleons or Cats.
Opponents of the name change say the move will cost the school thousands of dollars. They say all logos, stationary, signage, uniforms (sports, band, etc.) will have to be replaced once the school chooses a new mascot.
For those wondering, the definition of Minutemen, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is “a member of a group of men pledged to take up arms at a minute’s notice during and immediately before the American Revolution.”
Because you’re not all worthy of being American Patriots.
Change your colors to Yellow and yellow.
You’d have to be crazy to send your children to public schools
Again. Are your children exposed to Critical Race Theory, or transexual “grooming”? Changing the Decades old mascot is a clear pointer towards Wokism.
This PC crap is getting out of hand!!
What is wrong with the definition of what “MinuteMen” construes?? It is great as applied to American history and what good patriots stand for!!
I cannot believe the weakness of whoever agreed to make this change!
I completely agree with Concord74, this is an outrages insult to the struggles and sacrifice these american patriots suffered during the late 18 century. I guess we should look down on every service members in the reserves since their being politically incorrect being brave enough to be basically a soldier on call… Because we dont need any back up plans to replenish our numbers in the chance we sustain large casualties in the event of a surprise attack…. Or something. I can understand Washington Redskins… But What next? Removing the word reservation from the english dictionary or change the name of the country India?
Have you been living under a rock for the past two decades?
Since Columbine there have been over 300 school shootings.
Maybe school students aren’t comfortable with the concept of people “taking up arms”.
Concord 85-
Murdering people and defending your freedom are two different things. We should be proud of the brave men who fought to keep this country free from the monarchy. Its why we are free today. Also this wasn’t brought up by the kids in that school. It was brought up by the woke principal. This woke crap has to stop. Victimhood should not be a badge of honor. Our children should not be sexualzed by our school systems at the age of 5. No child should be made to feel bad about the color of their skin no matter what that color is. Also lease stop shi**ing on the men and women who fought and died for this country whether they did so more than a hundred years ago in the past decade.
Mr. Concord85: Thank you very much for that. I seriously did not think of school shootings at all when I read this. While that may seem to you as cluelessness or perhaps a suspect IQ, I pondered this and decided it is a badge of honor that despite having spent so many years in the Bay Area, my first thoughts on things are not how a fact fits into race or guns. I guess I am impervious to the constant drumbeat of leftist narratives. By the way, I was in the Central Valley once and a bunch of kids were in line at the fast food place I was getting lunch, and they were wearing the uniforms of their trap shooting club. It is a different world in the Bay Area.
Taking up arms is never wonderful…… But sometimes you need to do it. ie: Ukraine.
I worry about this country’s mindset at times thinking all’s fine and hunky dory in the world and we could just be weak and lower our guard. But there’s Russia as we can truly see what they’re doing and can do. Plus there’s China in North Korea rattling their sabers at us. We need to always be ready. That was kind of what minute Men was about
Agree! These people wanting the change are Sick!
coyotes sounds best and makes the most sense in my opinion. Followed by crocodiles then cats. Concord kangaroos also has a good ring but kangaroos are a bit strange.
Maybe strange, but at least they’re hoppy
This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard!
Why not teach the kids history about the Minutemen and the American Revolution instead of removing a piece of history…because people are now “offended!”
The first student body classes (1968-1972) chose the Minutemen for the mascot. It’s been the mascot for over 50 years!! Now the “woke” want it gone, just like that!
How about giving the thousands of alumni a say instead of just the current student body, again who seem to be “offended”!or don’t understand the history behind the mascot.
By the way….although all of these suggestions are pretty silly, the coyotes certainly shouldn’t be selected. Think about it, coyotes are also known as sex traffickers and drug smugglers. I don’t think that should even be on the list! Oh, and if our students don’t have enough of a self image let’s call them the cows!!! Which are female, so that’s non-inclusive anyway. It’s just so ridiculous, all of it!!
Leave the mascot alone and focus on education. Our kids have lost too much these past 2 years, including 4Th grade music that is being cut!! Shameful.
Absurd! I guess its wrong to teach our young about dedication and perseverance of a desperate population banding together and fight back against Tyranny and our independence. I guess we should teach them to be more submissive and not have the will power to fight for whats right and for justice … Yeah but no basically its fighting against bullying on a much more larger scale
I would vote for Chupacabras however Spanish puts an el instead of a la in front making it masculine therefore I guess that would rule it out. But I do like the name and the mascot ideas are endless.
Absolutely embarrassing choices, who came up with these? I have heard from multiple teachers at the school that this decision came from the new principal who decided the term that refers to Americans who fought for our nation’s independence was considered sexist. Almost nobody at the school actually wants the change but it’s being spearheaded at the expense of money that could be used to better the school.
Thanks for the insight. It seems to me that mascot or name changes should come from the district or school board, not the whim of individual principals. Does this principal think we need to wipe all references to gender from public life?
the principal isn’t new, so you are clearly fabricating your story of ‘multiple teachers.’ Nice try though, Steve.
change the names to Cowards, if they let this happen.
@teacher1 I’ve heard it from more than one teacher as well that the school hates the change, half of the suggestions are obviously jokes from students that don’t want it to change, my own children who’s friends go there have said so as well. It’s obvious Steve isn’t naming the teachers for obvious privacy reasons
No one suggested “The Wokettes” yet?
And as for the terribly high number of school shootings in the last couple decades… carried out by “lost” youth. Perhaps they started just about the same time the public schools started telling little boys to be ashamed of being boys; especially little white boys… and teaching little girls that they could just become boys if they want to. I’d think the recent crop of “educators” might want to think a bit about putting the stone around the correct neck.
Sickos … Nuff said
Politically correct? What a joke!
Another socialist move to stay woke.
Gawd forbid we should remember government is not the master of our destiny and that it answers to us. Can’t have that.
Why not commies? Concord High Commies. Since communism is so wonderful and so many on the left embrace communism these days I think Concord High Commies would be more fitting. Although I could list several other names that would be descriptive of public schools nowadays.
Re-education High
Turncoat Academy
Liberal Indoctrination Institute
Victim Mentality College Prep High
Woke Academy
I’m sure there are several more fitting names for public schools only interested I tearing down our country, sowing the seeds of divisiveness, instilling white guilt and victim mentality in our kids as well as sexulizing young children rather than teaching basic math, reading and writing skills . What a joke.
Concord Commies…has a nice ring to it, and fitting, too. It’s got my vote!
Can someone please tell me whats wrong with the mintuemen name and how it is politically offensive to people in general??
Concord High Cowards
@Deb Shay
Commies or Turncoats……either work.
@Bear Republic
Mac’s playing with 52…….how about you?
@Bear Repblic-
I’M crazy? Point out where in statement I was wrong. Liberal policies are destroying our great country and people like you think people like ME are the troubled ones? Open your eyes before it’s too late.
How about asking some of the thousands of former students? MY late wife? My children? My nephews? I’ve been involved in one way or another since the beginning. Does someone just go around the country looking for something to offend them? NO!
‘We are the Minute Men, the Mighty Mighty Minutemen’! will now be “We are the Cows, the Mighty Mighty Cows’! or some such stupidity.
I have never seen so much stupid in my life…
Proud member of Class of 72′
It’s the principal who has 0 connection to the school who is doing this
Yes, they do. It makes them feel good.
@Fran….Hello, from of classmate from the Class of ’72.
all about Minutemen
Rated: G
God forbid a name commemorative of the start of this Nation be used, can’t do anything like that. Maybe we can use coyote for a week until someone is offended that coyotes are associated with human trafficking…
How about we honor our heroes and go with Concord High Veterans? Here’s a logo and motto:
Of course you’d need to add a sixth star for Space Force…
Of the options on the list, I only like Coyotes
How about a survey to find out how many people want this mascot changed?
Why not “Grapes”.
This one is on to something!!! Hahahha
Love it!!!! haha
… that’s ridiculous … why? what’s wrong with Minutemen? no – it stays!!
I have a few suggestions. Concord Cowards… Concord Leftists… Concord Commies… Concord Snowflakes… I graduated from Concord High and this is a disgrace. Politically incorrect to have a school named after people that fought for our independence. They get 3-4 lefties that complain and they bend the knee. The majority does not agree with this.
Afraid we have bigger things to worry about..anybody see the back of Elon’s jacket he wore at the met gala, not good.
I’m thinking perhaps the message on his jacket was meant to be tongue in cheek against the establishment. Time will tell.
This is obviously Becton’s fault.
No, it’s the Principal Rianne Pfaltzgraff.
Let her know how you feel!
If the woke school district is going to remove the patriotic mascot, how about a woke alternative: Vaccinators
As someone whose ancestor fought and DIED fighting the oppression of the British monarchy, I am deeply offended by this change. If it is about the name being sexist, let me remind the person responsible for this insult that at the time, we didn’t ask our women to fight on the front lines, and that is the reason the name, Minutemen, was gender descriptive.
Is this for real. Concord High is a joke now. Why not make it the Cobras to match their youth football team like PH and CVCHS??? This would only make sense. Stop all the political BS.
Yes. Change the name. Minuteman infers premature you know. What high school guy wants that label.
The Principal of CH should be gagged and tied to a chair with his eyes taped open & be forced to watch “The Patriot”.
That’ll learn him!
I vote we change principles
What in the hell is happening to this country, it’s getting crazyer by the day.
Forgot to answer the survey
1) Pussy Cats
I vote for “The Idiots”
I vote for Minutemen
Public schools in California are becoming more of a joke year after year. Being politically correct and pushing the socialist ideas is their main objective. Parents support the dumbing down of their children in California public schools otherwise they would fight harder for them so they can be free thinkers and have a brighter future. Mabey Parents are too busy or lazy? Anyway, there is nothing wrong with Minutemen, I guess being patriotic is taught to be a bad thing in school now.
Concord Kittens, because obviously they’re….for changing the name.
How about The Pussies. Because that is what they are. A bunch of.
Absolutely disguisted with this crap. Socialism and woke BS. If you forget history you are doomed to repeat. Wake up folks. Just like this orchestrated move by the non conservatives to release info that the SCOTUS is looking into. Instead of doing things honestly they have to be crooked.
Concord Snowflakes.
What is politically incorrect about “Minutemen”? Because the word “men” is in the name? I’d like to hear from the Principal.
A “Charger” is a bowl or deep dish.
The chargers of gold and silver of Ezra 1:9 were basins for receiving the blood of sacrifices.
John the Baptist’s head was presented to Herodias’s daughter in a charger.
So let’s go with “Chargers” that won’t offend anyone.
forgot about that…I immediately thought of an iPhone charger, where fossil fuels are used to generate electricity, leading to global warming, errrr, global cooling, errr, climate change, errrrr, climate stagnancy, so figure they would have to change that name in a year or 2 when that becomes offensive.
There are other definitions of the word “Charger” most refer to swift violent attacks and soldiers in battle… not nearly as offensive as “Minutemen”!
There aren’t any other choices after the letter C?
Why not name them Whipped, because that is what they are.
How about Coyotes, so they can compete with the YVHS Wolves? You know how animals like to attack each other 🙂
SO ANNOYING to see many people offended by such little things and they get to have their way!!!
Why change the name? What the heck is wrong with Minutemen? Things are getting out of hand. Just like Ygnacio Valley changed their name from the Warriors to the Wolves. WHY?????????
I am a CHS Alumni and just devastated that Minutemen will no longer be the mascot. I do not know how this became a “PC” issue. If you are going to change it to an animal then it should be an animal that is indigenes to Concord, CA. The Opossum or The Raccoons is more like it. But then again those names can be used to denigrate someone…right? I think the new principal is an idiot that needs to be replaced.
It was the solely the principals idea from what i’ve heard from multiple teachers. Almost NOBODY at the school actually wants this other than Pfaltzgraff, who needs to be removed immediately
All mascots should be banned. They can potentially be offensive and hurt someone’s feelings. Ban them all!
Coyote…. Isn’t that what is used to smuggle people and or illegal items. Leave the name alone
What a crying shame to change it.I went there when the school first opened and graduated from there.This county has gone to hell changing history.Taking down statue’s changing name’s of streets and buildings.It makes me very prejudices which I never was in the past.So un American.
Didn’t a Concord High student die of a drug overdose recently? Maybe they should check their priorities before wasting time on this stupidity. BTW, I went to Concord High. I always thought the Minuteman mascot was dumb but never really cared. Perhaps school administrators should be mindful of the graduation rates, overall GPA averages and number of kids in AP classes instead of worrying about a useless mascot.
my son goes to a rival school but one of his friends is dating a girl at CHS. She stated that the students considered it a joke and when they were asked about submitting names they sent in ridiculous ones (ie cows/kangaroos). As a grad of CHS I think its absolutely ridiculous and a HUGE waste of money. Apparently the Principal and English teacher are the ones spearheading this nonsense
I hope they adopt the long tradition of civil disobedience and continue to cheer for their teams as the Minutemen. All this cultural Marxism stuff is designed to remove the foundational structures and cultural history that our society is built on. Once all the history has been erased or rewritten, they can finally impose their vision on everyone. When they do things like this, they know very well that when people acquiesce and go along with it that they have implicitly agreed to their premises. Once they have accomplished that, they can move onto the next foundation to knock out.
I thought the options must have been student submitted. Cows, kangaroos, and chameleons all sound like joke names.
“Patriots” sounds like a good substitution to me. It’s not silly or “sexist” but still conveys the original intent of the Minutemen mascot.
How about the Concord Cowards? Since we are teaching students to be afraid and offended by absolutely everything and anything. Perhaps the Concord Cross-dressers?
What happened to teaching children to value our liberty and the sacrifices of the generations before us? Why not teach kids the basics, like math, reading, writing and history? How about proper English for a change?
When I think of all the brave men and women who gave their lives in battle, to preserve the freedom of these little unappreciative, American traitors, I can only come up with one school color and mascot that seems most fitting.
The Yellow Woke Chicken Schitts.
A cartoon image of AOC with yellow feathers and a beak, hatching an egg with a baby chick resembling Ilhan Omar.
Concord Chickens.
Cows? Really! Chargers would at least tie in remotely to Minutemen. But why change it at all? Should the school be deciding how to best educate kids?
Something wrong with “Patriots”? Get a grip, for heavens’s sake. MDUSD needs to get back to education and knock off this “Woke” insanity.
Friggin’ assanine,
What a crock of BS
This is a joke, right? It so ludicrous that it can’t be real.
Why Minutemen? California wasn’t one of the original colonies fighting for independence from England. The school educates girls as well as boys. Why not have a mascot that includes both instead of one that includes only males? Concord Condors has a nice ring to it and is appropriate for California.
You are the problem. Being offended by a term in our Nations history because it isn’t gender neutral is just ridiculous. You can’t simply erase history because your kitty kat or whatever you are calling your junk this week has it feelings hurt. Just stop, please.
@Cranky Taco, you made me laugh! I’d say you’re the one with your kitty kat hurt. It’s sad that you think changing a school mascot equates to erasing history. The Minute Men will remain in the history books even if they are no longer the Concord High mascot.
But since you think gender doesn’t matter in a school mascot, I’ve come up with some historical suggestions I’m sure you will approve of:
The Concord High WACs, after our fine female military members from years gone by.
The Concord High Suffragettes, in honor of the fine Americans who fought to get women the vote.
The Concord High Dolleys after Dolley Madison who pioneered the concept of bipartisan cooperation by inviting members of opposing parties to the White House for social occasions. And of course she saved the portrait of George Washington from the fire by ordering her slave to go get it. Way to go, Dolley!
If the idea of honoring women is too much for you, how about The Concord High Mutineers, in honor of the African American sailors who died in the Port Chicago disaster and the survivors who fought for better working conditions and were court-martialed for their efforts. As I’m sure you are aware, this event played a role in the Civil Rights movement. What could be better than honoring local heroes like these?
@El D…..I’ll go with Cranky Taco for the win.
Well, if there is a school that has had any of the mascot names suggested by El D for fifty years, expecting that name to change because it might be offensive to someone is equally stupid and vacuous.
What’s so offensive about our Revolutionary War heroes that they have to be replaced with an animal?
This is so sad. I’m telling you we are a lost civilization. There is no coming back from what is going on.
Instead of changing the mascot name, I would suggest changing the principal, school board, teachers, etc., who are proposing all this nonsense.
Am I the only one who is wondering if this is a senior prank? The Concord High website does not mention this at all. Does anyone have verification?
it’s legit, but i think the students “pranked” the admin by voting on stupid names…seriously “cows” lol
Let’s fix this huge dilemma with an all encompassing inclusive name:
“The Concord High Hermaphrodites”.
Everyone and everything is included in there somewhere in some capacity. Gotta please the progressives!
Lord knows they suffer from terminal unhappiness………
Mount has 0 intentions of changing from the Red Devils, only YV and Concord are changing mascots.
Protest Time !
Woke, stupid and insane. Please stop the insanity.
Concord High alum who was there in 1995 when they covered up the painting in the gym of the minuteman holding a rifle with a bloodied bayonet over his head and started replacing everything with a color palette swapped New England Patriots logo. I am wondering on whose behalf the school is offended because none of this makes any sense. Head scratching specifically reserved for “cows” as a choice since Mancow on Wild 107 used to love making fat jokes about CHS cheerleaders.
As a graduate of CHS this saddens me. I can’t believe the name is offensive to anyone. I hope the school district overrides the principal and lets the name remain.
I am not from CA originally, but asking the school district to step in to deny this would be like asking the fox to patrol the chicken coop!! The school district, MDUSD and part of the teachers’ Union may be involved! What is the gain?? This will empower those outfits to control everything in the curriculum and school operations!
Nobody wins and all future generations loses! Non-binary, transgender, never know who might be in the restroom when you need to go….!!
Who are the stupid POS’s that proposed this?
If it’s anyone paid by the MDUSD, then they need to be fired. Obviously, they’re more interested in this political bull$hit than education….
If you know the politics of your teacher/admin/etc…, it’s time to fire them.
Time to flood their inbox.
They had cow on their list I suggest they go with it.
God forbid we should commemorate our history in public institutions!
Let’s just go for a color name and keep it as bland as possible. The Concord Beige, Concord Taupe, something like that. After all, these animal mascots are speciesist.
Or maybe a bland food mascot? The Concord Tofu, the Concord Tapioca Puddings, the Concord Pablum…
Solution: the Concord MinuteX. If you don’t know how to pronounce it you’re probably a bigot.
So, Concord High has had the Minutemen mascot for 54 years and that was ok but now they want to change it? What a waste of time and money!
Mongooses. The Fighting Mongooses.
I find that using an ANIMAL is OFFENSIVE.
I would file suit for all the mis-represented animals out there..
How about we reflect “a member of a group of men pledged to take up arms at a minute’s notice during and immediately before the American Revolution.”
The Concord Cows – all the way.
Or the Sour Grapes….
The school’s twitter account has already restricted comments on their post asking for “community mascot input” about this because every single response there was negative. So much for wanting to hear what the community has to say about this, it’s clearly unpopular with almost 0 support and this is the bay area for crying out loud, most of the place is super liberal and yet you can barely find a single positive opinion on this matter, that’s what is really telling, even the far-left isn’t in total support of this.
The Symbionese Liberators.
OMG that is friggin’ hilarious! It’s perfect!
Got the diversity militant angry lesbian thing going on! Well done!
This is an outrage,who is the woke liberal brainwashed person ruining history now? God save the children from these idiots destroying our history!
I don’t understand…..Exactly who is for this change?!?
anyone remember these:
It was considered Good Luck to pop in a quarter and name yourself as the beneficiary for someone ELSE who was getting on a plane….
Absolutely garbage. What Woke idiot/idiots came up with this BS! They should be fired. Or at the very least thrown of a cliff!
They can’t use “Cows” That’s already taken.
COBRAS 🐍 at the very least.
MDUSD has a million other issues they need to put money toward that are more important than this.
I went to Concord High and was very proud to represent the MINUTEMEN! Please give good reason to change this. I think its ridiculous. I guess the good part is at least Concord High is getting some recognition, but for the wrong thing. Why doesn’t the school teach students about the minutemen and how they played their role in history?
Speak up!!! She can’t hear you!!
Call Principal Pfaltzgraff and let her know your thoughts: (925) 687-2030
Write her:
Also, from, her pay, including benefits listed below:
Rianne M Pfaltzgraff
Principal High School (2020)
Regular pay: $139,718.03
Overtime pay: $0.00
Other pay: $999.96
Total pay: $140,717.99
Benefits: $60,551.52
Total pay & benefits: $201,269.51
Just change the name to Benedict Arnold High School, and be done with it.
Is there a school board meeting where they will take public comment? I don’t want to get into the socio-politics of the change. But for years they charged kids to play sports and now they are so flush with cash that all signage and uniforms can be changed? I guess that means that all schools have certified athletic trainers, highly qualified coaches, quality safety and practice equipment, well maintained facilities, I guess they solved every other problem associated with access to quality MDUSD co-curricular activities
I think the Concord High Cuckodiles would be great.
OMG Brilliant.
Darn shame the author of this article does not share a copy of the actual letter from the school about this.
Cows are female Bulls are male, so cows are out.
A coyote is a name used for drug trafficers bringing drugs and illegal people across the Mexican border. Coyotes would be an awful choice.
Without the Minutemen you would be British.
I was cool with changing the name until I read that it’s not politically correct. Why not? Minutemen? It’s just people that would be ready at a moments notice to defend their country. It’s just the modern day National Guard. I’m in the national guard, is my job not politically correct?
C-Town popping the most.
If they don’t write in Concordy McConcordface I don’t know humanity anymore.
How about the Concord Woke-sters?
The “2000 Mules”
“The Left Wing Jerk Offs” with Newsome as the mascot.
I didn’t graduate from Concord High so I don’t really have much interest in what the new mascot is. (Clayton Valley Grad 2007), but I digress.
I will say that there are 2 choices on the list that make ZERO sense whatsoever: Crocodiles and Kangaroos.
Neither work simply for the fact that there are no Crocodiles or Kangaroos in California, let alone the United States. Neither one is native of the USA. They’re native to Australia and Africa mostly.
The 2 LOGICAL choices I see are Condors, and Coyotes.
Condors because of the California Condor which Native American tribes consider sacred, and Coyotes mostly cause we do have coyotes.
Thanks for ointing out the obvious. Um…… did you read any of the comments before you chimed in? Perhaps your comment would be more interesting if you stated an opinion on wokeism infecting our schools. I have a feeling however that I already know which way you lean so it makes total sense that you got caught up in whether or not it’s appropriate to use non native animals as mascot. He’ll I’m frankly surprised that you didn’t accuse the school of animal appropriation or condem the school for playing violent, competitive sports that promote inequality of outcome.
Condors eat dead rotting animals, often burying their heads deep inside the carcass….”Go Condors!” The enormous birds will fly away in fear of even the smallest predators.
Coyotes are known to eat carrion too. They also come into suburban areas to eat small dogs & cats. Majestic mascot? … LoL!
Native Americans (Indians) considered calling someone a coyote an insult !
The list is getting shorter.
The “Minutemen” mascot excludes female athletes. I’m dumbfounded by the lack of appreciation for this most obvious reason. You’re welcome.
Not completely. Take a look at ladies swim teams these days……..
Ok, we are so so sorry your feelings are hurt. Here’s a cookie.
Minuteperson? Is that ok, you feel “included” now? How about you go polish your participation trophies and go away.
Another snowflake has “hurt feelings.”
Fine – then YOU pay for all costs associated with the change.
You’re “dumbfounded?”
Grow up and go back to your unicorns and rainbows.
@taco – nah, Melissa will whine and cry because the word “Minuteperson” has the word “son” it.
The liberals aren’t happy unless they’re miserable about something.
The school board is behind the name change, like YVHS had to do. No
More “human” mascots. The changes will cost taxpayers thousands of dollars to rebrand the schools.
Great idea! All who want this should also pay for it. Those apposed don’t. What will this cost? Would that money be better spent elsewhere?
I vote for, “Minutemen”. All good causes can be achieved without a name change. A name change alone, will not change anything!
I went to school in San Francisco. The SF school board wanted to change 44 school names, remove an 80+ year old fresco mural, and lower academic requirements at a high performing school. The school district has a large deficit and could not make the changes they thought were important. Many of us wrote to the school board, the superintendent, and board of supervisors. The issues were published in various media outlets and on tv and radio. The school board’s priorities were not in alignment with getting children back in school. Many parents and others were not happy and as a result three of the school board members were recalled.
On May 4th Billy posted a good suggestion to write the school principal. I suggest that people contact the school board, superintendent, board of education, and board of supervisors to express concerns and complaints using reason and logic. As taxpayers, former alumni, and concerned citizens it is important to let school administrators know that we disagree with costly and ideological changes when their priority is to educate students.
The Battle of Lexington and Concord, by The Minutemen, should be respected in Concord, CA.
The Superintendent’s excuse is that the Minutemen carry rifles. Is he going to cancel all JROTC classes because they have fake rifles?
That is the superintendents excuse, ok then remove the rifle, however this principal has been trying to remove the mascot for the last 8 years she gives other excuses, they removed all the NCS championship flags when they painted the gym and removed the Face of the then Minuteman which by they way was NOT holding a gun the NCS championship flags have still not been put back up, i guess previous classes do not mean anything anymore nor does our history. Sad sad world we live in these days.
Take the time to check out the mascot for Concord High School in MA. It is the Patriots. Game, set, and match. Also the school is ranked as one of the top 20 in the state
Principal (8 Years at Concord High)
Ms. Rianne M. Pfaltzgraff 925-687-2030
4200 Concord Blvd
Concord CA 94521
Superintendent (new to our district lives out of this area)
Dr Adam Clark
Governing Board of Education
(4 governing board positions term expires this year)
Debra Mason Board President
Cherise Khaund Trustee
Linda Mayo Trustee
Kaleena Fowler Student Board Member
Erin Mcferrin Trustee
Kiesha Nzewi Vice President
Is Mayo STILL on the board??
How about a petition. I’d sign that in a heartbeat. I’m totally left and have agreed with changes reflective of racism and equality but THIS is ridiculous. I thought this was a joke when I saw the list of names. Cows? Coyotes? And CATS? Did the person(s) putting this list together not see the flip side of these names?! Mascots are supposed to reflect pride and strength. Leave the Minutemen mascot and TEACH what it represents. Seriously this has to be a joke.
ConcordTby There was a petition started a few years ago, it just reached 2500 signatures today however the site now says if there are 5000 signatures it may get on the news…..Keep Minutemen The Mascot of Concord High is what the petition is under
I fully support changing anachronistic mascot names such as Redskins, Indians, etc. I am, however, scratching my head over this one. Though the word “patriot” has been co-opted by groups such as those who mounted an insurrection against our capitol on 01/06/2021, Minutemen has a specific reference to the American Revolution. I find nothing objectionable about it.
Mr. Guy: It really was not an insurrection but saying so is just a progressive propaganda talking point. I live with someone who went through an insurrection and civil war in Africa, and the insurrectionists hacked up people and left them to die in the streets. Comparing some angry middle-aged guys armed with flags to that is not credible. Progressives are expert at smearing opponents. Biden started this year comparing people who disagree with him on election laws to George Wallace segregationists, and most recently called Trump/MAGA supporters the most extreme political organization in the history of the country. Progressive’s tactics are extremely divisive and hateful.
How about the SNOWFLAKES or UPYOURS?
Cows – for sure.