Home » The Water Cooler – If You Could Spend One Hour With Any Living Person, Who Would It Be, And Why?

The Water Cooler – If You Could Spend One Hour With Any Living Person, Who Would It Be, And Why?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: If you could spend one hour with any living person, who would it be, and why?

Talk about it.

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My lovely wife…because I just cant get enough.

Boris Johnson to talk about BREXIT.

Warren Buffett
To pick his brain on his investing philosophies, economic outlook, and overall experience. I’ve read his books but have questions.

I would pick Putin…but I would also have a Louisville Slugger to smack ‘em upside the head with.

… +1 ….maybe something stronger?

My granddaughter. She’s a fun person to go out and do things with, and I really miss her. She’s living in San Diego attending college, and it’s been about two years since I last saw her. This summer I’m going to drive down there to visit with her, and it will be for a lot longer than an hour.

Take the scenic route to San Diego. 10 hours is totally worth it.

I would like to spend an hour with our very own Claycord Mayor, to find out HIS algorithms for moderation…

My dad, I wasn’t by his side when he passed, very painful for me. Love you dad❤️

Paul Allen. He was the co-founder of Microsoft. Whatever you think about Bill Gates and Microsoft, you have to read his memoir, IDEA MAN. There are a lot of bright people in this world who use their intellect and vision to help make life better for the majority. His ability to see into the future is simply amazing. I could easily spend a week with him, but one hour would probably only tease me.

Obama! Since he is a cool president ever! Maybe he can be a Kamala Harris vp when she run for the presidency.

Imagine: a former male black president become a first black male vp; a black female vp become first black female president. And there is a chance to put another black or Asian justice (preferly female) to replace uncle Thomas on the Supreme Court.

That is a political dream team that Soro could make a reality.

You mean the Kamala Harris, from California?!?

The one that according to UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies and the Los Angeles Times published poll in November 2019 that awarded her 7% support in California among likely primary voters and found that 61% of those voters thought she should drop out of the 2020 Presidential race?

The same Kalama Harris that currently has an approval rating of 32% or another way of saying it is has a 68% DISAPPROVAL rating?

I would rather imagine a root canal or digital rectal examination.

Replace uncle Thomas he says. Righttt. Loves George Soros he says.

@Paul – May I ask why you think Obama is the coolest president ever? And why on earth would you want Kamala as President?????? I’m with @Janus on this one…..I’d rather imagine a root canal and a digital rectal exam at the same time!!

Paul McCartney. Do you really need an explanation why?


Read the question, people. Any LIVING person. I can think of a lot of people who have passed. Among the living, no one comes to mind, just my family.

If I could clone myself, that’s who I would want to spend an hour with. Last year I had one fault, I was conceited but this year I ‘m perfect.

Oh Lord, hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way. I can’t wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better lookin’ each day.
-Mack Davis

Your mother. You know why.

President Biden. One hour would give me a lifetime of comical stories.

I would like to sell Putin a retirement plan. I don’t care what it cost us. This war has to stop

First, there are three primary “context clues” in this question. My answer. Therapist. The clues were “hour” “living” and “why.” Why, because many in life use therapy/counseling to not only manage life’s challenges, but as many of us here know I’m sure for overall well being. I know many that could also use this if they are not taking advantage of it already.

Me. Because I like myself.

People who have a healthy ego usually are interested in what others have to say. I like spending time alone, but that only goes so far, then l miss spending time with others.

An astrophysicist like Neil Degrass Tyson to tell me what I will missing in the future, what we are made of, how did we get water on our planet so life could develop, etc.

I’m torn between Elon Musk and Jimmy Buffett. Or maybe Steph Curry

Interesting that no one selected the DA Becton.

An hour with someone.

The list is along as to who I would want to be with for an hour.

My choice would be Mike Rowe.


You know Mike lives in SF, so of all the ideas, yours has the most likely to be granted. I went to undergrad with him in MD. Hes a former Opera singer (did you know that?).


Burt Rutan, one of the most brilliant aerospace engineers of all time. As an aerospace engineer myself, I have always admired his innovative and creative designs. If I could spend an hour with someone who is not currently alive, it would be Neil Armstrong (another aerospace engineer) or Ronald Reagan.

Honestly, probably President Trump. Would have a very engaging conversation about my views on what I think he did right and what I think he did wrong. My understanding is he is very friendly, listens to whomever talks with him (whether he agrees or not) and he clearly has demonstrated he can keep conversations up and entertaining for a long time.

This does assume this question revolves around someone we are not likely to engage discussion with.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Simple’s because he brings me spiritual relief.

Jen Psaki. She’s the John Wayne Gacy of left wing politics.

I am interested in insights into the mind of the modern day psychopath.

This is insane!

California lottery…… Fantasy 5 had 45 winners (including one @ Village Market in Clayton). Normally there is no winner or only 1 or 2…. 45?!!! and they won $7,660 each. Weird!


Oh that’s hard. Donald Trump or Elon Musk they are both my hero’s. I have so many questions.



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