Home » Contra Costa County Has Third Lowest COVID-19 Death Rate Among Large Counties

Contra Costa County Has Third Lowest COVID-19 Death Rate Among Large Counties


Contra Costa County has the second-lowest COVID-19 death rate in the United States among counties with more than a million residents, county health director Anna Roth told the county board of supervisors.

Showing the strength of what Roth called “the benefit of regional approaches,” Roth said Alameda County is number one. Santa Clara County is third.

As of April 20, there have been 1,297 COVID-related deaths in Contra Costa (three people have died in the county since April 20).

Roth also announced the health department has launched a “Path to Zero” initiative, meant to stop all preventable COVID deaths. The campaign will encourage people to stay up to date on vaccinations and get treatment if you get infected. The county wants people to be aware of what it says is a highly effective, free, prescription medication. Path to Zero aims to raise awareness about how to access treatment options.


Any Contra Costa resident sick with COVID can call the county’s 24/7 advice nurse line at (877) 661-6230 and request a prescription.

“These treatments are free to anyone, and readily available at this point,” Roth said.

As of Tuesday, 82.2 percent of county residents were fully vaccinated, with another 57.9 percent receiving boosters. Total cases since the pandemic began have reached 193,709 with 2,159 cases currently active.

“This is not a time for a victory lap – we are still very hard at work,” Roth told the board. “But we think this is a time to be hopeful. There’s prevention, there’s now really good treatment options available. And masks or not, vaccinations or not, the treatment is here for you. It’s going to take some time and some continued work by our community and our team, but we’re confident we can navigate this path to zero preventable COVID-19 deaths here in Contra Costa County.”


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That’s good news. However, I give the credit to the American people. Government as usual, just got in the way. Then, did a power grab like none before.

A prescription for what?

Third lowest or second lowest? A little conflicting but great news!

Hey Roth … go pound a rock.

Now, give us real facts. 1,297 Covid related deaths .. how bout tell us how many died FROM covid … Can you do that? You are a health ‘professional’, so you should be able to give REAL data.

What have we all learned from this?

a) Covid was/is something you cannot avoid. If you’re gonna get it, you’re gonna get it, even if you wear a level 4 rebreather suit alone in your car.

b) People will follow blindly whatever their TV tells them to do.

c) Masks and vaccines did nothing, and will continue to do nothing (until the come up with a real vaccination)

d) The death count has been drastically exaggerated for hospital monetary gains.

e) Big pharma sold out a population for monetary gains.

f) People that got the vaccine won’t know for years what future side effects may be. We already know about blood clotting and heart problems.

g) Lastly, we all were lied to, and continue to be lied to.



You brought up a lot of great points but don’t agree with “c”. I’m vaccinated, boosted and wear N95 masks and work with people who are Covid positive without a mask on (either asymptomatic or show symptoms) and have remained negative. I have had co-workers catch Covid from their kids daycare who no longer wear masks, as an example. Masks and vaccines in my personal experiences have shown to slow the spread.

Some thing to also look into is heart issues among those who have/had Covid, not just the vaccinated, as their symptoms/long term is much worse than any noted by the vaccine.

I agree with item (g) on your list. See items (a) through (e). People who worry about long-term effects of the vaccines are ignoring the mostly unknown long-term effects of a case of Covid-19. I’ve taken my chances with the vaccine.

Thank you!
Couldn’t have said it better than you.

It’s time to stop this crap.

Roth has no idea what hard work is.

Masks work…but you have to wear one, not just talk about it.
Washing hands works, but you have to remember.
There are those that still insts on shaking hands,,,, that is the biggest spreader of germs.
Losing weight works….. Covid loves to burrow in fat.

Health conscience people can avoid virus’s just by taking a few simple steps.

Listening to and following the government is always a failure.

Eating healthy, staying fit, avoiding unnecessary contact, and keeping clean are always better choices than anything else.

I still shake hands and that is considered polite when you meet someone new. *GASP* I even hug some folks! *GASP*

If you do not want to, that is your choice Aunt Barbara but I am hard pressed to believe that is the biggest spreader of germs. Do you have a source for that statement, or is that just the guess of an ‘Aunt’?

A zero death policy is INSANE. That’s not how viruses work, especially not when the method of reporting of “COVID deaths” is so inconsistent.

“…there’s now really good treatment options available.” There have ALWAYS been, but the psychopaths running the government and CDC outlawed them (hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin). Big Pharma couldn’t profit off of those treatments though.

COVID IS A HOAX. I would never listen to anna roth or that creepy other dude for anything. These people should be locked up in padded rooms and forfeit their assets. The mental abuses conducted by these thief’s is criminal. They have hurt children and old people in ways that are not human and these people will never be made whole again. Sad

Kudos to the residents of Contra Costa County. They stayed home when they were supposed to. They wore masks when they were supposed to. And they got vaccinated. They stepped up and did the right thing. Their actions saved lives.

The only one of those that mattered in the end was vaccination. All the rest didn’t move the needle but sure did a lot of other damage.

How much of this number is under reported because we sent CC residence to a SF hospital and so they ended up in Alameda’s death count?

but wearing a mask says your against Trump. Follow the science!



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