The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you believe Twitter will be better or worse now that Elon Musk owns the company?
Talk about it.
Don’t know, don’t care. The left creates its own problems, with their Green New Deal, and their attempt to control free speech.
If they weren’t pushing electric vehicles so hard, he would not be as rich as he is, and if they weren’t banning people from Twitter because they don’t agree with what they have to say, Elon would not have bought twitter.
I find the whole thing to be quite amusing.
The same useless
Better. No question.
Who cares ?
Better, hopefully? But not until after some missteps.
Never joined.
Didn’t want to be part of something with the word “twit” in it.
Never used it. Kind of discouraging that such fluff has an impact on how people think and vote.
Goal a accomplished: Trump’s Twitter alternative takes a nose dive. Twitter’s operation will likely have little meaningful change.
$42 Billion just to piss on Trumps shoes?
Sure, that seems worth it.
Spoken like someone who doesn’t have $42 Billion…………
@ Fearless… No, $42 billion also buys Elon a ton of publicity. Now he is the hero of free speech. Just like he was the hero who was going to take us to Mars. (Never happened). And the hero who was going to invent a submarine to save the soccer team, trapped in a cave. (Never happened)…. and the hero who was going to provide cheap plentiful, solar energy. (Never happened…Solar City is being sued for fraud). and the hero who sold his Silicon Valley Mansion to live in tiny home. (never happened) etc…etc…
Well, you would have to be able to think first. Dems just do what they are told.
Hopefully it will turn out to be a major victory for free speech. I hope Musk fires all the woke, serves them right. I’m not on twitter, but just may join up now just to show my support.
Twitter board accepted Musk’s offer.
Never have seen point of ‘social media’.
But Musk may just be able to have removed, large blue pole impairment . . .
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2c8pdxr3
Grandstanding, free TV facetime in an election year, congressional hearings likely being scheduled.
“Google has launched an ‘inclusive language’ function designed to avoid the use of politically incorrect words.
Users typing ‘landlord’ will see a warning that it ‘may not be inclusive to all readers’ with the suggestion they should try ‘property owner’ or ‘proprietor’ instead.
The word ‘humankind’ is a suggested alternative to what the online giant apparently sees as the controversial term ‘mankind’.”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2p9742k4
I like proprietor, it sounds a bit more sophisticated than landlord, but the PC crowd better come up with another alternative for humankind, it still includes the word “man.”
Well, apparently we have to use the term “birthing people” now because don’t know, a man may be a mother? Which is super interesting, since ONLY females can give birth (but, not every female can). Idk why we cannot use the term “mother” just because some people are confused and so we must pretend they don’t have mental health issues? Society is 100% attacking women right now and the left defends this atrocity.
Twitter is ran by liberal loony Karens that hate any speech that is not their tribal speak. Flush the toilet and and bring back free speech.
Discussion should include all points of view. Companies like Twitter made grand errors believing they should shepherd opinion favoring the “woke” point of view. We called this “media bias” back in the 1980s. It’s time for it to stop and maybe Elon can aid it’s end. I particularly recall back in the early days of the “pandemic” when those two doctors out of Bakersfield complained about polices of the lockdown and Elon replied on Twitter “the docs make good points.”
Better at/than what? I never used twitter, other than reading something linked by somebody every now and again. My suspicion is that all the liars (leftists) on twitter will locate to a different platform, while the rest of the left media will ignore twitter in favor of what will be their next propaganda machine and twitter will go the way of myspace. Musk may find a way to monetize twitter, but in a different platform than its current state as the democrats’ pravda. I am glad Musk owns it, now I hope the Tesla stock regains recent losses.
I’ll wager better, more entertaining and therefore more profitable. Let the word-wars begin!
Forty Four Billion Dollars would be about One Thousand Dollars for each California resident.
To quote John Lennon: “It can’t get no worse”
It would not surprise me to find out there was a plan to ban all conservative candidates from Twitter prior to the mid-terms, like they banned Trump prior to 2020. Musk may have thrown a wrench into the Democrats only desperate option which is to completely lock out conservatives from all the major tech platforms. I mean who is going to stop them? AG Garland ? LoL
Wow just having a quick look in here. I guess folks here still live in alternate realities.
“like they banned Trump prior to 2020.”
Trump was banned from Twitter on January 8, 2021 and not prior to the 2020 election, but of course facts won’t matter.
Apparently banning a sitting President is just fine with you. They were shadow banning and deleting tweets long before then. Same with Facebook.
Where you been?
No clue since I don’t tweet or twitter.
I believe it will be somewhat better.
The problem is people who post such awful stuff.
They have that right.
I just don’t want to see it.
So there’s not much sense in signing up, for me.
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose ONE name so others can easily chat with you.
Much better, no censorship now.
TWTR should be better but I’ll wait to see if the leftist/progressive, intolerant liberal employees who continually censored critics of Biden and left wing policies are purged from the ranks.
Hmm, . . . .
Twitter moving to TEXAS ? ? ? ? ? ?
It’s too soon to tell, Babylon Bee isn’t back, yet.
Perhaps he will next purchase Dominion voting machines.
That would certainly put a run in the progressive panty hose……..
Twitter?…..I still have a rotary phone and a Victorola
Maybe Elon can buy dominion voting machines from soros!
I doubt that Soros can sell Dominion voting since he doesn’t own it.
But again facts will not matter for the Claycord posters.
Lighten up JWB that was Sarcastic, get it.
Sarchasm: /ˈsärˌkazəm/ noun
The large, empty void between those capable of detecting sarcasm and those incapable of doing so.
..not sure – doesn’t matter… he is the only one that can get anything meaningful accomplished within a reasonable amount of time
Hmmm… the left wing, totalitarian, iron fist of woke censorship or free speech?
Tough choice.
I think most of you will decide to release the grip on your ankles and approve of Mr. Musk’s decision to allow free speech… the rest of you can continue to wear your face masks in the shower and vote for Democrats, over and over and over.
It was on this day, in 1976, that Rick Monday rescued an American Flag from incineration at Dodger Stadium.
I hate the Dodgers, but I do love Rick for what he did.
Meant that for “politics”.
But cheers to Rick anyway.
Rick was in the Guard when he played for the A’s
It’s gonna be better. Regardless if your on Twitter or not. It’s about free speech and our rights to it. Some of you just don’t understand and your comments show it. Elon is a hero to our free speech rights and has done what our politicians haven’t. Thank you Elon.
Let’s see… Elon controls space, he controls the future of cars and transportation… and now he has the internet… what could go wrong???
Just sayin
Absolute power doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.
Most of all I find it sad that it takes an African American immigrant to understand the democratic value of free speech.
I have a friend who is a Norwegian African American.
Now that’s diversity at its best. He’s pro-free speech, he’s worked hard to build a great career, and he’s really quite spiritual.
All qualities the woke despise……..