Home » The Water Cooler – Should Construction Be Stopped While We Deal With Water, Power Shortages?

The Water Cooler – Should Construction Be Stopped While We Deal With Water, Power Shortages?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think all new home construction in the state of California should be stopped while we deal with the water and power shortages?

Talk about it.

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100% yes.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

“And out of necessity, they became The Mothers of Invention.”

A Little Rock ‘n roll trivia to brighten the day……..

What an original thought.

…yes, obviously …..I wish our so called leadership would recognize we’re in a drought, no desalination plants are being built or rain water retention facilities and new housing subdivisions are being approved by the hundreds – with NO WATER! Palm Springs is even planning surfing parks! Can you imagine the water loss with those?! Link below.


Palm Springs may have a problem as the Colorado is running low and LA being the largest customer and Las Vegas second largest will get their share before others.

Yes, absolutely. My right to water my 2,000 sqft lawn and cool my two-occupant, 4,000 sqft home supersedes the property rights of independent landowners.

No. What ‘Power Shortages” ?

Lol. You’re kidding right?

Absolutely yes. This was a better and more manageable state 10 million residents ago. And dealing with the shortages should involve stopping illegal immigration, kicking out those here illegally, coming up with a plan for homelessness, kill off the idiotic Housing Element legislation, identifying payments made by developers to politicians, and so on. I could list a lot more but basically government should be enhancing our lives and not harming us intentionally. Fix that and only then start looking for alternatives like desalinization plants but by then they probably would not be needed.

Yes, there should be a moratorium on new home construction. There are also millions of people living in California that do not have the legal right to be here, and they are consuming an awful lot of water, electricity, and natural gas. They should all be rounded up and deported.

Yes and maybe close the boarders. Too many people that we don’t have resources for.

People should stop having babies too.

Definitely YES and also close the southern border to all illegals…
Interesting concept – “illegal”

Without question. We are entering 3 straight years of the latest drought and fire danger. It seems our politicians and their developer friends look at things thru a different lens. Increased use of power and water should have ceased long ago. We also need to close the gates we’re already full….

Hell no.

Our “power shortage” is just as much a farce as the need for lockdowns during the pandemic. It’s a problem created by Marxist greens and environmentalists to weaken our economy and destroy our competitiveness.

We need clean nuclear power. The modern reactor designs are very reliable.

As far as water, we have plenty of water. The problem is we allocate the vast majority of it to unsustainable agriculture.

Anyone with a brain knows the answer is yes, but that leaves out all the politicians who are making the decisions.

I listened to a newscast today that said that the people of Ca need to get used to drinking reclaimed water.

I’m not ok with that.

Unless water districts can show that they are taking every action available to supply fresh water to existing residents, there should be no new houses built.

There are a lot of ways CA could be managing its water better.

The failure of government is once again astoundingly obvious.

Absolutely YES… At least in the near-term, this is getting really scary. There are numerous major housing developments planned in CoCo County. Water availability – spine tingling. Power? Not far behind. We are in a tough, tough decisive time…

Obviously, No!

Ending home construction isn’t the answer. The answer is to build more water reservoirs.

Building new reservoirs isn’t going to be done in CA because of the United Nations Agenda 21 plan, of which, the United States is a signatory country. This is not a conspiracy theory wackos, it’s there in black and white on Wikipedia. Been around since 1992. One objective is local, national, and global sustainable development.

Duh! Be saying it for years. When a species overpopulates its habitat…,blah blah blah. Greedy scum like Seeno won’t have it, though, and their lackeys and sycophants like Birsan will always use the bogus line “We need jobs.” to counter what ecological principles say will happen.

No, what a dumb idea. As if more housing shortage would make the state get serious about infrastructure – how does that work?

This would just punish non-homeowners and working people for the fecklessness of our politicians.

The way to address political sclerosis is voting the bums out, not making people the enemy whose crime is that they didn’t have the good luck to own homes in CA before the insanity.

Could do like Nevada and mandate all new housing be zeroscaped. No lawns and only native plants that take little water.


For you climate change junkies, it could theoretically counter the sea level rising. 🙄

What is your plan for managing the extra salt created by desalination? Pumping it back into the sea is toxic so where will it go?

We can ship it to China like we do with everything else we don’t want to deal with, and let THEM throw it back into the ocean so we can feel all warm and fuzzy about all we’re doing to save the planet.

Or we can put it in swimming pools. Or make more potato chips. Or find some way to build houses out of it. Or maybe spread it all over everybody’s lawns so they won’t have to worry about watering them anymore.

Ever hear of a company called Morton? What about Cargill? You may not know this but these two companies built empires refining salt from the ocean. What a really dumb point of view. What you gonna tell me next?

A previous post stated a penalty for homes that use more than 1,600 gallons of water a day. 1,600+ gallons a day is a lot of water. Just got our most recent water bill and we only used 968 gallons of water for the month. Showers are taken, dishes washed, toilets flushed, normal living is happening. Looked at last August bill and we used 1,429 gallons for the month and that included watering a front yard 3x a week.
Wondering what the heck people are doing to use 1,600+ a day

1600 gallons is fine if you’re a family of 2, as I suspect you are, but what about the family of 6 ?? The plan should allocate usage by number of residents, not by house, this is typical government brain dead thinking

The post stated 1,600+ a day!. Not in a month but in a day! If a family of 4-6 is using that much in a day what are they doing? Each member taking a 30 minute shower. I read the thing twice and it clearly stated per day. Now could it be a typo? I hope a so because that 48,000 gallons a month.

Oh so what?
Eventually they’ll solve those problems… it’s like if you’re already on the liver transplant list, why stop drinking?

Being constructive should never be stopped. As long it doesn’t interfere with quiet enjoyment which is a fundamental right. I have had the privilege to reside in several communities. Once we surpass the safe threshold of a sustainable existence then it will only lend to a hap hazardous and unmanageable situation. We have a moral obligation to care for our youth and the vulnerable at large community. My parents would relate to me on every level. They simply showed me simplicity. Be kind it doesn’t cost.



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